Package: leaflet

Joe Cheng

leaflet: Create Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library

Create and customize interactive maps using the 'Leaflet' JavaScript library and the 'htmlwidgets' package. These maps can be used directly from the R console, from 'RStudio', in Shiny applications and R Markdown documents.

Authors:Joe Cheng [aut, cre], Barret Schloerke [aut], Bhaskar Karambelkar [aut], Yihui Xie [aut], Hadley Wickham [ctb], Kenton Russell [ctb], Kent Johnson [ctb], Vladimir Agafonkin [ctb, cph], CloudMade [cph], Leaflet contributors [ctb], Brandon Copeland [ctb, cph], Joerg Dietrich [ctb, cph], Benjamin Becquet [ctb, cph], Norkart AS [ctb, cph], L. Voogdt [ctb, cph], Daniel Montague [ctb, cph], Kartena AB [ctb, cph], Robert Kajic [ctb, cph], Mapbox [ctb, cph], Michael Bostock [ctb, cph], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]

leaflet.pdf |leaflet.html
leaflet/json (API)

# Install 'leaflet' in R:
install.packages('leaflet', repos = c('', ''))

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Pkgdown site:





17.20 score 821 stars 178 packages 39k scripts 80k downloads 13 mentions 113 exports 55 dependencies

Last updated 14 days agofrom:947ea176d1. Checks:6 OK, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 04 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEMar 04 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEMar 04 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 04 2025
R-4.4-winOKMar 04 2025
R-4.4-macOKMar 04 2025
R-4.4-linuxOKMar 04 2025
R-4.3-winOKMar 04 2025
R-4.3-macOKMar 04 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Add Awesome MarkersaddAwesomeMarkers
Graphics elements and layersaddCircleMarkers addCircles addControl addGeoJSON addLabelOnlyMarkers addMarkers addPolygons addPolylines addPopups addRectangles addTiles addTopoJSON addWMSTiles highlightOptions
Add a Graticule on the mapaddGraticule
Add UI controls to switch layers on and offaddLayersControl layersControlOptions removeLayersControl
Add a color legend to a mapaddLegend labelFormat
Add additional panes to leaflet map to control layer orderaddMapPane
Add a measure control to the map.addMeasure
Add a minimap to the mapaddMiniMap
Add a tile layer from a known map provideraddProviderTiles providerTileOptions
Add a raster image as a layeraddRasterImage projectRasterForLeaflet
Add a color legend for a SpatRaster to a mapaddRasterLegend
Add or remove a scale baraddScaleBar removeScaleBar scaleBarOptions
Add a simple Graticule on the mapaddSimpleGraticule
Add a daylight layer on top of the mapaddTerminator
Atlantic Ocean storms 2005atlStorms2005
Make awesome-icon setawesomeIconList
Create a list of awesome icon dataawesomeIcons
Selected breweries in Franconiabreweries91
Color mappingcolorBin colorFactor colorNumeric colorQuantile
Extension points for pluginsdispatch invokeMethod
Create an easyButton statestateaddEasyButton addEasyButtonBar easyButton easyButtonState
Notifies the map of new latitude/longitude of items of interest on the mapexpandLimits
Notifies the map of polygons of interest on the mapexpandLimitsBbox
Administrative borders of Switzerland (level 1)gadmCHE
Extract the map's datagetMapData
Set options on layer groupsgroupOptions
Make icon seticonList
Create a list of icon dataicons
Create a Leaflet map widgetleaflet leafletCRS leafletOptions
Various leaflet dependency functions for use in downstream packagesleafletDependencies
Wrapper functions for using 'leaflet' in 'shiny'leafletOutput renderLeaflet
Send commands to a Leaflet instance in a Shiny appleafletProxy
Leaflet sizing policyleafletSizingPolicy
Make Awesome IconmakeAwesomeIcon
Define icon setsmakeIcon
Set options on a leaflet map objectmapOptions
Color previewing utilitypreviewColors
Providersproviders providers.details
Remove elements from a mapclearControls clearGeoJSON clearGroup clearImages clearMarkerClusters clearMarkers clearPopups clearShapes clearTiles clearTopoJSON remove removeControl removeGeoJSON removeImage removeMarker removeMarkerCluster removeMarkerFromCluster removeMeasure removePopup removeShape removeTiles removeTopoJSON
Methods to manipulate the map widgetclearBounds fitBounds flyTo flyToBounds setMaxBounds setView
Show or hide layer groupshideGroup showGroup
Extra options for map elements and layersgridOptions labelOptions markerClusterOptions markerOptions pathOptions popupOptions tileOptions WMSTileOptions
Utility function to check if a coordinates is validvalidateCoords