
Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.3.2 (2024-04-28)

Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.3.1 (2023-08-26)

Breaking changes

Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.3.0 (2023-08-15)

Breaking changes

New features

Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.2.1 (2023-02-21)

shinytest2 0.2.0 (2022-09-26)

Breaking changes

Shiny log levels

Download snapshot files

Timeout values

The default timeout values for many AppDriver methods have been altered and are shown in the table below. (#263)

Method | Previous value (ms) | New value (ms) ---|---:|---: AppDriver$new(load_timeout=) | 10 * 1000 | 15 * 1000 AppDriver$set_inputs(timeout_=) | 3 * 1000 | 4 * 1000 AppDriver$upload_file(timeout_=) | 3 * 1000 | 4 * 1000 AppDriver$expect_js(timeout=) | 15 * 1000 | 4 * 1000 AppDriver$get_js(timeout=) | 15 * 1000 | 4 * 1000 AppDriver$run_js(timeout=) | 15 * 1000 | 4 * 1000 AppDriver$wait_for_idle(timeout=) | 30 * 1000 | 4 * 1000 AppDriver$wait_for_value(timeout=) | 15 * 1000 | 4 * 1000 AppDriver$wait_for_js(timeout=) | 30 * 1000 | 4 * 1000 AppDriver$stop(signal_timeout=) | 250 | 500

AppDriver$new(load_timeout=) is initialized using the first numeric value found:

  1. Supplied directly: AppDriver$new(load_timeout=)
  2. Locally defined option: options(shinytest2.load_timeout=)
  3. System environment variable: SHINYTEST2_LOAD_TIMEOUT
  4. 15 * 1000 (15s)

AppDriver$new(timeout=) is initialized using the first numeric value found:

  1. Supplied directly: AppDriver$new(timeout=)
  2. Locally defined option: options(shinytest2.timeout=)
  3. System environment variable: SHINYTEST2_TIMEOUT
  4. 4 * 1000 (4s)

AppDriver$stop(signal_timeout=) is initialized using the first numeric value found:

  1. Supplied directly: AppDriver$stop(signal_timeout=)
  2. Locally defined option: options(shinytest2.signal_timeout=)
  3. System environment variable: SHINYTEST2_SIGNAL_TIMEOUT
  4. If the system environment variable R_COVR=true: 20 * 1000 (20s)
  5. 500 (0.5s)

All remaining AppDriver methods will default their timeout and timeout_ parameters to the initialized AppDriver$new(timeout=) value. For example, if app <- AppDriver$new(timeout = 500) then app$get_js(timeout=) will default to 500 milliseconds.

New Features

Bug / Improvements

shinytest2 0.1.1 (2022-09-06)

shinytest2 0.1.0 (2022-04-27)