Package: connectapi

Cole Arendt

connectapi: Utilities for Interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server API

Provides a helpful 'R6' class and methods for interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server API along with some meaningful utility functions for regular tasks. API documentation varies by 'Posit Connect' installation and version, but the latest documentation is also hosted publicly at <>.

Authors:Sean Lopp [aut], Cole Arendt [aut, cre], Posit, PBC [cph, fnd]

connectapi.pdf |connectapi.html
connectapi/json (API)

# Install 'connectapi' in R:
install.packages('connectapi', repos = c('', ''))

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118 exports 42 stars 3.54 score 24 dependencies 1 dependents 1.1k downloads

Last updated 10 days agofrom:33fc5ffc5e



Customize HTTP Requests

Rendered fromcustomize-http.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 16 2024.

Last update: 2024-04-16
Started: 2021-05-14

Getting Started with connectapi

Rendered fromgetting-started.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 16 2024.

Last update: 2023-02-13
Started: 2019-04-30

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
connectapi: Utilities for Interacting with the 'Posit Connect' Server APIconnectapi-package connectapi
Audit Access Controlsaudit_access_open
Audit R Versionsaudit_r_versions
Audit Run As Settingsaudit_runas
Browsebrowse_api_docs browse_connect browse_dashboard browse_solo
Define a bundle from a Directorybundle_dir
Define a bundle from a path (a path directly to a tar.gz file)bundle_path
Define a bundle from a static file (or files)bundle_static
Create a connection to Posit Connectconnect
Delete Contentcontent_delete
Get Content Itemcontent_item
Content Listcontent_list_by_tag
Get Content List with Permissionscontent_list_guid_has_access content_list_with_permissions
Get Content Titlecontent_title
Update Contentcontent_update content_update_access_type content_update_owner
Create Random Namecreate_random_name
Build a Dashboard URL from a Content Itemdashboard_url
Build a Dashboard URL from Character Vectorsdashboard_url_chr
Delete the Vanity URLdelete_vanity_url
Deploy a bundledeploy deploy_current
Deploy a Git Repositorydeploy_repo deploy_repo_enable deploy_repo_update
Download a Bundle from Deployed Connect Contentdownload_bundle
Get Audit Logs from Posit Connect Serverget_audit_logs
Get Bundlesdelete_bundle get_bundles
Get information about content on the Posit Connect serverget_content
Manage Environment Variablesget_environment set_environment_all set_environment_new set_environment_remove
Get users within a specific groupget_group_members
Get group information from the Posit Connect serverget_groups
Get the Content Imagedelete_image get_image has_image
Get Jobsget_job get_jobs
Get Real-Time Process Dataget_procs
Get all Tags on the servercreate_tag create_tag_tree delete_tag filter_tag_tree_chr filter_tag_tree_id get_content_tags get_tags get_tag_data set_content_tags set_content_tag_tree
Get TimeZonesget_timezones
Get usage information for deployed shiny applicationsget_usage_shiny
Get usage information from deployed static contentget_usage_static
Get user information from the Posit Connect serverget_users
Get the Vanity URLget_vanity_url
Render a Variantget_variant_renderings variant_render
Get a Variant Scheduleget_variant_schedule
Get Variantget_variant get_variants get_variant_default
Git Repository Helpersgit repo_check_account repo_check_branches repo_check_branches_ref repo_check_manifest_dirs
Create a Remote Groupgroups_create_remote
Pagingpage_cursor page_offset
Content permissionscontent_add_group content_add_user content_delete_group content_delete_user get_content_permissions get_group_permission get_my_permission get_user_permission permissions
Poll Taskpoll_task
Class representing a Connect API clientConnect PositConnect
Promote content from one Connect server to anotherpromote
Set the Content Imageset_image_path set_image_url set_image_webshot
Set RunAs Userset_run_as
Set a Scheduleschedule_describe set_schedule set_schedule_day set_schedule_dayofmonth set_schedule_dayofweek set_schedule_dayweekofmonth set_schedule_hour set_schedule_minute set_schedule_remove set_schedule_semimonth set_schedule_week set_schedule_weekday set_schedule_year
Set the Vanity URLset_vanity_url
Swap the Vanity URLswap_vanity_url
Connect Tibbletbl_connect
Create a Remote Userusers_create_remote
Check to see if a vanity URL is currently in usevanity_is_available
Verify Content Nameverify_content_name