now works with recent versions of the {vdiffr}
package. (#149){httpgd}
graphics device (and thus, Github codespaces) is now supported. (#143)length-one vector
is no longer thrown on R 4.2. (#121){thematic}
no longer throws an error when used with ggiraph::dsvg()
. (#112)Patch release for vdiffr 1.0
now works as expected with the {gganimate}
package. (#96){ggplot2}
extensions that set geom/scale colour defaults to 0.{ggplot2}
methods via registerS3method()
within .onLoad()
is one such package that does this). (#90)thematic_rmd()
now works as expected in shiny: runtime
Rmd documents. (#87)ggplot2::element_blank()
in plot-specific user code not being respected by {thematic}
. (#83)