Introduction to Keras for Researchers




Are you a machine learning researcher? Do you publish at NeurIPS and push the state-of-the-art in CV and NLP? This guide will serve as your first introduction to core Keras & TensorFlow API concepts.

In this guide, you will learn about:

  • Tensors, variables, and gradients in TensorFlow
  • Creating layers by subclassing the [Layer] class
  • Writing low-level training loops
  • Tracking losses created by layers via the add_loss() method
  • Tracking metrics in a low-level training loop
  • Speeding up execution with a compiled [tensorflow::tf_function()]
  • Executing layers in training or inference mode
  • The Keras Functional API

You will also see the Keras API in action in two end-to-end research examples: a Variational Autoencoder, and a Hypernetwork.


TensorFlow is an infrastructure layer for differentiable programming. At its heart, it’s a framework for manipulating N-dimensional arrays (tensors), much like NumPy.

However, there are three key differences between NumPy and TensorFlow:

  • TensorFlow can leverage hardware accelerators such as GPUs and TPUs.
  • TensorFlow can automatically compute the gradient of arbitrary differentiable tensor expressions.
  • TensorFlow computation can be distributed to large numbers of devices on a single machine, and large number of machines (potentially with multiple devices each).

Let’s take a look at the object that is at the core of TensorFlow: the Tensor.

Here’s a constant tensor:

x <- tf$constant(rbind(c(5, 2), c(1, 3)))
## tf.Tensor(
## [[5. 2.]
##  [1. 3.]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float64)

You can get its value as a R array by calling as.array():

##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    5    2
## [2,]    1    3

It features the attributes dtype and shape:

## tf.float64
## TensorShape([2, 2])

A common way to create constant tensors is via tf$ones and tf$zeros:

tf$ones(shape = shape(2, 1))
## tf.Tensor(
## [[1.]
##  [1.]], shape=(2, 1), dtype=float32)
tf$zeros(shape = shape(2, 1))
## tf.Tensor(
## [[0.]
##  [0.]], shape=(2, 1), dtype=float32)

You can also create random constant tensors:

x <- random_normal(shape = c(2, 2), mean = 0.0, stddev = 1.0)
x <- random_uniform(shape = c(2, 2), minval = 0, maxval = 10)


Variables are special tensors used to store mutable state (such as the weights of a neural network). You create a Variable using some initial value:

initial_value <- random_normal(shape=c(2, 2))
a <- tf$Variable(initial_value)
## <tf.Variable 'Variable:0' shape=(2, 2) dtype=float32, numpy=
## array([[ 0.9057419 ,  0.7916686 ],
##        [ 0.28754202, -0.5408822 ]], dtype=float32)>

You update the value of a Variable by using the methods $assign(value), $assign_add(increment), or $assign_sub(decrement):

new_value <- random_normal(shape=c(2, 2))
## <tf.Variable 'UnreadVariable' shape=(2, 2) dtype=float32, numpy=
## array([[-0.3405368 , -2.1463926 ],
##        [ 1.2602988 ,  0.12241419]], dtype=float32)>
added_value <- random_normal(shape=c(2, 2))
## <tf.Variable 'UnreadVariable' shape=(2, 2) dtype=float32, numpy=
## array([[ 0.04820395, -2.6854615 ],
##        [ 0.23246336,  1.4535258 ]], dtype=float32)>

Doing math in TensorFlow

If you’ve used NumPy, doing math in TensorFlow will look very familiar. The main difference is that your TensorFlow code can run on GPU and TPU.

a <- random_normal(shape=c(2, 2))
b <- random_normal(shape=c(2, 2))

c <- a + b
d <- tf$square(c)
e <- tf$exp(d)


Here’s another big difference with R: you can automatically retrieve the gradient of any differentiable expression.

Just open a GradientTape, start “watching” a tensor via tape$watch(), and compose a differentiable expression using this tensor as input:

a <- random_normal(shape=c(2, 2))
b <- random_normal(shape=c(2, 2))

with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
  tape$watch(a)  # Start recording the history of operations applied to `a`
  c <- tf$sqrt(tf$square(a) + tf$square(b))  # Do some math using `a`
  # What's the gradient of `c` with respect to `a`?
  dc_da <- tape$gradient(c, a)
## tf.Tensor(
## [[ 0.9969011  -0.7707146 ]
##  [ 0.23378514  0.96255165]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)

By default, variables are watched automatically, so you don’t need to manually watch them:

a <- tf$Variable(a)

with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
  c <- tf$sqrt(tf$square(a) + tf$square(b))
  dc_da <- tape$gradient(c, a)
## tf.Tensor(
## [[ 0.9969011  -0.7707146 ]
##  [ 0.23378514  0.96255165]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)

Note that you can compute higher-order derivatives by nesting tapes:

with(tf$GradientTape() %as% outer_tape, {
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
    c <- tf$sqrt(tf$square(a) + tf$square(b))
    dc_da <- tape$gradient(c, a)
  d2c_da2 <- outer_tape$gradient(dc_da, a)
## tf.Tensor(
## [[3.3447742e-03 7.1282005e-01]
##  [5.7464113e+00 5.5013180e-02]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)

Keras layers

While TensorFlow is an infrastructure layer for differentiable programming, dealing with tensors, variables, and gradients, Keras is a user interface for deep learning, dealing with layers, models, optimizers, loss functions, metrics, and more.

Keras serves as the high-level API for TensorFlow: Keras is what makes TensorFlow simple and productive.

The Layer class is the fundamental abstraction in Keras. A Layer encapsulates a state (weights) and some computation (defined in the call method).

A simple layer looks like this. The self$add_weight() method gives you a shortcut for creating weights:

Linear <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(units = 32, input_dim = 32) {
    self$w <- self$add_weight(
      shape = shape(input_dim, units),
      initializer = "random_normal",
      trainable = TRUE
    self$b <- self$add_weight(
      shape = shape(units),
      initializer = "zeros",
      trainable = TRUE
  call = function(inputs) {
    tf$matmul(inputs, self$w) + self$b

You would use a Layer instance much like a R function:

# Instantiate our layer.
linear_layer <- Linear(units=4, input_dim=2)

# The layer can be treated as a function.
# Here we call it on some data.
y <- linear_layer(tf$ones(shape(2, 2)))

The weight variables (created in initialize) are automatically tracked under the weights property:

## [[1]]
## <KerasVariable shape=(2, 4), dtype=float32, path=linear/variable>
## [[2]]
## <KerasVariable shape=(4), dtype=float32, path=linear/variable_1>

You have many built-in layers available, from Dense to Conv2D to LSTM to fancier ones like Conv3DTranspose or ConvLSTM2D. Be smart about reusing built-in functionality.

Layer weight creation in build(input_shape)

It’s often a good idea to defer weight creation to the build() method, so that you don’t need to specify the input dim/shape at layer construction time:

Linear <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(units = 32) {
    self$units <- units
  build = function(input_shape) {
    self$w <- self$add_weight(
      shape = shape(input_shape[-1], self$units),
      initializer = "random_normal",
      trainable = TRUE
    self$b <- self$add_weight(
      shape = shape(self$units),
      initializer = "zeros",
      trainable = TRUE
  call = function(inputs) {
    tf$matmul(inputs, self$w) + self$b

# Instantiate our layer.
linear_layer <- Linear(units = 4)

# This will also call `build(input_shape)` and create the weights.
y <- linear_layer(tf$ones(shape(2, 2)))

Layer gradients

You can automatically retrieve the gradients of the weights of a layer by calling it inside a GradientTape. Using these gradients, you can update the weights of the layer, either manually, or using an optimizer object. Of course, you can modify the gradients before using them, if you need to.

# Prepare a dataset.
c(c(x_train, y_train), .) %<-% dataset_mnist()

x_train <- array_reshape(x_train, c(60000, 784)) / 255

dataset <- tfdatasets::tensor_slices_dataset(list(x_train, y_train)) %>%
  tfdatasets::dataset_shuffle(buffer_size=1024) %>%

# Instantiate our linear layer (defined above) with 10 units.
linear_layer <- Linear(units = 10)

# Instantiate a logistic loss function that expects integer targets.
loss_fn <- loss_sparse_categorical_crossentropy(from_logits=TRUE)

# Instantiate an optimizer.
optimizer <- optimizer_sgd(learning_rate=1e-3)

# Iterate over the batches of the dataset.
coro::loop(for(data in dataset) {
  # Open a GradientTape.
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
    # Forward pass.
    logits <- linear_layer(data[[1]])

    # Loss value for this batch.
    loss_value <- loss_fn(data[[2]], logits)

  # Get gradients of the loss wrt the weights.
  gradients <- tape$gradient(loss_value, linear_layer$trainable_weights)

  # Update the weights of our linear layer.
  optimizer$apply_gradients(zip_lists(gradients, linear_layer$trainable_weights))
## tf.Tensor(1.2819729, shape=(), dtype=float32)

Trainable and non-trainable weights

Weights created by layers can be either trainable or non-trainable. They’re exposed in trainable_weights and non_trainable_weights respectively. Here’s a layer with a non-trainable weight:

ComputeSum <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(input_dim) {
    # Create a non-trainable weight.
    self$total <- self$add_weight(
      initializer = "zeros",
      shape = shape(input_dim),
      trainable = FALSE
  call = function(inputs) {
    self$total$assign_add(tf$reduce_sum(inputs, axis=0L))

my_sum <- ComputeSum(input_dim = 2)
x <- tf$ones(shape(2, 2))

## [1] 2 2
## [1] 4 4
## list()

Layers that own layers

Layers can be recursively nested to create bigger computation blocks. Each layer will track the weights of its sublayers (both trainable and non-trainable).

# Let's reuse the Linear class
# with a `build` method that we defined above.

MLP <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function() {
    self$linear_1 <- Linear(units = 32)
    self$linear_2 <- Linear(units = 32)
    self$linear_3 <- Linear(units = 10)
  call = function(inputs) {
    x <- self$linear_1(inputs)
    x <- tf$nn$relu(x)
    x <- self$linear_2(x)
    x <- tf$nn$relu(x)

mlp <- MLP()

# The first call to the `mlp` object will create the weights.
y <- mlp(tf$ones(shape=shape(3, 64)))

# Weights are recursively tracked.
## [1] 6

Note that our manually-created MLP above is equivalent to the following built-in option:

mlp <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 10)

Tracking losses created by layers

Layers can create losses during the forward pass via the add_loss() method. This is especially useful for regularization losses. The losses created by sublayers are recursively tracked by the parent layers.

Here’s a layer that creates an activity regularization loss:

# A layer that creates an activity sparsity regularization loss
ActivityRegularization <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(rate=1e-2) {
    self$rate <- rate
  call = function(inputs) {
    self$add_loss(self$rate * tf$reduce_sum(tf$abs(inputs)))

Any model incorporating this layer will track this regularization loss:

# Let's use the loss layer in a MLP block.
SparseMLP <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function() {
    self$linear_1 <- Linear(units = 32)
    self$reg <- ActivityRegularization(rate = 1e-2)
    self$linear_3 <- Linear(units = 10)
  call = function(inputs) {
    x <- self$linear_1(inputs)
    x <- tf$nn$relu(x)
    x <- self$reg(x)

mlp <- SparseMLP()
y <- mlp(tf$ones(shape(10, 10)))

mlp$losses  # List containing one float32 scalar
## [[1]]
## tf.Tensor(0.18065463, shape=(), dtype=float32)

These losses are cleared by the top-level layer at the start of each forward pass – they don’t accumulate. layer.losses always contains only the losses created during the last forward pass. You would typically use these losses by summing them before computing your gradients when writing a training loop.

# Losses correspond to the *last* forward pass.
mlp <- SparseMLP()
mlp(tf$ones(shape(10, 10)))
## tf.Tensor(
## [[ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]], shape=(10, 10), dtype=float32)
## [1] 1
mlp(tf$ones(shape(10, 10)))
## tf.Tensor(
## [[ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]
##  [ 0.0388482  -0.03920118  0.01624808 -0.01361975 -0.01354899  0.07107338
##   -0.01077365  0.05688906 -0.02838149 -0.04084621]], shape=(10, 10), dtype=float32)
length(mlp$losses)  # No accumulation.
## [1] 1
# Let's demonstrate how to use these losses in a training loop.

# Prepare a dataset.
c(c(x_train, y_train), .) %<-% dataset_mnist()
x_train <- array_reshape(x_train, c(60000, 784)) / 255

dataset <- tfdatasets::tensor_slices_dataset(list(x_train, y_train)) %>%
  tfdatasets::dataset_shuffle(buffer_size=1024) %>%

# A new MLP.
mlp <- SparseMLP()

# Loss and optimizer.
loss_fn <- loss_sparse_categorical_crossentropy(from_logits=TRUE)
optimizer <- optimizer_sgd(learning_rate=1e-3)

coro::loop(for(data in dataset) {
  x <- data[[1]]
  y <- data[[2]]
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
    # Forward pass.
    logits <- mlp(x)

    # External loss value for this batch.
    loss <- loss_fn(y, logits)

    # Add the losses created during the forward pass.
    loss <- loss + Reduce(`+`, mlp$losses)

    # Get gradients of the loss wrt the weights.
    gradients <- tape$gradient(loss, mlp$trainable_weights)

    # Update the weights of our linear layer.
    optimizer$apply_gradients(zip_lists(gradients, mlp$trainable_weights))

Keeping track of training metrics

Keras offers a broad range of built-in metrics, like metric_auc or metric_precision_at_recall. It’s also easy to create your own metrics in a few lines of code.

To use a metric in a custom training loop, you would:

  • Instantiate the metric object, e.g. metric = metric_auc()
  • Call its metric$udpate_state(targets, predictions) method for each batch of data
  • Query its result via metric$result()
  • Reset the metric’s state at the end of an epoch or at the start of an evaluation via metric$reset_state()

Here’s a simple example:

# Instantiate a metric object
accuracy <- metric_sparse_categorical_accuracy()

# Prepare our layer, loss, and optimizer.
model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 10)
loss_fn <- loss_sparse_categorical_crossentropy(from_logits = TRUE)
optimizer <- optimizer_adam(learning_rate=1e-3)

for (epoch in seq_len(2)) {
  coro::loop(for (data in dataset) {
    x <- data[[1]]
    y <- data[[2]]
    with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
      # Forward pass.
      logits <- model(x)

      # External loss value for this batch.
      loss_value <- loss_fn(y, logits)

    # Update the state of the `accuracy` metric.
    accuracy$update_state(y, logits)

    # Update the weights of the model to minimize the loss value.
    gradients <- tape$gradient(loss_value, model$trainable_weights)
    optimizer$apply_gradients(zip_lists(gradients, model$trainable_weights))

  cat("Epoch:", epoch, "Accuracy:", as.numeric(accuracy$result()), "\n")
## Epoch: 1 Accuracy: 0.8757833
## Epoch: 2 Accuracy: 0.93915

You can also define your own metrics by subclassing keras.metrics.Metric. You need to override the three functions called above:

  • Override update_state() to update the statistic values.
  • Override result() to return the metric value.
  • Override reset_state() to reset the metric to its initial state.

Here is an example where we implement the F1-score metric (with support for sample weighting).

F1Score <- new_metric_class(
  initialize = function(self, name="f1_score", dtype="float32", threshold=0.5, ...) {
    super$initialize(name=name, dtype=dtype, ...)
    self$threshold <- threshold
    self$true_positives <- self$add_weight(
      name="tp", dtype=dtype, initializer="zeros"
    self$false_positives <- self$add_weight(
      name="fp", dtype=dtype, initializer="zeros"
    self$false_negatives <- self$add_weight(
      name="fn", dtype=dtype, initializer="zeros"
  update_state = function(y_true, y_pred, sample_weight=NULL) {
    y_pred <- tf$math$greater_equal(y_pred, self$threshold)
    y_true <- tf$cast(y_true, tf$bool)
    y_pred <- tf$cast(y_pred, tf$bool)

    true_positives <- tf$cast(y_true & y_pred, self$dtype)
    false_positives <- tf$cast((!y_true) & y_pred, self$dtype)
    false_negatives <- tf$cast(y_true & (!y_pred), self$dtype)

    if (!is.null(sample_weight)) {
      sample_weight <- tf$cast(sample_weight, self$dtype)
      true_positives <- true_positives * sample_weight
      false_positives <- false_positives * sample_weight
      false_negatives <- false_negatives * sample_weight


  result = function() {
    precision <- self$true_positives / (self$true_positives + self$false_positives)
    recall <- self$true_positives / (self$true_positives + self$false_negatives)
    f1_score <- 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)

  reset_state = function() {

Let’s test-drive it:

m <- F1Score()
m$update_state(c(0, 1, 0, 0), c(0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9))
cat("Intermediate result:", as.numeric(m$result()), "\n")
## Intermediate result: 0.5
m$update_state(c(1, 1, 1, 1), c(0.1, 0.7, 0.6, 0.0))
cat("Final result:", as.numeric(m$result()), "\n")
## Final result: 0.6

Compiled functions

Running eagerly is great for debugging, but you will get better performance by compiling your computation into static graphs. Static graphs are a researcher’s best friends. You can compile any function by wrapping it in a tf.function decorator.

# Prepare our layer, loss, and optimizer.
model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 10)
loss_fn <- loss_sparse_categorical_crossentropy(from_logits = TRUE)
optimizer <- optimizer_adam(learning_rate=1e-3)

# Create a training step function.
train_on_batch <- tf_function(function(x, y) {
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
    # Forward pass.
    logits <- model(x)
    # External loss value for this batch.
    loss_value <- loss_fn(y, logits)
  # Update the weights of the model to minimize the loss value.
  gradients <- tape$gradient(loss_value, model$trainable_weights)
  optimizer$apply_gradients(zip_lists(gradients, model$trainable_weights))

# Prepare a dataset.
c(c(x_train, y_train), .) %<-% dataset_mnist()
x_train <- array_reshape(x_train, c(60000, 784)) / 255

dataset <- tfdatasets::tensor_slices_dataset(list(x_train, y_train)) %>%
  tfdatasets::dataset_shuffle(buffer_size=1024) %>%

i <- 0
coro::loop(for (data in dataset) {
  i <- i + 1
  x <- data[[1]]
  y <- data[[2]]
  loss <- train_on_batch(x, y)
  if (i %% 100 == 0)
    cat("Loss:", as.numeric(loss), "\n")
## Loss: 0.551749
## Loss: 0.2131135
## Loss: 0.2765952
## Loss: 0.1296219
## Loss: 0.2657076
## Loss: 0.2683381
## Loss: 0.1570166
## Loss: 0.3139241
## Loss: 0.08981849

Training mode & inference mode

Some layers, in particular the BatchNormalization layer and the Dropout layer, have different behaviors during training and inference. For such layers, it is standard practice to expose a training (boolean) argument in the call method.

By exposing this argument in call, you enable the built-in training and evaluation loops (e.g. fit) to correctly use the layer in training and inference modes.

Dropout <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(rate) {
    self$rate <- rate
  call = function(inputs, training = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(training) && training) {
      return(tf$nn$dropout(inputs, rate = self$rate))

MLPWithDropout <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function() {
    self$linear_1 <- Linear(units = 32)
    self$dropout <- Dropout(rate = 0.5)
    self$linear_3 <- Linear(units = 10)
  call = function(inputs, training = NULL) {
    x <- self$linear_1(inputs)
    x <- tf$nn$relu(x)
    x <- self$dropout(x, training = training)

mlp <- MLPWithDropout()
y_train <- mlp(tf$ones(shape(2, 2)), training=TRUE)
y_test <- mlp(tf$ones(shape(2, 2)), training=FALSE)

The Functional API for model-building

To build deep learning models, you don’t have to use object-oriented programming all the time. All layers we’ve seen so far can also be composed functionally, like this (we call it the “Functional API”):

# We use an `Input` object to describe the shape and dtype of the inputs.
# This is the deep learning equivalent of *declaring a type*.
# The shape argument is per-sample; it does not include the batch size.
# The functional API focused on defining per-sample transformations.
# The model we create will automatically batch the per-sample transformations,
# so that it can be called on batches of data.
inputs <- layer_input(shape = 16, dtype = "float32")

# We call layers on these "type" objects
# and they return updated types (new shapes/dtypes).
outputs <- inputs %>%
  Linear(units = 32) %>% # We are reusing the Linear layer we defined earlier.
  Dropout(rate = 0.5) %>% # We are reusing the Dropout layer we defined earlier.
  Linear(units = 10)

# A functional `Model` can be defined by specifying inputs and outputs.
# A model is itself a layer like any other.
model <- keras_model(inputs, outputs)

# A functional model already has weights, before being called on any data.
# That's because we defined its input shape in advance (in `Input`).
## [1] 4
# Let's call our model on some data, for fun.
y <- model(tf$ones(shape(2, 16)))
## TensorShape([2, 10])
# You can pass a `training` argument in `__call__`
# (it will get passed down to the Dropout layer).
y <- model(tf$ones(shape(2, 16)), training=TRUE)

The Functional API tends to be more concise than subclassing, and provides a few other advantages (generally the same advantages that functional, typed languages provide over untyped OO development). However, it can only be used to define DAGs of layers – recursive networks should be defined as Layer subclasses instead.

Learn more about the Functional API here.

In your research workflows, you may often find yourself mix-and-matching OO models and Functional models.

Note that the Model class also features built-in training & evaluation loops: fit(), predict() and evaluate() (configured via the compile() method). These built-in functions give you access to the following built-in training infrastructure features:

  • Callbacks. You can leverage built-in callbacks for early-stopping, model checkpointing, and monitoring training with TensorBoard. You can also implement custom callbacks if needed.
  • Distributed training. You can easily scale up your training to multiple GPUs, TPU, or even multiple machines with the tf.distribute API – with no changes to your code.
  • Step fusing. With the steps_per_execution argument in Model.compile(), you can process multiple batches in a single tf.function call, which greatly improves device utilization on TPUs.

We won’t go into the details, but we provide a simple code example below. It leverages the built-in training infrastructure to implement the MNIST example above.

inputs <- layer_input(shape = 784, dtype="float32")
outputs <- inputs %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 10)
model <- keras_model(inputs, outputs)

# Specify the loss, optimizer, and metrics with `compile()`.
model %>% compile(
    loss = loss_sparse_categorical_crossentropy(from_logits=TRUE),

# Train the model with the dataset for 2 epochs.
model %>% fit(dataset, epochs=2)
## Epoch 1/2
## 938/938 - 4s - 4ms/step - loss: 0.3958 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.8866
## Epoch 2/2
## 938/938 - 1s - 960us/step - loss: 0.1888 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.9443
predictions <- model %>% predict(dataset)
## 938/938 - 1s - 1ms/step
model %>% evaluate(dataset)
## 938/938 - 1s - 1ms/step - loss: 0.1763 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.9454
## $loss
## [1] 0.1763445
## $sparse_categorical_accuracy
## [1] 0.9454167

You can always subclass the Model class (it works exactly like subclassing Layer) if you want to leverage built-in training loops for your OO models. Just override the Model$train_step() to customize what happens in fit() while retaining support for the built-in infrastructure features outlined above – callbacks, zero-code distribution support, and step fusing support. You may also override test_step() to customize what happens in evaluate(), and override predict_step() to customize what happens in predict(). For more information, please refer to this guide.

CustomModel <- new_model_class(
  initialize = function(...) {
    self$loss_tracker <- metric_mean(name="loss")
    self$accuracy <- metric_sparse_categorical_accuracy()
    self$loss_fn <- loss_sparse_categorical_crossentropy(from_logits=TRUE)
    self$optimizer <- optimizer_adam(learning_rate=1e-3)
  train_step = function(data) {
    c(x, y = NULL, sample_weight = NULL) %<-% data
    with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
      y_pred <- self(x, training=TRUE)
      loss <- self$loss_fn(y = y, y_pred = y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight)
    gradients <- tape$gradient(loss, self$trainable_variables)
      zip_lists(gradients, self$trainable_variables)

    # Update metrics (includes the metric that tracks the loss)
    self$accuracy$update_state(y, y_pred, sample_weight=sample_weight)
    # Return a list mapping metric names to current value
      loss = self$loss_tracker$result(),
      accuracy = self$accuracy$result()
  metrics = mark_active(function() {
    list(self$loss_tracker, self$accuracy)

inputs <- layer_input(shape = 784, dtype="float32")
outputs <- inputs %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 32, activation = "relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units = 10)
model <- CustomModel(inputs, outputs)
model %>% compile()
model %>% fit(dataset, epochs=2)
## Epoch 1/2
## 938/938 - 2s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3869 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.8924
## Epoch 2/2
## 938/938 - 1s - 1ms/step - loss: 0.2163 - sparse_categorical_accuracy: 0.9370

End-to-end experiment example 1: variational autoencoders.

Here are some of the things you’ve learned so far:

  • A Layer encapsulates a state (created in __init__ or build) and some computation (defined in call).
  • Layers can be recursively nested to create new, bigger computation blocks.
  • You can easily write highly hackable training loops by opening a GradientTape, calling your model inside the tape’s scope, then retrieving gradients and applying them via an optimizer.
  • You can speed up your training loops using the @tf.function decorator.
  • Layers can create and track losses (typically regularization losses) via self.add_loss().

Let’s put all of these things together into an end-to-end example: we’re going to implement a Variational AutoEncoder (VAE). We’ll train it on MNIST digits.

Our VAE will be a subclass of Layer, built as a nested composition of layers that subclass Layer. It will feature a regularization loss (KL divergence).

Below is our model definition.

First, we have an Encoder class, which uses a Sampling layer to map a MNIST digit to a latent-space triplet (z_mean, z_log_var, z).

Sampling <- new_layer_class(
  call = function(inputs) {
    c(z_mean, z_log_var) %<-% inputs
    batch <- op_shape(z_mean)[[1]]
    dim <- op_shape(z_mean)[[2]]
    epsilon <- random_normal(shape = c(batch, dim))
    z_mean + op_exp(0.5 * z_log_var) * epsilon

Encoder <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(latent_dim = 32, intermediate_dim = 64, ...) {
    self$dense_proj <- layer_dense(units = intermediate_dim, activation = "relu")
    self$dense_mean <- layer_dense(units = latent_dim)
    self$dense_log_var <- layer_dense(units = latent_dim)
    self$sampling <- Sampling()
  call = function(inputs) {
    x <- self$dense_proj(inputs)
    z_mean <- self$dense_mean(x)
    z_log_var <- self$dense_log_var(x)
    z <- self$sampling(list(z_mean, z_log_var))
    list(z_mean, z_log_var, z)

Next, we have a Decoder class, which maps the probabilistic latent space coordinates back to a MNIST digit.

Decoder <- new_layer_class(
  initialize = function(original_dim, intermediate_dim = 64, ...) {
    self$dense_proj <- layer_dense(units = intermediate_dim, activation = "relu")
    self$dense_output <- layer_dense(units = original_dim, activation = "sigmoid")
  call = function(inputs) {
    x <- self$dense_proj(inputs)

Finally, our VariationalAutoEncoder composes together an encoder and a decoder, and creates a KL divergence regularization loss via add_loss().

VariationalAutoEncoder <- new_model_class(
  initialize = function(original_dim,
        name="autoencoder", ...) {
    super$initialize(name = name, ...)
    self$original_dim <- original_dim
    self$encoder <- Encoder(
      latent_dim = latent_dim,
      intermediate_dim = intermediate_dim
    self$decoder <- Decoder(
      original_dim = original_dim,
      intermediate_dim = intermediate_dim
  call = function(inputs) {
    c(z_mean, z_log_var, z) %<-% self$encoder(inputs)
    reconstructed <- self$decoder(z)
    # Add KL divergence regularization loss.
    kl_loss <- -0.5 * op_mean(
      z_log_var - op_square(z_mean) - op_exp(z_log_var) + 1

Now, let’s write a training loop. Our training step is decorated with a @tf.function to compile into a super fast graph function.

# Our model.
vae <- VariationalAutoEncoder(
  original_dim = 784,
  intermediate_dim = 64,
  latent_dim = 32

# Loss and optimizer.
loss_fn <- loss_mean_squared_error()
optimizer = optimizer_adam(learning_rate=1e-3)

# Prepare a dataset.
c(c(x_train, .), .) %<-% dataset_mnist()
x_train <- array_reshape(x_train, c(60000, 784)) / 255

dataset <- tfdatasets::tensor_slices_dataset(x_train) %>%
  tfdatasets::dataset_shuffle(buffer_size=1024) %>%

training_step <- tf_function(function(x) {
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
    reconstructed <- vae(x)  # Compute input reconstruction.
    # Compute loss.
    loss <- loss_fn(x, reconstructed)
    loss <- loss + op_sum(vae$losses)  # Add KLD term.
  # Update the weights of the VAE.
  grads <- tape$gradient(loss, vae$trainable_weights)
  optimizer$apply_gradients(zip_lists(grads, vae$trainable_weights))

losses <- c()  # Keep track of the losses over time.
coro::loop(for(data in dataset) {
  loss <- training_step(data)

  # Logging.
  losses[length(losses) + 1] <- as.numeric(loss)
  if (length(losses) %% 100 == 0) {
    cat("Step:", length(losses), "Loss:", mean(losses), "\n")
  # Stop after 1000 steps.
  # Training the model to convergence is left
  # as an exercise to the reader.
  if (length(losses) >= 1000) {
## Step: 100 Loss: 0.1270978
## Step: 200 Loss: 0.1003238
## Step: 300 Loss: 0.09001128
## Step: 400 Loss: 0.08493649
## Step: 500 Loss: 0.08171404
## Step: 600 Loss: 0.07926706
## Step: 700 Loss: 0.07790599
## Step: 800 Loss: 0.07670419
## Step: 900 Loss: 0.07570736
## Step: 1000 Loss: 0.07476593

As you can see, building and training this type of model in Keras is quick and painless.

End-to-end experiment example 2: hypernetworks.

Let’s take a look at another kind of research experiment: hypernetworks.

The idea is to use a small deep neural network (the hypernetwork) to generate the weights for a larger network (the main network).

Let’s implement a really trivial hypernetwork: we’ll use a small 2-layer network to generate the weights of a larger 3-layer network.

input_dim <- 784
classes <- 10

# This is the main network we'll actually use to predict labels.
inputs <- layer_input(shape = input_dim)
dense1 <- layer_dense(units = 64, activation = "relu")
dense1$built <- TRUE

dense2 <- layer_dense(units = classes)
dense2$built <- TRUE

outputs <- inputs %>% dense1() %>% dense2()
main_network <- keras_model(inputs, outputs)

# This is the number of weight coefficients to generate. Each layer in the
# main network requires output_dim * input_dim + output_dim coefficients.
num_weights_to_generate <- (classes * 64 + classes) + (64 * input_dim + 64)

# This is the hypernetwork that generates the weights of the `main_network` above.
hypernetwork <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_dense(units=16, activation="relu") %>%
  layer_dense(units=num_weights_to_generate, activation="sigmoid")

This is our training loop. For each batch of data:

  • We use hypernetwork to generate an array of weight coefficients, weights_pred
  • We reshape these coefficients into kernel & bias tensors for the main_network
  • We run the forward pass of the main_network to compute the actual MNIST predictions
  • We run backprop through the weights of the hypernetwork to minimize the final classification loss
# Loss and optimizer.
loss_fn <- loss_sparse_categorical_crossentropy(from_logits = TRUE)
optimizer <- optimizer_adam(learning_rate=1e-4)

# Prepare a dataset.
c(c(x_train, y_train), .) %<-% dataset_mnist()
x_train <- array_reshape(x_train, c(60000, 784)) / 255

dataset <- tfdatasets::tensor_slices_dataset(list(x_train, y_train)) %>%
  tfdatasets::dataset_shuffle(buffer_size=1024) %>%
  # We'll use a batch size of 1 for this experiment.

train_step <- function(x, y) {
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, {
    weights_pred <- hypernetwork(x)

    # Reshape them to the expected shapes for w and b for the outer model.
    # Layer 1 kernel.
    start_index <- 1
    w1_shape <- c(input_dim, 64)
    w1_coeffs <- weights_pred[, start_index:(start_index + prod(w1_shape) - 1)]
    w1 <- tf$reshape(w1_coeffs, as.integer(w1_shape))
    start_index <- start_index + prod(w1_shape)

    # Layer 1 bias.
    b1_shape <- c(64)
    b1_coeffs <- weights_pred[, start_index:(start_index + prod(b1_shape) - 1)]
    b1 <- tf$reshape(b1_coeffs, as.integer(b1_shape))
    start_index <- start_index + prod(b1_shape)

    # Layer 2 kernel.
    w2_shape <- c(64, classes)
    w2_coeffs <- weights_pred[, start_index:(start_index + prod(w2_shape) - 1)]
    w2 <- tf$reshape(w2_coeffs, as.integer(w2_shape))
    start_index <- start_index + prod(w2_shape)

    # Layer 2 bias.
    b2_shape <- c(classes)
    b2_coeffs <- weights_pred[, start_index:(start_index + prod(b2_shape) - 1)]
    b2 <- tf$reshape(b2_coeffs, as.integer(b2_shape))
    start_index <- start_index + prod(b2_shape)

    # Set the weight predictions as the weight variables on the outer model.
    dense1$kernel <- w1
    dense1$bias <- b1
    dense2$kernel <- w2
    dense2$bias <- b2

    # Inference on the outer model.
    preds <- main_network(x)
    loss <- loss_fn(y, preds)

  grads <- tape$gradient(loss, hypernetwork$trainable_weights)
  optimizer$apply_gradients(zip_lists(grads, hypernetwork$trainable_weights))

losses <- c()  # Keep track of the losses over time.
coro::loop(for (data in dataset) {
  x <- data[[1]]
  y <- data[[2]]
  loss <- train_step(x, y)

  # Logging.
  losses[length(losses) + 1] <- as.numeric(loss)
  if (length(losses) %% 100 == 0) {
    cat("Step:", length(losses), "Loss:", mean(losses), "\n")
  # Stop after 1000 steps.
  # Training the model to convergence is left
  # as an exercise to the reader.
  if (length(losses) >= 1000) {
## Step: 100 Loss: 2.536778
## Step: 200 Loss: 2.236472
## Step: 300 Loss: 2.119417
## Step: 400 Loss: 2.040341
## Step: 500 Loss: 1.949125
## Step: 600 Loss: 1.859384
## Step: 700 Loss: 1.845726
## Step: 800 Loss: 1.820594
## Step: 900 Loss: 1.771334
## Step: 1000 Loss: 1.730648

Implementing arbitrary research ideas with Keras is straightforward and highly productive. Imagine trying out 25 ideas per day (20 minutes per experiment on average)!

Keras has been designed to go from idea to results as fast as possible, because we believe this is the key to doing great research.

We hope you enjoyed this quick introduction. Let us know what you build with Keras!