{"column":"player_id","info":"A `character` column with unique identifiers for each user/player."} {"column":"session_id","info":"A `character` column that contains unique identifiers for each player session."} {"column":"session_start","info":"A date-time column that indicates when the session (containing the revenue event) started."} {"column":"time","info":"A date-time column that indicates exactly when the player purchase (or revenue event) occurred."} {"column":"item_type","info":"A `character` column that provides the class of the item purchased."} {"column":"item_name","info":"A `character` column that provides the name of the item purchased."} {"column":"item_revenue","info":"A `numeric` column with the revenue amounts per item purchased."} {"column":"session_duration","info":"A `numeric` column that states the length of the session (in minutes) for which the purchase occurred."} {"column":"start_day","info":"A `Date` column that provides the date of first login for the player making a purchase."} {"column":"acquisition","info":"A `character` column that provides the method of acquisition for the player."} {"column":"country","info":"A `character` column that provides the probable country of residence for the player."}