Package 'shinytest2'

Title: Testing for Shiny Applications
Description: Automated unit testing of Shiny applications through a headless 'Chromium' browser.
Authors: Barret Schloerke [cre, aut] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], Winston Chang [ctb] (Original author to rstudio/shinytest), Gábor Csárdi [ctb] (Original author to rstudio/shinytest), Hadley Wickham [ctb] (Original author to rstudio/shinytest), Mango Solutions [cph, ccp] (Original author to rstudio/shinytest)
Maintainer: Barret Schloerke <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2024-10-04 05:17:07 UTC

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Drive a Shiny application


This class starts a Shiny app in a new R session, along with chromote's headless browser that can be used to simulate user actions. This provides a full simulation of a Shiny app so that you can test user interactions with a live app.

Methods described below are ordered by perceived popularity. Expect methods are grouped next to their corresponding get methods.


Please see Testing in depth for more details about the different expectation methods.

Please see Robust testing for more details about the cost / benefits for each expectation method.

Test mode

To have your AppDriver retrieve values from your Shiny app, be sure to set shiny::runApp(test.mode = TRUE) when running your Shiny app.

If you are deploying your Shiny app where you do not have control over the call to shiny::runApp(), you can set options(shiny.testmode = TRUE) in a .Rprofile file within your Shiny app directory.

Start-up failure

If the app throws an error during initialization, the AppDriver will be stored in rlang::last_error()$app. This allows for the "failure to initialize" to be signaled while also allowing for the app to be retrieved after any initialization error has been thrown.

Exporting reactive values

Reactive values from within your Shiny application can be exported using the method: shiny::exportTestValues(). This underutilized method exposes internal values of your app without needing to create a corresponding input value or output value.

For example:

shiny_app <- shinyApp(
    h1("Pythagorean theorem"),
    numericInput("A", "A", 3),
    numericInput("B", "B", 4),
  function(input, output) {
    a_squared <- reactive({ req(input$A); input$A * input$A })
    b_squared <- reactive({ req(input$B); input$B * input$B })
    c_squared <- reactive({ a_squared() + b_squared() })
    c_value <- reactive({ sqrt(c_squared()) })
    output$C <- renderText({ c_value() })

      a_squared = { a_squared() },
      b_squared = { b_squared() },
      c_squared = { c_squared() }

app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

init_vals <- app$get_values()
#> List of 3
#> $ input :List of 2
#> ..$ A: int 3
#> ..$ B: int 4
#> $ output:List of 1
#> ..$ C: chr "5"
#> $ export:List of 3
#> ..$ a_squared: int 9
#> ..$ b_squared: int 16
#> ..$ c_squared: int 25

These exported test values are only exposed when shiny::runApp(test.mode = TRUE) is set. shinytest2 sets this variable when running Shiny based app or document.

testthat wrappers

The two main expectation methods: ⁠$expect_values()⁠ and ⁠$expect_screenshot()⁠ eventually wrap testthat::expect_snapshot_file().

Their underlying logic is similar to:

## Expect values
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
jsonlite::write_json(app$get_values(), tmpfile)
  variant = app$get_variant(),
  compare = testthat::compare_file_text,
  cran = cran

## Expect screenshot
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
  variant = app$get_variant(),
  compare = testthat::compare_file_binary,
  cran = cran

To update the snapshot values, you will need to run a variation of testthat::snapshot_review().


Public methods

Method new()

Initialize an AppDriver object

  app_dir = testthat::test_path("../../"),
  name = NULL,
  variant = missing_arg(),
  seed = NULL,
  load_timeout = missing_arg(),
  timeout = missing_arg(),
  wait = TRUE,
  screenshot_args = missing_arg(),
  expect_values_screenshot_args = TRUE,
  check_names = TRUE,
  view = missing_arg(),
  height = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  clean_logs = TRUE,
  shiny_args = list(),
  render_args = NULL,
  options = list()

This value can be many different things:

  • A directory containing your Shiny application or a run-time Shiny R Markdown document.

  • A URL pointing to your shiny application. (Don't forget to set testmode = TRUE when running your application!)

  • A Shiny application object which inherits from "shiny.appobj".

By default, app_dir is set to test_path("../../") to work in both interactive and testing usage.

If a file path is not provided to app_dir, snapshots will be saved as if the root of the Shiny application was the current directory.


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


Prefix value to use when saving testthat snapshot files. Ex: ⁠NAME-001.json⁠. Name must be unique when saving multiple snapshots from within the same testing file. Otherwise, two different AppDriver objects will be referencing the same files.


If not-NULL, results will be saved in ⁠_snaps/{variant}/{}⁠, so variant must be a single string of alphanumeric characters suitable for use as a directory name.

You can variants to deal with cases where the snapshot output varies and you want to capture and test the variations. Common use cases include variations for operating system, R version, or version of key dependency. For example usage, see platform_variant().


An optional random seed to use before starting the application. For apps that use R's random number generator, this can make their behavior repeatable.


How long to wait for the app to load, in ms. This includes the time to start R. Defaults to 15s.

If load_timeout is missing, the first numeric value found will be used:

  • R option options(shinytest2.load_timeout=)

  • System environment variable SHINYTEST2_LOAD_TIMEOUT

  • 15 * 1000 (15 seconds)


Default number of milliseconds for any timeout or timeout_ parameter in the AppDriver class. Defaults to 4s.

If timeout is missing, the first numeric value found will be used:

  • R option options(shinytest2.timeout=)

  • System environment variable SHINYTEST2_TIMEOUT

  • 4 * 1000 (4 seconds)


If TRUE, ⁠$wait_for_idle(duration = 200, timeout = load_timeout)⁠ will be called once the app has connected a new session, blocking until the Shiny app is idle for 200ms.


Default set of arguments to pass in to chromote::ChromoteSession's ⁠$get_screenshot()⁠ method when taking screenshots within ⁠$expect_screenshot()⁠. To disable screenshots by default, set to FALSE.


The value for screenshot_args when producing a debug screenshot for ⁠$expect_values()⁠. To disable debug screenshots by default, set to FALSE.


Check if widget names are unique once the application initially loads? If duplicate names are found on initialization, a warning will be displayed.


Opens the ChromoteSession in an interactive browser tab before attempting to navigate to the Shiny app.

height, width

Window size to use when opening the ChromoteSession. Both height and width values must be non-null values to be used.


Whether to remove the stdout and stderr Shiny app logs when the AppDriver object is garbage collected.


A list of options to pass to shiny::runApp(). Ex: list(port = 8080).


Passed to rmarkdown::run(render_args=) for interactive .Rmds. Ex: list(quiet = TRUE)


A list of base::options() to set in the Shiny application's child R process. See shiny::shinyOptions() for inspiration. If shiny.trace = TRUE, then all WebSocket traffic will be captured by chromote and time-stamped for logging purposes.


An object with class AppDriver and the many methods described in this documentation.

# Create an AppDriver from the Shiny app in the current directory
app <- AppDriver()

# Create an AppDriver object from a different Shiny app directory
example_app <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver(example_app)

# Expect consistent inital values

Method view()

View the Shiny application

Calls ⁠$view()⁠ on the ChromoteSession object to view your Shiny application in a Chrome browser.

This method is very helpful for debugging while writing your tests.

# Open app in Chrome

Method click()

Click an element

Find a Shiny input/output value or DOM CSS selector and click it using the DOM method

This method can be used to click input buttons and other elements that need to simulate a click action.

  input = missing_arg(),
  output = missing_arg(),
  selector = missing_arg(),
input, output, selector

A name of an Shiny input/output value or a DOM CSS selector. Only one of these may be used.


If input is used, all extra arguments are passed to ⁠$set_inputs(!!input := "click", ...)⁠. This means that the AppDriver will wait until an output has been updated within the specified timeout_. When clicking any other content, ... must be empty.

app_path <- system.file("examples/07_widgets", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

tmpfile <- write.csv(cars, "cars.csv")
app$upload_file(file1 = tmpfile)
app$set_inputs(dataset = "cars", obs = 6)

Method set_inputs()

Set input values

Set Shiny inputs by sending the value to the Chrome browser and programmatically updating the values. Given wait_ = TRUE, the method will not return until an output value has been updated.

  wait_ = TRUE,
  timeout_ = missing_arg(),
  allow_no_input_binding_ = FALSE,
  priority_ = c("input", "event")

Name-value pairs, ⁠component_name_1 = value_1, component_name_2 = value_2⁠ etc. Input with name component_name_1 will be assigned value value_1.


Wait until all reactive updates have completed?


Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.


When setting the value of an input, allow it to set the value of an input even if that input does not have an input binding. This is useful to replicate behavior like hovering over a plotly plot.


Sets the event priority. For expert use only: see for details.

app_path <- system.file("examples/07_widgets", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

app$set_inputs(dataset = "cars", obs = 6)

Method upload_file()

Upload a file

Uploads a file to the specified file input.

AppDriver$upload_file(..., wait_ = TRUE, timeout_ = missing_arg())

Name-path pair, e.g. component_name = file_path. The file located at file_path will be uploaded to file input with name component_name.


Wait until all reactive updates have completed?


Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.

app_path <- system.file("examples/09_upload", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Save example file
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(cars, tmpfile, row.names = FALSE)

# Upload file to input named: file1
app$upload_file(file1 = tmpfile)

Method expect_values()

Expect input, output, and export values

A JSON snapshot is saved of given the results from the underlying call to ⁠$get_values()⁠.

Note, values that contain environments or other values that will have trouble serializing may not work well. Instead, these objects should be manually inspected and have their components tested individually.

Please see Robust testing for more details.

  input = missing_arg(),
  output = missing_arg(),
  export = missing_arg(),
  screenshot_args = missing_arg(),
  name = NULL,
  cran = FALSE

Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.

input, output, export

Depending on which parameters are supplied, different return values can occur: * If input, output, and export are all missing, then all values are included in the snapshot. * If at least one input, output, or export is specified, then only the requested values are included in the snapshot.

The values supplied to each variable can be: * A character vector of specific names to only include in the snapshot. * TRUE to request that all values of that type are included in the snapshot. * Anything else (e.g. NULL or FALSE) will result in the parameter being ignored.


This value is passed along to ⁠$expect_screenshot()⁠ where the resulting snapshot expectation is ignored. If missing, the default value will be ⁠$new(expect_values_screenshot_args=)⁠.

The final value can either be:

  • TRUE: A screenshot of the browser's scrollable area will be taken with no delay

  • FALSE: No screenshot will be taken

  • A named list of arguments. These arguments are passed directly to chromote::ChromoteSession's ⁠$get_screenshot()⁠ method. The selector and delay will default to "html" and 0 respectively.


The file name to be used for the snapshot. The file extension will be overwritten to .json. By default, the name supplied to app on initialization with a counter will be used (e.g. "NAME-001.json").


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.


The result of the snapshot expectation

shiny_app <- shinyApp(
    h1("Pythagorean theorem"),
    numericInput("A", "A", 3),
    numericInput("B", "B", 4),
  function(input, output) {
    a_squared <- reactive({ req(input$A); input$A * input$A })
    b_squared <- reactive({ req(input$B); input$B * input$B })
    c_squared <- reactive({ a_squared() + b_squared() })
    c_value <- reactive({ sqrt(c_squared()) })
    output$C <- renderText({ c_value() })

      a_squared = { a_squared() },
      b_squared = { b_squared() },
      c_squared = { c_squared() }

app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Snapshot all known values

# Snapshot only `export` values
app$expect_values(export = TRUE)

# Snapshot values `"A"` from `input` and `"C"` from `output`
app$expect_values(input = "A", output = "C")

Method get_value()

Get a single input, output, or export value

This is a helper function around ⁠$get_values()⁠ to retrieve a single input, output, or export value. Only a single input, output, or export value can be used.

Note, values that contain environments or other values that will have trouble serializing to RDS may not work well.

  input = missing_arg(),
  output = missing_arg(),
  export = missing_arg(),
  hash_images = FALSE

Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.

input, output, export

One of these variable should contain a single string value. If more than one value is specified or no values are specified, an error will be thrown.


If TRUE, images will be hashed before being returned. Otherwise, all images will return their full data64 encoded value.


The requested input, output, or export value.

app_path <- system.file("examples/04_mpg", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Retrieve a single value
app$get_value(output = "caption")
#> [1] "mpg ~ cyl"
# Equivalent code using `$get_values()`
app$get_values(output = "caption")$output$caption
#> [1] "mpg ~ cyl"

Method get_values()

Get input, output, and export values

Retrieves a list of all known input, output, or export values. This method is a core method when inspecting your Shiny app.

Note, values that contain environments or other values that will have trouble serializing may not work well.

  input = missing_arg(),
  output = missing_arg(),
  export = missing_arg(),
  hash_images = FALSE

Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.

input, output, export

Depending on which parameters are supplied, different return values can occur: * If input, output, and export are all missing, then all values are included in the snapshot. * If at least one input, output, or export is specified, then only the requested values are included in the snapshot.

The values supplied to each variable can be: * A character vector of specific names to only include in the snapshot. * TRUE to request that all values of that type are included in the snapshot. * Anything else (e.g. NULL or FALSE) will result in the parameter being ignored.


If TRUE, images will be hashed before being returned. Otherwise, all images will return their full data64 encoded value.


A named list of all inputs, outputs, and export values.

shiny_app <- shinyApp(
    h1("Pythagorean theorem"),
    numericInput("A", "A", 3),
    numericInput("B", "B", 4),
  function(input, output) {
    a_squared <- reactive({ req(input$A); input$A * input$A })
    b_squared <- reactive({ req(input$B); input$B * input$B })
    c_squared <- reactive({ a_squared() + b_squared() })
    c_value <- reactive({ sqrt(c_squared()) })
    output$C <- renderText({ c_value() })

      a_squared = { a_squared() },
      b_squared = { b_squared() },
      c_squared = { c_squared() }

app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Show all known values
#> List of 3
#> $ input :List of 2
#> ..$ A: int 3
#> ..$ B: int 4
#> $ output:List of 1
#> ..$ C: chr "5"
#> $ export:List of 3
#> ..$ a_squared: int 9
#> ..$ b_squared: int 16
#> ..$ c_squared: int 25

# Get only `export` values
str(app$get_values(export = TRUE))
#> List of 1
#> $ export:List of 3
#> ..$ a_squared: int 9
#> ..$ b_squared: int 16
#> ..$ c_squared: int 25

# Get values `"A"` from `input` and `"C"` from `output`
str(app$get_values(input = "A", output = "C"))
#> List of 2
#> $ input :List of 1
#> ..$ A: int 3
#> $ output:List of 1
#> ..$ C: chr "5"

Method expect_download()

Expect a downloadable file

Given a shiny::downloadButton()/shiny::downloadLink() output ID, the corresponding file will be downloaded and saved as a snapshot file.

  compare = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  cran = FALSE

output ID of shiny::downloadButton()/shiny::downloadLink()


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


This value is passed through to testthat::expect_snapshot_file(). By default it is set to NULL which will default to testthat::compare_file_text if name has extension .r, .R, .Rmd, .md, or .txt, and otherwise uses testthat::compare_file_binary.


File name to save file to (including file name extension). The default, NULL, generates an ascending sequence of names: ⁠⁠, ⁠⁠, etc.


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.

app_path <- system.file("examples/10_download", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Save snapshot of rock.csv as
# Save snapshot value of `rock.csv` to capture default file name
app$expect_download("downloadData", compare = testthat::compare_file_text)

Method get_download()

Get downloadable file

Given a shiny::downloadButton()/shiny::downloadLink() output ID, the corresponding file will be downloaded and saved as a file.

AppDriver$get_download(output, filename = NULL)

output ID of shiny::downloadButton()/shiny::downloadLink()


File path to save the downloaded file to.


⁠$get_download()⁠ will return the final save location of the file. This location can change depending on the value of filename and response headers.

Location logic:

  • If filename is not NULL, filename will be returned.

  • If a content-disposition filename is provided, then a temp file containing this filename will be returned.

  • Otherwise, a temp file ending in .download will be returned.

app_path <- system.file("examples/10_download", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Get rock.csv as a tempfile
#> [1] "/TEMP/PATH/rock.csv"

# Get rock.csv as a "./myfile.csv"
app$get_download("downloadData", filename = "./myfile.csv")
#> [1] "./myfile.csv"

Method expect_text()

Expect snapshot of UI text

⁠$expect_text()⁠ will extract the text value of all matching elements via TAG.textContent and store them in a snapshot file. This method is more robust to internal package change as only the text values will be maintained. Note, this method will not retrieve any ⁠<input />⁠ value's text content, e.g. text inputs or text areas, as the input values are not stored in the live HTML.

When possible, use ⁠$expect_text()⁠ over ⁠$expect_html()⁠ to allow package authors room to alter their HTML structures. The resulting array of TAG.textContent values found will be stored in a snapshot file.

Please see Robust testing for more details.

AppDriver$expect_text(selector, ..., cran = FALSE)

A DOM CSS selector to be passed into document.querySelectorAll()


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.

hello_app <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(hello_app)

# Make a snapshot of `"Hello Shiny!"`

Method get_text()

Get UI text

⁠$get_text()⁠ will extract the text value of all matching elements via TAG.textContent. Note, this method will not retrieve any ⁠<input />⁠ value's text content, e.g. text inputs or text areas, as the input values are not stored in the live HTML.


A DOM CSS selector to be passed into document.querySelectorAll()


A vector of character values

hello_app <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(hello_app)

#> [1] "Hello Shiny!"

Method expect_html()

Expect snapshot of UI HTML

⁠$expect_html()⁠ will extract the full DOM structures of each matching element and store them in a snapshot file. This method captures internal DOM structure which may be brittle to changes by external authors or dependencies.

Note, this method will not retrieve any ⁠<input />⁠ value's text content, e.g. text inputs or text areas, as the input values are not stored in the live HTML.

When possible, use ⁠$expect_text()⁠ over ⁠$expect_html()⁠ to allow package authors room to alter their HTML structures. The resulting array of TAG.textContent values found will be stored in a snapshot file.

Please see Robust testing for more details.

AppDriver$expect_html(selector, ..., outer_html = TRUE, cran = FALSE)

A DOM selector to be passed into document.querySelectorAll()


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


If TRUE (default), the full DOM structure will be returned (TAG.outerHTML). If FALSE, the full DOM structure of the child elements will be returned (TAG.innerHTML).


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.

app_path <- system.file("examples/04_mpg", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Save a snapshot of the `caption` output

Method get_html()


⁠$get()⁠ will extract the full DOM structures of each matching element. This method captures internal DOM structure which may be brittle to changes by external authors or dependencies.

Note, this method will not retrieve any ⁠<input />⁠ value's text content, e.g. text inputs or text areas, as the input values are not stored in the live HTML.

Please see Robust testing for more details.

AppDriver$get_html(selector, ..., outer_html = TRUE)

A DOM selector to be passed into document.querySelectorAll()


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


If TRUE, the full DOM structure will be returned (TAG.outerHTML). If FALSE, the full DOM structure of the child elements will be returned (TAG.innerHTML).

app_path <- system.file("examples/03_reactivity", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path, check_names = FALSE)

app$set_inputs(caption = "Custom value!")
#> <div class="form-group shiny-input-container">
#>   <label class="control-label" id="caption-label" for="caption">Caption:</label>
#>   <input id="caption" type="text" class="form-control shiny-bound-input" value="Data Summary">
#> </div>
## ^^ No update to the DOM of `caption`

Method expect_js()

Expect snapshot of JavaScript script output

This is a building block function that may be called by other functions. For example, ⁠$expect_text()⁠ and ⁠$expect_html()⁠ are thin wrappers around this function.

Once the script has executed, the JSON result will be saved to a snapshot file.

  script = missing_arg(),
  file = missing_arg(),
  timeout = missing_arg(),
  pre_snapshot = NULL,
  cran = FALSE

A string containing the JavaScript script to be executed.


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


A file containing JavaScript code to be read and used as the script. Only one of script or file can be specified.


Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.


A function to be called on the result of the script before taking the snapshot. ⁠$expect_html()⁠ and ⁠$expect_text()⁠ both use unlist().


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.

app_path <- system.file("examples/07_widgets", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Track how many clicks are given to `#update` button
  window.test_counter = 0;
  $('#update').click(() => window.test_counter++);
app$set_inputs(obs = 20)
# Click the update button, incrementing the counter
# Save a snapshot of number of clicks (1)

Method get_js()

Execute JavaScript code in the browser and return the result

This function will block the local R session until the code has finished executing its tick in the browser. If a Promise is returned from the script, ⁠$get_js()⁠ will wait for the promise to resolve. To have JavaScript code execute asynchronously, wrap the code in a Promise object and have the script return an atomic value.

Arguments will have to be inserted into the script as there is not access to arguments. This can be done with commands like paste(). If using glue::glue(), be sure to use uncommon .open and .close values to avoid having to double all ⁠{⁠ and ⁠}⁠.

  script = missing_arg(),
  file = missing_arg(),
  timeout = missing_arg()

JavaScript to execute. If a JavaScript Promise is returned, the R session will block until the promise has been resolved and return the value.


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


A (local) file containing JavaScript code to be read and used as the script. Only one of script or file can be specified.


Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.


Result of the script (or file contents)

shiny_app <- shinyApp(h1("Empty App"), function(input, output) { })
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Execute JavaScript code in the app's browser
app$get_js("1 + 1;")
#> [1] 2

# Execute a JavaScript Promise. Return the resolved value.
  new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(1 + 1), 1000)
  then((value) => value + 1);
#> [1] 3

# With escaped arguments
loc_field <- "hostname"
js_txt <- paste0("window.location[", jsonlite::toJSON(loc_field, auto_unbox = TRUE), "]")
#> [1] ""

# With `glue::glue()`
js_txt <- glue::glue_data(
    list(x = 40, y = 2),
    auto_unbox = TRUE
  .open = "<", .close = ">",
  "let answer = function(a, b) {\n",
  "  return a + b;\n",
  "answer(<x>, <y>);\n"
#> [1] 42

Method run_js()

Execute JavaScript code in the browser

This function will block the local R session until the code has finished executing its tick in the browser.

The final result of the code will be ignored and not returned to the R session.

  script = missing_arg(),
  file = missing_arg(),
  timeout = missing_arg()

JavaScript to execute.


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


A (local) file containing JavaScript code to be read and used as the script. Only one of script or file can be specified.


Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.

shiny_app <- shinyApp(h1("Empty App"), function(input, output) { })
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Get JavaScript answer from the app's browser
app$get_js("1 + 1")
#> [1] 2
# Execute JavaScript code in the app's browser
app$run_js("1 + 1")
# (Returns `app` invisibly)

# With escaped arguments
loc_field <- "hostname"
js_txt <- paste0("window.location[", jsonlite::toJSON(loc_field, auto_unbox = TRUE), "]")
#> [1] ""

Method expect_screenshot()

Expect a screenshot of the Shiny application

This method takes a screenshot of the application (of only the selector area) and compares the image to the expected image.

Please be aware that this method is very brittle to changes outside of your Shiny application. These changes can include:

  • running on a different R version

  • running on a different in operating system

  • using a different default system font

  • using different package versions These differences are explicitly clear when working with plots.

Unless absolutely necessary for application consistency, it is strongly recommended to use other expectation methods.

  threshold = NULL,
  kernel_size = 5,
  screenshot_args = missing_arg(),
  delay = missing_arg(),
  selector = missing_arg(),
  compare = missing_arg(),
  quiet = FALSE,
  name = NULL,
  cran = FALSE

Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


Parameter supplied to compare_screenshot_threshold() when using the default compare method. If the value of threshold is NULL, compare_screenshot_threshold() will act like testthat::compare_file_binary. However, if threshold is a positive number, it will be compared against the largest convolution value found if the two images fail a testthat::compare_file_binary comparison.

Which value should I use? Threshold values values below 5 help deter false-positive screenshot comparisons (such as inconsistent rounded corners). Larger values in the 10s and 100s will help find real changes. However, not all values are one size fits all and you will need to play with a threshold that fits your needs.


Parameter supplied to compare_screenshot_threshold() when using the default compare method. The kernel_size represents the height and width of the convolution kernel applied to the pixel differences. This integer-like value should be relatively small.


This named list of arguments is passed along to chromote::ChromoteSession's ⁠$get_screenshot()⁠ method. If missing, the value will default to ⁠$new(screenshot_args=)⁠.

If screenshot_args is:

  • TRUE: A screenshot of the browser's scrollable area will be taken with no delay

  • A named list of arguments: Arguments passed directly to chromote::ChromoteSession's ⁠$get_screenshot()⁠ method. The delay argument will default to 0 seconds. The selector argument can take two special values in addition to being a CSS DOM selector.

    • "scrollable_area" (default): The entire scrollable area will be captured. Typically this is your browser's viewport size, but it can be larger if the page is scrollable. This value works well with Apps that contain elements whose calculated dimensions may be different than their presented size.

    • "viewport": This value will capture the browser's viewport in its current viewing location, height, and width. It will only capture what is currently being seen with ⁠$view()⁠.

    In v0.3.0, the default selector value was changed from the HTML DOM selector ("html") to entire scrollable area ("scrollable_area").


The number of seconds to wait before taking the screenshot. This value can be supplied as delay or screenshot_args$delay, with the delay parameter having preference.


The selector is a CSS selector that will be used to select a portion of the page to be captured. This value can be supplied as selector or screenshot_args$selector, with the selector parameter having preference.

In v0.3.0, two special selector values were added:

  • "scrollable_area" (default): The entire scrollable area will be captured. Typically this is your browser's viewport size, but it can be larger if the page is scrollable. This value works well with Apps that contain elements whose calculated dimensions may be different than their presented size.

  • "viewport": This value will capture the browser's viewport in its current viewing location, height, and width. It will only capture what is currently being seen with ⁠$view()⁠.

In v0.3.0, the default selector value was changed from the HTML DOM selector ("html") to entire scrollable area ("scrollable_area").


A function used to compare the screenshot snapshot files. The function should take two inputs, the paths to the old and new snapshot, and return either TRUE or FALSE.

compare defaults to a function that wraps around compare_screenshot_threshold(old, new, threshold = threshold, kernel_size = kernel_size, quiet = quiet). Note: if threshold is NULL (default), compare will behave as if testthat::compare_file_binary() was provided, comparing the two images byte-by-byte.


Parameter supplied to compare_screenshot_threshold() when using the default compare method. If FALSE, diagnostic information will be presented when the computed value is larger than a non-NULL threshold value.


The file name to be used for the snapshot. The file extension will overwritten to .png. By default, the name supplied to app on initialization with a counter will be used (e.g. "NAME-001.png").


Should these expectations be verified on CRAN? By default, they are not because snapshot tests tend to be fragile because they often rely on minor details of dependencies.

# These example lines should be performed in a `./tests/testthat`
# test file so that snapshot files can be properly saved

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path, variant = platform_variant())

# Expect a full size screenshot to be pixel perfect

# Images are brittle when containing plots
app$expect_screenshot(selector = "#distPlot")

# Test with more threshold in pixel value differences
# Helps with rounded corners
app$expect_screenshot(threshold = 10)

# Equivalent expectations
app$expect_screenshot() # default
app$expect_screenshot(threshold = NULL)
app$expect_screenshot(compare = testthat::compare_file_binary)
  variant = app$get_variant(),
  compare = testthat::compare_file_binary

# Equivalent expectations
app$expect_screenshot(threshold = 3, kernel_size = 5)
app$expect_screenshot(compare = function(old, new) {
    old, new,
    threshold = 3,
    kernel_size = 5
  variant = app$get_variant(),
  compare = function(old, new) {
      old, new,
      threshold = 3,
      kernel_size = 5

# Take a screenshot of the entire scrollable area
app$expect_screenshot(selector = "scrollable_area")

## Take a screenshot of the current viewport
# Shrink the window to be smaller than the app
app$set_window_size(400, 500)
# Scroll the viewport just a bit
app$run_js("window.scroll(30, 70)")
# Take screenshot of browser viewport
app$expect_screenshot(selector = "viewport")

Method get_screenshot()

Take a screenshot

Take a screenshot of the Shiny application.

  file = NULL,
  screenshot_args = missing_arg(),
  delay = missing_arg(),
  selector = missing_arg()

If NULL, then the image will be displayed to the current Graphics Device. If a file path, then the screenshot will be saved to that file.


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


This named list of arguments is passed along to chromote::ChromoteSession's ⁠$get_screenshot()⁠ method. If missing, the value will default to ⁠$new(screenshot_args=)⁠.

If screenshot_args is:

  • TRUE: A screenshot of the browser's scrollable area will be taken with no delay

  • A named list of arguments: Arguments passed directly to chromote::ChromoteSession's ⁠$get_screenshot()⁠ method. The delay argument will default to 0 seconds. The selector argument can take two special values in addition to being a CSS DOM selector.

    • "scrollable_area" (default): The entire scrollable area will be captured. Typically this is your browser's viewport size, but it can be larger if the page is scrollable. This value works well with Apps that contain elements whose calculated dimensions may be different than their presented size.

    • "viewport": This value will capture the browser's viewport in its current viewing location, height, and width. It will only capture what is currently being seen with ⁠$view()⁠.

    In v0.3.0, the default selector value was changed from the HTML DOM selector ("html") to entire scrollable area ("scrollable_area").

If screenshot_args=FALSE is provided, the parameter will be ignored and a screenshot will be taken with default behavior.


The number of seconds to wait before taking the screenshot. This value can be supplied as delay or screenshot_args$delay, with the delay parameter having preference.


The selector is a CSS selector that will be used to select a portion of the page to be captured. This value can be supplied as selector or screenshot_args$selector, with the selector parameter having preference.

In v0.3.0, two special selector values were added:

  • "scrollable_area" (default): The entire scrollable area will be captured. Typically this is your browser's viewport size, but it can be larger if the page is scrollable. This value works well with Apps that contain elements whose calculated dimensions may be different than their presented size.

  • "viewport": This value will capture the browser's viewport in its current viewing location, height, and width. It will only capture what is currently being seen with ⁠$view()⁠.

In v0.3.0, the default selector value was changed from the HTML DOM selector ("html") to entire scrollable area ("scrollable_area").

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Display in graphics device

# Update bins then display `"disPlot"` in graphics device
app$set_inputs(bins = 10)
app$get_screenshot(selector = "#distPlot")

# Save screenshot to file and view it
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")

Method wait_for_idle()

Wait for Shiny to not be busy (idle) for a set amount of time

Waits until Shiny has not been busy for a set duration of time, e.g. no reactivity is updating or has occurred.

This is useful, for example, when waiting for your application to initialize or if you've resized the window with ⁠$set_window_size()⁠ and want to make sure all plot redrawing is complete before take a screenshot.

By default,

  • ⁠$new(wait = TRUE)⁠ waits for Shiny to not be busy after initializing the application

  • ⁠$set_window_size(wait = TRUE)⁠ waits for Shiny to not be busy after resizing the window.)

AppDriver$wait_for_idle(duration = 500, timeout = missing_arg())

How long Shiny must be idle (in ms) before unblocking the R session.


Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.


invisible(self) if Shiny stabilizes within the timeout. Otherwise an error will be thrown

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

pre_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")
# Update bins value
app$set_inputs(bins = 10, wait_ = FALSE)
middle_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")
post_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")

# No guarantee that these values are different
identical(pre_value, middle_value)
# Will not be equal
identical(pre_value, post_value)

# ---------------------
## Change the screen size to trigger a plot update
pre_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")
app$set_window_size(height = 1080, width = 1920, wait = FALSE)
middle_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")
post_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")

# No guarantee that these values are different
identical(pre_value, middle_value)
# Will not be equal
identical(pre_value, post_value)

Method wait_for_value()

Wait for a new Shiny value

Waits until an input, output, or export Shiny value is not one of ignored values, or the timeout is reached.

Only a single input, output, or export value may be used.

This function can be useful in helping determine if an application has finished processing a complex reactive situation.

  input = missing_arg(),
  output = missing_arg(),
  export = missing_arg(),
  ignore = list(NULL, ""),
  timeout = missing_arg(),
  interval = 400

Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.

input, output, export

A name of an input, output, or export value. Only one of these parameters may be used.


List of possible values to ignore when checking for updates.


Amount of time to wait before giving up (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.


How often to check for the condition, in ms.


Amount of time to wait for a new output value before giving up (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.


Newly found value

shiny_app <- shinyApp(
    h1("Dynamic output"),
    actionButton("display", "Display UI"),
  function(input, output) {
    output$dym1 <- renderUI({
      Sys.sleep(runif(1, max = 2)) # Artificial calculations
        sliderInput("slider1", "Slider #1", 0, 100, 25),
    output$dym2 <- renderUI({
      Sys.sleep(runif(1, max = 2)) # Artificial calculations
        sliderInput("slider2", "Slider #2", 0, 100, 50),
        "Total:", verbatimTextOutput("total")
    output$total <- renderText({
      req(input$slider1, input$slider2)
      input$slider1 + input$slider2

app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Create UI / output values
# Wait for total to be calculated (or have a non-NULL value)
new_total_value <- app$wait_for_value(output = "total")
#> [1] "75"
app$get_value(output = "total")
#> [1] "75"

Method wait_for_js()

Wait for a JavaScript expression to be true

Waits until a JavaScript expression evaluates to true or the timeout is exceeded.

AppDriver$wait_for_js(script, timeout = missing_arg(), interval = 100)

A string containing JavaScript code. This code must eventually return a truethy value or a timeout error will be thrown.


How long the script has to return a truethy value (milliseconds). Defaults to the resolved timeout value during the AppDriver initialization.


How often to check for the condition (milliseconds).


invisible(self) if expression evaluates to true without error within the timeout. Otherwise an error will be thrown

shiny_app <- shinyApp(h1("Empty App"), function(input, output) { })
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Contrived example:
# Wait until `` returns a number that ends in a 5. (0 - 10 seconds)
  app$wait_for_js("Math.floor(( / 1000) % 10) == 5;")

## A second example where we run the contents of a JavaScript file
## and use the result to wait for a condition
app$run_js(file = "complicated_file.js")

Method expect_unique_names()

Expect unique input and output names.

If the HTML has duplicate input or output elements with matching id values, this function will throw an error. It is similar to AppDriver$new(check_names = TRUE), but asserts that no warnings are displayed.

This method will not throw if a single input and a single output have the same name.

shiny_app <- shinyApp(
  ui = fluidPage(
    # Duplicate input IDs: `"text"`
    textInput("text", "Text 1"),
    textInput("text", "Text 2")
  server = function(input, output) {
    # empty
# Initial checking for unique names (default behavior)
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app, check_names = TRUE)
#> Warning:
#> ! Shiny inputs should have unique HTML id values.
#> i The following HTML id values are not unique:
#> • text

# Manually assert that all names are unique
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app, check_names = FALSE)
#> Error: `app_check_unique_names(self, private)` threw an unexpected warning.
#> Message: ! Shiny inputs should have unique HTML id values.
#> i The following HTML id values are not unique:
#>   • text
#> Class:   rlang_warning/warning/condition

Method get_dir()

Retrieve the Shiny app path


The directory containing the Shiny application or Shiny runtime document. If a URL was provided to app_dir during initialization, the current directory will be returned.

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

identical(app$get_dir(), app_path)
#> [1] TRUE

Method get_url()

Retrieve the Shiny app URL


URL where the Shiny app is being hosted

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)


Method get_window_size()

Get window size

Get current size of the browser window, as list of numeric scalars named width and height.

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

#> $width
#> [1] 992
#> $height
#> [1] 1323

Method set_window_size()

Sets size of the browser window.

AppDriver$set_window_size(width, height, wait = TRUE)
width, height

Height and width of browser, in pixels.


If TRUE, ⁠$wait_for_idle()⁠ will be called after setting the window size. This will block until any width specific items (such as plots) that need to be re-rendered.

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
# Set init window size
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path, height = 1400, width = 1000)

#> $width
#> [1] 1000
#> $height
#> [1] 1400

# Manually set the window size
app$set_window_size(height = 1080, width = 1920)
#> $width
#> [1] 1920
#> $height
#> [1] 1080

Method get_chromote_session()

Get Chromote Session

Get the ChromoteSession object from the chromote package.


ChromoteSession R6 object

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

b <- app$get_chromote_session()
b$Runtime$evaluate("1 + 1")
#> $result
#> $result$type
#> [1] "number"
#> $result$value
#> [1] 2
#> $result$description
#> [1] "2"

Method get_variant()

Get the variant

Get the variant supplied during initialization


The variant value supplied during initialization or NULL if no value was supplied.

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")

app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)


app <- AppDriver$new(app_path, variant = platform_variant())
#> [1] "mac-4.1"

Method get_logs()

Get all logs

Retrieve all of the debug logs that have been recorded.


A data.frame with the following columns:

  • workerid: The shiny worker ID found within the browser

  • timestamp: POSIXct timestamp of the message

  • location: The location of the message was found. One of three values:

    • "shinytest2": Occurs when ⁠$log_message()⁠ is called

    • "shiny": stdin and stdout messages from the Shiny server. Note message() output is sent to stdout.

    • "chromote": Captured by the chromote event handlers. See console API, exception thrown, websocket sent, and websocket received for more details

  • level: For a given location, there are different types of log levels.

    • "shinytest2": "log"; Only log messages are captured.

    • "shiny": "stdout" or "stderr"; Note, message() output is sent to stderr.

    • "chromote": Correspond to any level of a JavaScript console.LEVEL() function call. Typically, these are "log"and"error"⁠but can include⁠"info"⁠, ⁠"debug"⁠, and ⁠"warn"⁠. If ⁠options(shiny.trace = TRUE)⁠, then the level will recorded as ⁠"websocket"'.

app1 <- AppDriver$new(system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny"))

#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:28.86 Start AppDriver initialization
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:28.86 Starting Shiny app
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:29.76 Creating new ChromoteSession
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:30.56 Navigating to Shiny app
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:30.70 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.75 shinytest2; jQuery found
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.77 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.77 shinytest2; Loaded
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:30.77 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.90 shinytest2; Connected
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.95 shinytest2; shiny:busy
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:30.98 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 15000ms
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.98 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:31.37 shinytest2; shiny:idle
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:31.38 shinytest2; shiny:value distPlot
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:31.57 shinytest2; Shiny has been idle for 200ms
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:31.57 Shiny app started
#> {shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
#> {shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
#> {shiny}      R  stderr -----------
#> {shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on

# To capture all websocket traffic, set `options = list(shiny.trace = TRUE)`
app2 <- AppDriver$new(
  system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny"),
  options = list(shiny.trace = TRUE)

## (All WebSocket messages have been replaced with `WEBSOCKET_MSG` in example below)
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:57.49 Start AppDriver initialization
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:57.50 Starting Shiny app
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.20 Creating new ChromoteSession
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.35 Navigating to Shiny app
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.47 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.49 shinytest2; jQuery not found
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.49 shinytest2; Loaded
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.50 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.55 shinytest2; jQuery found
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.55 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.64 send WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.67 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.67 shinytest2; Connected
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.71 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.72 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.72 shinytest2; shiny:busy
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.73 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.73 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.75 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 15000ms
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.75 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.81 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.81 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.81 shinytest2; shiny:idle
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.82 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.82 shinytest2; shiny:value distPlot
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:59.01 shinytest2; Shiny has been idle for 200ms
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:59.01 Shiny app started
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- Loading required package: shiny
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- Running application in test mode.
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    -----------
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- Listening on
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"config":{"workerId":"","sessionId"|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- RECV {"method":"init","data":{"bins":30,|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"custom":{"showcase-src":{"srcref":|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"busy":"busy"}
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"custom":{"showcase-src":{"srcref":|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"recalculating":{"name":"distPlot",|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"recalculating":{"name":"distPlot",|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"busy":"idle"}
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"errors":{},"values":{"distPlot":|truncated

# The log that is returned is a `data.frame()`.
log <- app2$get_logs()
#> Rows: 43
#> Columns: 5
#> $ workerid  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ timestamp <dttm> 2022-09-19 10:01:57, 2022-09-19 10:01:57, 2022-09-19 10:01:58, 2022…
#> $ location  <chr> "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2"…
#> $ level     <chr> "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "inf…
#> $ message   <chr> "Start AppDriver initialization", "Starting Shiny app", "Creating ne…
#> $ workerid  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ timestamp <dttm> 2022-03-16 11:09:57, 2022-03-16 11:09:57, 2022-03-16 11:09:…
#> $ location  <chr> "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shi…
#> $ level     <chr> "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "inf…
#> $ message   <chr> "Start AppDriver initialization", "Starting Shiny app", "Cre…

# It may be filtered to find desired logs
subset(log, level == "websocket")
## (All WebSocket messages have been replaced with `WEBSOCKET_MSG` in example below)
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.64 send WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.67 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.71 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.72 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.73 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.73 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.81 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.81 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.82 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG

Method log_message()

Add a message to the shinytest2 log.


Single message to store in log

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

app$log_message("Setting bins to smaller value")
app$set_inputs(bins = 10)

Method stop()

Stop the Shiny application driver

This method stops all known processes:

  • The Shiny application in the background R process,

  • the background R process hosting the Shiny application, and

  • the Chromote Session instance.

To stop your shiny application and return a value from ⁠$stop()⁠, see shiny::stopApp(). This is useful in testing to return context information.

Typically, this can be paired with a button that when clicked will call shiny::stopApp(info) to return info from the test app back to the main R session.

AppDriver$stop(signal_timeout = missing_arg())

Milliseconds to wait between sending a SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL to the Shiny process. Defaults to 500ms and does not utilize the resolved value from AppDriver$new(timeout=). However, if covr is currently executing, then the timeout is set to 20,000ms to allow for the coverage report to be generated.


The result of the background process if the Shiny application has already been terminated.


shiny_app <- shinyApp(
  ui = fluidPage(
    actionButton("button", "Stop app and return Reactlog"),
    "Click count:", textOutput("count")
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$count <- renderText({ input$button })

app <- AppDriver$new(
  # Enable reactlog in background R session
  options = list(shiny.reactlog = TRUE)

rlog <- app$stop()
str(head(rlog, 2))
#> List of 2
#> $ :List of 7
#> ..$ action : chr "define"
#> ..$ reactId: chr "r3"
#> ..$ label  : chr "Theme Counter"
#> ..$ type   : chr "reactiveVal"
#> ..$ value  : chr " num 0"
#> ..$ session: chr "bdc7417f2fc8c84fc05c9518e36fdc44"
#> ..$ time   : num 1.65e+09
#> $ :List of 7
#> ..$ action : chr "define"
#> ..$ reactId: chr "r4"
#> ..$ label  : chr "output$count"
#> .. ..- attr(*, "srcref")= int [1:6] 7 32 7 45 32 45
#> .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")= chr ""
#> ..$ type   : chr "observer"
#> ..$ value  : chr " NULL"
#> ..$ session: chr "bdc7417f2fc8c84fc05c9518e36fdc44"
#> ..$ time   : num 1.65e+09

See Also

platform_variant(), use_shinytest2_test()


## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$new`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# Create an AppDriver from the Shiny app in the current directory
app <- AppDriver()

# Create an AppDriver object from a different Shiny app directory
example_app <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver(example_app)

# Expect consistent inital values

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$view`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# Open app in Chrome

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$click`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/07_widgets", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

tmpfile <- write.csv(cars, "cars.csv")
app$upload_file(file1 = tmpfile)
app$set_inputs(dataset = "cars", obs = 6)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$set_inputs`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/07_widgets", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

app$set_inputs(dataset = "cars", obs = 6)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$upload_file`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/09_upload", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Save example file
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(cars, tmpfile, row.names = FALSE)

# Upload file to input named: file1
app$upload_file(file1 = tmpfile)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$expect_values`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
shiny_app <- shinyApp(
    h1("Pythagorean theorem"),
    numericInput("A", "A", 3),
    numericInput("B", "B", 4),
  function(input, output) {
    a_squared <- reactive({ req(input$A); input$A * input$A })
    b_squared <- reactive({ req(input$B); input$B * input$B })
    c_squared <- reactive({ a_squared() + b_squared() })
    c_value <- reactive({ sqrt(c_squared()) })
    output$C <- renderText({ c_value() })

      a_squared = { a_squared() },
      b_squared = { b_squared() },
      c_squared = { c_squared() }

app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Snapshot all known values

# Snapshot only `export` values
app$expect_values(export = TRUE)

# Snapshot values `"A"` from `input` and `"C"` from `output`
app$expect_values(input = "A", output = "C")

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_value`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/04_mpg", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Retrieve a single value
app$get_value(output = "caption")
#> [1] "mpg ~ cyl"
# Equivalent code using `$get_values()`
app$get_values(output = "caption")$output$caption
#> [1] "mpg ~ cyl"

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_values`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
shiny_app <- shinyApp(
    h1("Pythagorean theorem"),
    numericInput("A", "A", 3),
    numericInput("B", "B", 4),
  function(input, output) {
    a_squared <- reactive({ req(input$A); input$A * input$A })
    b_squared <- reactive({ req(input$B); input$B * input$B })
    c_squared <- reactive({ a_squared() + b_squared() })
    c_value <- reactive({ sqrt(c_squared()) })
    output$C <- renderText({ c_value() })

      a_squared = { a_squared() },
      b_squared = { b_squared() },
      c_squared = { c_squared() }

app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Show all known values
#> List of 3
#> $ input :List of 2
#> ..$ A: int 3
#> ..$ B: int 4
#> $ output:List of 1
#> ..$ C: chr "5"
#> $ export:List of 3
#> ..$ a_squared: int 9
#> ..$ b_squared: int 16
#> ..$ c_squared: int 25

# Get only `export` values
str(app$get_values(export = TRUE))
#> List of 1
#> $ export:List of 3
#> ..$ a_squared: int 9
#> ..$ b_squared: int 16
#> ..$ c_squared: int 25

# Get values `"A"` from `input` and `"C"` from `output`
str(app$get_values(input = "A", output = "C"))
#> List of 2
#> $ input :List of 1
#> ..$ A: int 3
#> $ output:List of 1
#> ..$ C: chr "5"

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$expect_download`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/10_download", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Save snapshot of rock.csv as
# Save snapshot value of `rock.csv` to capture default file name
app$expect_download("downloadData", compare = testthat::compare_file_text)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_download`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/10_download", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Get rock.csv as a tempfile
#> [1] "/TEMP/PATH/rock.csv"

# Get rock.csv as a "./myfile.csv"
app$get_download("downloadData", filename = "./myfile.csv")
#> [1] "./myfile.csv"

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$expect_text`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
hello_app <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(hello_app)

# Make a snapshot of `"Hello Shiny!"`

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_text`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
hello_app <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(hello_app)

#> [1] "Hello Shiny!"

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$expect_html`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/04_mpg", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Save a snapshot of the `caption` output

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_html`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/03_reactivity", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path, check_names = FALSE)

app$set_inputs(caption = "Custom value!")
#> <div class="form-group shiny-input-container">
#>   <label class="control-label" id="caption-label" for="caption">Caption:</label>
#>   <input id="caption" type="text" class="form-control shiny-bound-input" value="Data Summary">
#> </div>
## ^^ No update to the DOM of `caption`

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$expect_js`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/07_widgets", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Track how many clicks are given to `#update` button
  window.test_counter = 0;
  $('#update').click(() => window.test_counter++);
app$set_inputs(obs = 20)
# Click the update button, incrementing the counter
# Save a snapshot of number of clicks (1)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_js`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
shiny_app <- shinyApp(h1("Empty App"), function(input, output) { })
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Execute JavaScript code in the app's browser
app$get_js("1 + 1;")
#> [1] 2

# Execute a JavaScript Promise. Return the resolved value.
  new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(1 + 1), 1000)
  then((value) => value + 1);
#> [1] 3

# With escaped arguments
loc_field <- "hostname"
js_txt <- paste0("window.location[", jsonlite::toJSON(loc_field, auto_unbox = TRUE), "]")
#> [1] ""

# With `glue::glue()`
js_txt <- glue::glue_data(
    list(x = 40, y = 2),
    auto_unbox = TRUE
  .open = "<", .close = ">",
  "let answer = function(a, b) {\n",
  "  return a + b;\n",
  "answer(<x>, <y>);\n"
#> [1] 42

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$run_js`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
shiny_app <- shinyApp(h1("Empty App"), function(input, output) { })
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Get JavaScript answer from the app's browser
app$get_js("1 + 1")
#> [1] 2
# Execute JavaScript code in the app's browser
app$run_js("1 + 1")
# (Returns `app` invisibly)

# With escaped arguments
loc_field <- "hostname"
js_txt <- paste0("window.location[", jsonlite::toJSON(loc_field, auto_unbox = TRUE), "]")
#> [1] ""

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$expect_screenshot`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
# These example lines should be performed in a `./tests/testthat`
# test file so that snapshot files can be properly saved

app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path, variant = platform_variant())

# Expect a full size screenshot to be pixel perfect

# Images are brittle when containing plots
app$expect_screenshot(selector = "#distPlot")

# Test with more threshold in pixel value differences
# Helps with rounded corners
app$expect_screenshot(threshold = 10)

# Equivalent expectations
app$expect_screenshot() # default
app$expect_screenshot(threshold = NULL)
app$expect_screenshot(compare = testthat::compare_file_binary)
  variant = app$get_variant(),
  compare = testthat::compare_file_binary

# Equivalent expectations
app$expect_screenshot(threshold = 3, kernel_size = 5)
app$expect_screenshot(compare = function(old, new) {
    old, new,
    threshold = 3,
    kernel_size = 5
  variant = app$get_variant(),
  compare = function(old, new) {
      old, new,
      threshold = 3,
      kernel_size = 5

# Take a screenshot of the entire scrollable area
app$expect_screenshot(selector = "scrollable_area")

## Take a screenshot of the current viewport
# Shrink the window to be smaller than the app
app$set_window_size(400, 500)
# Scroll the viewport just a bit
app$run_js("window.scroll(30, 70)")
# Take screenshot of browser viewport
app$expect_screenshot(selector = "viewport")

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_screenshot`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

# Display in graphics device

# Update bins then display `"disPlot"` in graphics device
app$set_inputs(bins = 10)
app$get_screenshot(selector = "#distPlot")

# Save screenshot to file and view it
tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$wait_for_idle`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

pre_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")
# Update bins value
app$set_inputs(bins = 10, wait_ = FALSE)
middle_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")
post_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")

# No guarantee that these values are different
identical(pre_value, middle_value)
# Will not be equal
identical(pre_value, post_value)

# ---------------------
## Change the screen size to trigger a plot update
pre_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")
app$set_window_size(height = 1080, width = 1920, wait = FALSE)
middle_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")
post_value <- app$get_value(output = "distPlot")

# No guarantee that these values are different
identical(pre_value, middle_value)
# Will not be equal
identical(pre_value, post_value)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$wait_for_value`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
shiny_app <- shinyApp(
    h1("Dynamic output"),
    actionButton("display", "Display UI"),
  function(input, output) {
    output$dym1 <- renderUI({
      Sys.sleep(runif(1, max = 2)) # Artificial calculations
        sliderInput("slider1", "Slider #1", 0, 100, 25),
    output$dym2 <- renderUI({
      Sys.sleep(runif(1, max = 2)) # Artificial calculations
        sliderInput("slider2", "Slider #2", 0, 100, 50),
        "Total:", verbatimTextOutput("total")
    output$total <- renderText({
      req(input$slider1, input$slider2)
      input$slider1 + input$slider2

app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Create UI / output values
# Wait for total to be calculated (or have a non-NULL value)
new_total_value <- app$wait_for_value(output = "total")
#> [1] "75"
app$get_value(output = "total")
#> [1] "75"

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$wait_for_js`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
shiny_app <- shinyApp(h1("Empty App"), function(input, output) { })
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app)

# Contrived example:
# Wait until `` returns a number that ends in a 5. (0 - 10 seconds)
  app$wait_for_js("Math.floor(( / 1000) % 10) == 5;")

## A second example where we run the contents of a JavaScript file
## and use the result to wait for a condition
app$run_js(file = "complicated_file.js")

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$expect_unique_names`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
shiny_app <- shinyApp(
  ui = fluidPage(
    # Duplicate input IDs: `"text"`
    textInput("text", "Text 1"),
    textInput("text", "Text 2")
  server = function(input, output) {
    # empty
# Initial checking for unique names (default behavior)
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app, check_names = TRUE)
#> Warning:
#> ! Shiny inputs should have unique HTML id values.
#> i The following HTML id values are not unique:
#> • text

# Manually assert that all names are unique
app <- AppDriver$new(shiny_app, check_names = FALSE)
#> Error: `app_check_unique_names(self, private)` threw an unexpected warning.
#> Message: ! Shiny inputs should have unique HTML id values.
#> i The following HTML id values are not unique:
#>   • text
#> Class:   rlang_warning/warning/condition

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_dir`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

identical(app$get_dir(), app_path)
#> [1] TRUE

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_url`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)


## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_window_size`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

#> $width
#> [1] 992
#> $height
#> [1] 1323

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$set_window_size`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
# Set init window size
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path, height = 1400, width = 1000)

#> $width
#> [1] 1000
#> $height
#> [1] 1400

# Manually set the window size
app$set_window_size(height = 1080, width = 1920)
#> $width
#> [1] 1920
#> $height
#> [1] 1080

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_chromote_session`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

b <- app$get_chromote_session()
b$Runtime$evaluate("1 + 1")
#> $result
#> $result$type
#> [1] "number"
#> $result$value
#> [1] 2
#> $result$description
#> [1] "2"

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_variant`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")

app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)


app <- AppDriver$new(app_path, variant = platform_variant())
#> [1] "mac-4.1"

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$get_logs`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app1 <- AppDriver$new(system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny"))

#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:28.86 Start AppDriver initialization
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:28.86 Starting Shiny app
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:29.76 Creating new ChromoteSession
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:30.56 Navigating to Shiny app
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:30.70 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.75 shinytest2; jQuery found
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.77 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.77 shinytest2; Loaded
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:30.77 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.90 shinytest2; Connected
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.95 shinytest2; shiny:busy
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:30.98 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 15000ms
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:30.98 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:31.37 shinytest2; shiny:idle
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:31.38 shinytest2; shiny:value distPlot
#> {chromote}   JS info   10:00:31.57 shinytest2; Shiny has been idle for 200ms
#> {shinytest2} R  info   10:00:31.57 Shiny app started
#> {shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Loading required package: shiny
#> {shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Running application in test mode.
#> {shiny}      R  stderr -----------
#> {shiny}      R  stderr ----------- Listening on

# To capture all websocket traffic, set `options = list(shiny.trace = TRUE)`
app2 <- AppDriver$new(
  system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny"),
  options = list(shiny.trace = TRUE)

## (All WebSocket messages have been replaced with `WEBSOCKET_MSG` in example below)
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:57.49 Start AppDriver initialization
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:57.50 Starting Shiny app
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.20 Creating new ChromoteSession
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.35 Navigating to Shiny app
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.47 Injecting shiny-tracer.js
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.49 shinytest2; jQuery not found
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.49 shinytest2; Loaded
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.50 Waiting for Shiny to become ready
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.55 shinytest2; jQuery found
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.55 shinytest2; Waiting for shiny session to connect
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.64 send WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.67 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.67 shinytest2; Connected
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.71 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.72 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.72 shinytest2; shiny:busy
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.73 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.73 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:58.75 Waiting for Shiny to become idle for 200ms within 15000ms
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.75 shinytest2; Waiting for Shiny to be stable
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.81 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.81 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.81 shinytest2; shiny:idle
#> {chromote}   JS websocket 10:01:58.82 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:58.82 shinytest2; shiny:value distPlot
#> {chromote}   JS info      10:01:59.01 shinytest2; Shiny has been idle for 200ms
#> {shinytest2} R  info      10:01:59.01 Shiny app started
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- Loading required package: shiny
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- Running application in test mode.
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    -----------
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- Listening on
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"config":{"workerId":"","sessionId"|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- RECV {"method":"init","data":{"bins":30,|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"custom":{"showcase-src":{"srcref":|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"busy":"busy"}
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"custom":{"showcase-src":{"srcref":|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"recalculating":{"name":"distPlot",|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"recalculating":{"name":"distPlot",|truncated
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"busy":"idle"}
#> {shiny}      R  stderr    ----------- SEND {"errors":{},"values":{"distPlot":|truncated

# The log that is returned is a `data.frame()`.
log <- app2$get_logs()
#> Rows: 43
#> Columns: 5
#> $ workerid  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ timestamp <dttm> 2022-09-19 10:01:57, 2022-09-19 10:01:57, 2022-09-19 10:01:58, 2022…
#> $ location  <chr> "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2"…
#> $ level     <chr> "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "inf…
#> $ message   <chr> "Start AppDriver initialization", "Starting Shiny app", "Creating ne…
#> $ workerid  <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
#> $ timestamp <dttm> 2022-03-16 11:09:57, 2022-03-16 11:09:57, 2022-03-16 11:09:…
#> $ location  <chr> "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shinytest2", "shi…
#> $ level     <chr> "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "info", "inf…
#> $ message   <chr> "Start AppDriver initialization", "Starting Shiny app", "Cre…

# It may be filtered to find desired logs
subset(log, level == "websocket")
## (All WebSocket messages have been replaced with `WEBSOCKET_MSG` in example below)
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.64 send WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.67 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.71 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.72 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.73 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.73 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.81 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.81 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG
#> {chromote} JS websocket 10:01:58.82 recv WEBSOCKET_MSG

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$log_message`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 
app_path <- system.file("examples/01_hello", package = "shiny")
app <- AppDriver$new(app_path)

app$log_message("Setting bins to smaller value")
app$set_inputs(bins = 10)

## End(Not run)

## ------------------------------------------------
## Method `AppDriver$stop`
## ------------------------------------------------

## Not run: 

shiny_app <- shinyApp(
  ui = fluidPage(
    actionButton("button", "Stop app and return Reactlog"),
    "Click count:", textOutput("count")
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$count <- renderText({ input$button })

app <- AppDriver$new(
  # Enable reactlog in background R session
  options = list(shiny.reactlog = TRUE)

rlog <- app$stop()
str(head(rlog, 2))
#> List of 2
#> $ :List of 7
#> ..$ action : chr "define"
#> ..$ reactId: chr "r3"
#> ..$ label  : chr "Theme Counter"
#> ..$ type   : chr "reactiveVal"
#> ..$ value  : chr " num 0"
#> ..$ session: chr "bdc7417f2fc8c84fc05c9518e36fdc44"
#> ..$ time   : num 1.65e+09
#> $ :List of 7
#> ..$ action : chr "define"
#> ..$ reactId: chr "r4"
#> ..$ label  : chr "output$count"
#> .. ..- attr(*, "srcref")= int [1:6] 7 32 7 45 32 45
#> .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")= chr ""
#> ..$ type   : chr "observer"
#> ..$ value  : chr " NULL"
#> ..$ session: chr "bdc7417f2fc8c84fc05c9518e36fdc44"
#> ..$ time   : num 1.65e+09

## End(Not run)

Compare screenshots given threshold value


chromote can sometimes produce screenshot images with non-deterministic (yet close) color values. This can happen in locations such as rounded corners of divs or textareas.


  threshold = NULL,
  kernel_size = 5,
  quiet = FALSE

screenshot_max_difference(old, new = missing_arg(), ..., kernel_size = 5)



Current screenshot file path


New screenshot file path


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


If the value of threshold is NULL, compare_screenshot_threshold() will act like testthat::compare_file_binary. However, if threshold is a positive number, it will be compared against the largest convolution value found if the two images fail a testthat::compare_file_binary comparison. The max value that can be found is 4 * kernel_size ^ 2.

Threshold values values below 5 help deter false-positive screenshot comparisons (such as inconsistent rounded corners). Larger values in the 10s and 100s will help find real changes. However, not all values are one size fits all and you will need to play with a threshold that fits your needs.

To find the current difference between two images, use screenshot_max_difference().


The kernel_size represents the height and width of the convolution kernel applied to the matrix of pixel differences. This integer-like value should be relatively small, such as 5.


If FALSE and the value is larger than threshold, then a message is printed to the console. This is helpful when getting a failing image and being informed about how different the new image is from the old image.


These differences make comparing screenshots impractical using traditional expectation methods as false-positives are produced often over time. To mitigate this, we can use a fuzzy matching algorithm that can tolerate small regional differences throughout the image. If the local changes found are larger than the threshold, then the images are determined to be different. Both the screenshot difference threshold and the size of the kernel (kernel_size) can be set to tune the false positive rate.


  • compare_screenshot_threshold(): Compares two images and allows for a threshold difference of so many units in each RGBA color channel.

    It is suggested to use this method with AppDriver⁠$expect_screenshot(threshold=, kernel_size=)⁠ to make expectations on screenshots given particular threshold and kernel_size values.

  • screenshot_max_difference(): Finds the difference between two screenshots.

    This value can be used in compare_screenshot_threshold(threshold=). It is recommended that the value used for compare_screenshot_threshold(threshold=) is larger than the immediate max difference found. This allows for random fluctuations when rounding sub pixels.

    If new is missing, it will use the file value of old (FILE.png) and default to

Algorithm for the difference between two screenshots

  1. First the two images are compared using testthat::compare_file_binary(). If the files are identical, return TRUE that the screenshot images are the same.

  2. If threshold is NULL, return FALSE as the convolution will not occur.

  3. Prepare the screenshot difference matrix by reading the RGBA channels of each image and find their respective absolute differences

  4. Sum the screenshot difference matrix channels at each pixel location

  5. Perform a convolution using a small square kernel matrix that is kernel_size big and filled with 1s.

  6. Find the largest value in the resulting convolution matrix.

  7. If this max convolution value is larger than threshold, return FALSE, images are different.

  8. Otherwise, return TRUE, images are the same.


img_folder <- system.file("example/imgs/", package = "shinytest2")
slider_old <- fs::path(img_folder, "slider-old.png")
slider_new <- fs::path(img_folder, "slider-new.png")

# Can you see the differences between these two images?

# You might have caught the difference between the two images!
slider_diff <- fs::path(img_folder, "slider-diff.png")

# Let's find the difference between the two images
screenshot_max_difference(slider_old, slider_new)
# ~ 28

# Using different threshold values...
compare_screenshot_threshold(slider_old, slider_new, threshold = NULL)
#> FALSE # Images are not identical
compare_screenshot_threshold(slider_old, slider_new, threshold = 25)
#> FALSE # Images are more different than 25 units
compare_screenshot_threshold(slider_old, slider_new, threshold = 30)
#> TRUE # Images are not as different as 30 units


# Now let's look at two fairly similar images
bookmark_old <- fs::path(img_folder, "bookmark-old.png")
bookmark_new <- fs::path(img_folder, "bookmark-new.png")

# Can you see the difference between these two images?
# (Hint: Focused corners)

# Can you find the red pixels showing the differences?
# Hint: Look in the corners of the focused text
bookmark_diff <- fs::path(img_folder, "bookmark-diff.png")

# Let's find the difference between the two images
screenshot_max_difference(bookmark_old, bookmark_new)
# ~ 0.25

# Using different threshold values...
compare_screenshot_threshold(bookmark_old, bookmark_new, threshold = NULL)
#> FALSE # Images are not identical
compare_screenshot_threshold(bookmark_old, bookmark_new, threshold = 5)
#> TRUE # Images are not as different than 5 units

Load the Shiny application's support environment


Executes all ./R files and global.R into the current environment. This is useful when wanting access to functions or values created in the ./R folder for testing purposes.


  app_dir = "../../",
  renv = rlang::caller_env(),
  globalrenv = rlang::caller_env()



The base directory for the Shiny application.


The environment in which the files in the 'R/“ directory should be evaluated.


The environment in which global.R should be evaluated. If NULL, global.R will not be evaluated at all.


Loading these files is not automatically performed by test_app() and must be called in ./tests/testthat/setup-shinytest2.R if access to support file objects is desired.

See Also

use_shinytest2() for creating a testing setup file that loads your Shiny app support environment into the testing environment.

Migrate shinytest tests


This function will migrate standard shinytest test files to the new shinytest2 + testthat ed 3 snapshot format.


  clean = TRUE,
  include_expect_screenshot = missing_arg(),
  quiet = FALSE



Directory containing the Shiny application or Shiny Rmd file


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


If TRUE, then the shinytest test directory and runner will be deleted after the migration to use shinytest2.


If TRUE, ShinyDriver$snapshot() will turn into both AppDriver$expect_values() and AppDriver$expect_screenshot(). If FALSE, ShinyDriver$snapshot() will only turn into AppDriver$expect_values(). If missing, include_expect_screenshot will behave as FALSE if shinytest::testApp(compareImages = FALSE) or ShinyDriver$snapshotInit(screenshot = FALSE) is called.


Logical that determines if migration information and steps should be printed to the console.


shinytest file contents will be traversed and converted to the new shinytest2 format. If the shinytest code can not be directly seen in the code, then it will not be converted.


Invisible TRUE

Platform specific variant


Returns a string to be used within testthat's' snapshot testing. Currently, the Operating System and R Version (major, minor, no patch version) are returned.


platform_variant(..., os_name = TRUE, r_version = TRUE)



Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


if TRUE, include the OS name in the output


if TRUE, include the major and minor version of the R version, no patch version


If more information is needed in the future to distinguish standard testing environments, this function will be updated accordingly.

See Also


Launch test event recorder for a Shiny app


Once a recording is completed, it will create or append a new shinytest2 test to the testthat test_file.


  app = ".",
  name = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  load_timeout = NULL,
  shiny_args = list(),
  test_file = "test-shinytest2.R",
  open_test_file = rlang::is_interactive(),
  allow_no_input_binding = NULL,
  record_screen_size = TRUE,
  run_test = TRUE



A AppDriver object, or path to a Shiny application.


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


Name provided to AppDriver. This value should be unique between all tests within a test file. If it is not unique, different expect methods may overwrite each other.


A random seed to set before running the app. This seed will also be used in the test script.


Maximum time to wait for the Shiny application to load, in milliseconds. If a value is provided, it will be saved in the test script.


A list of options to pass to runApp(). If a value is provided, it will be saved in the test script.


Base file name of the testthat test file.


If TRUE, the test file will be opened in an editor via file.edit() before executing.


This value controls if events without input bindings are recorded.

  • If TRUE, events without input bindings are recorded.

  • If FALSE, events without input bindings are not recorded.

  • If NULL (default), if an updated input does not have a corresponding input, a modal dialog will be shown asking if unbound input events should be recorded.

See AppDriver⁠$set_inputs()⁠ for more information.


If TRUE, the screen size will be recorded when initialized and changed.


If TRUE, test_file will be executed after saving the recording.

Uploading files

Files that are uploaded to your Shiny app must be located somewhere within the tests/testthat subdirectory or available via system.file().

Files that are uploaded during recording that do not have a valid path will have a warning inserted into the code. Please fix the file path by moving the file to the tests/testthat subdirectory or by using system.file(). After fixing the path, remove the line of warning code.

See Also



## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Test Shiny applications with testthat


This is a helper method that wraps around testthat::test_dir() to test your Shiny application or Shiny runtime document. This is similar to how testthat::test_check() tests your R package but for your app.


  app_dir = missing_arg(),
  name = missing_arg(),
  check_setup = TRUE,
  reporter = testthat::get_reporter(),
  stop_on_failure = missing_arg()



The base directory for the Shiny application.

  • If app_dir is missing and test_app() is called within the ./tests/testthat.R file, the parent directory ("../") is used.

  • Otherwise, the default path of "." is used.


Parameters passed to testthat::test_dir()


Name to display in the middle of the test name. This value is only used when calling test_app() inside of testhat test. The final testing context will have the format of "{test_context} - {name} - {app_test_context}".


If TRUE, the app will be checked for the presence of ./tests/testthat/setup-shinytest2.R. This file must contain a call to load_app_env().


Reporter to pass through to testthat::test_dir().


If missing, the default value of TRUE will be used. However, if missing and currently testing, FALSE will be used to seamlessly integrate the app reporter to reporter.


Example usage:

## Interactive usage
# Test Shiny app in current working directory

# Test Shiny app in another directory
path_to_app <- "path/to/app"

## File: ./tests/testthat.R
# Will find Shiny app in "../"

## File: ./tests/testthat/test-shinytest2.R
# Test a shiny application within your own {testthat} code
test_that("Testing a Shiny app in a package", {

Uploading files

When testing an application, all non-temp files that are uploaded should be located in the ./tests/testthat directory. This allows for tests to be more portable and self contained.

When recording a test with record_test(), for every uploaded file that is located outside of ./tests/testthat, a warning will be thrown. Once the file path has be fixed, you may remove the warning statement.

Different ways to test

test_app() is an opinionated testing function that will only execute testthat tests in the ./tests/testthat folder. If (for some rare reason) you have other non-testthat tests to execute, you can call shiny::runTests(). This method will generically run all test runners and their associated tests.

# Execute a single Shiny app's {testthat} file such as `./tests/testthat/test-shinytest2.R`
test_app(filter = "shinytest2")

# Execute all {testthat} tests

# Execute all tests for all test runners

See Also

Use shinytest2 with your Shiny application


Use shinytest2 with your Shiny application


  app_dir = ".",
  runner = missing_arg(),
  setup = missing_arg(),
  ignore = missing_arg(),
  package = missing_arg(),
  quiet = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE

  app_dir = ".",
  open = rlang::is_interactive(),
  quiet = FALSE,
  overwrite = FALSE



The base directory for the Shiny application


If TRUE, creates a shinytest2 test runner at ./tests/testthat.R


If TRUE, creates a setup file called ./tests/testthat/setup-shinytest2.R containing a call to load_app_env()


If TRUE, adds entries to .Rbuildignore and .gitignore to ignore new debug screenshots. (⁠*⁠)


If TRUE, adds shinytest2 to Suggests in the DESCRIPTION file.


Must be empty. Allows for parameter expansion.


If TRUE, console output will be suppressed.


If TRUE, the test file or test runner will be overwritten.


If TRUE, the test file will be opened in an editor via file.edit() after saving.


  • use_shinytest2(): This usethis-style method initializes many different useful features when using shinytest2:

    • runner: Creates a shinytest2 test runner at ./tests/testthat.R. This file will contain a call to test_app().

    • setup: Creates ./tests/testthat/setup-shinytest2.R to add your Shiny ./R objects and functions into the testing environment. This file will run before testing begins.

    • ignore: Add an entry to ./Rbuildignore (if it exists) and .gitignore to ignore new debug screenshots. (⁠*⁠)

    • package: Adds shinytest to the Suggests packages in the DESCRIPTION file (if it exists).

    If any of these values are not missing, the remaining missing values will be set to FALSE. This allows use_shinytest2() to add more flags in future versions without opting into all changes inadvertently.

  • use_shinytest2_test(): Creates a test file called ./tests/testthat/test-shinytest2.R. By default, this file's template test will initialize your Shiny application and expect the initial values.

    This method will also set up a test runner if it does not exist.


# Set up shinytest2 testing configs
## Not run: use_shinytest2()
# Set up a shinytest2 test
## Not run: use_shinytest2_test()