Package 'bslib'

Title: Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'
Description: Simplifies custom 'CSS' styling of both 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown' via 'Bootstrap' 'Sass'. Supports 'Bootstrap' 3, 4 and 5 as well as their various 'Bootswatch' themes. An interactive widget is also provided for previewing themes in real time.
Authors: Carson Sievert [aut, cre] , Joe Cheng [aut], Garrick Aden-Buie [aut] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd], Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Twitter, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library), Javi Aguilar [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap colorpicker library), Thomas Park [ctb, cph] (Bootswatch library), PayPal [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin)
Maintainer: Carson Sievert <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-03-05 20:23:57 UTC

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Create a vertically collapsing accordion


An accordion can be used to organize UI elements and content in a limited space. It comprises multiple, vertically stacked panels that expand or collapse when clicked, providing a compact layout that works well for grouping input elements in a sidebar() or for organizing detailed context-specific information.


  id = NULL,
  open = NULL,
  multiple = TRUE,
  class = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL

accordion_panel(title, ..., value = title, icon = NULL)



Named arguments become attributes on the ⁠<div class="accordion">⁠ element. Unnamed arguments should be accordion_panel()s.


If provided, you can use input$id in your server logic to determine which of the accordion_panel()s are currently active. The value will correspond to the accordion_panel()'s value argument.


A character vector of accordion_panel() values to open (i.e., show) by default. The default value of NULL will open the first accordion_panel(). Use a value of TRUE to open all (or FALSE to open none) of the items. It's only possible to open more than one panel when multiple=TRUE.


Whether multiple accordion_panel() can be open at once.


Additional CSS classes to include on the accordion div.

width, height

Any valid CSS unit; for example, height="100%".


A title to appear in the accordion_panel()'s header.


A character string that uniquely identifies this panel.


A htmltools::tag child (e.g., bsicons::bs_icon()) which is positioned just before the title.


bslib's accordion component is derived from the Bootstrap Accordion component. Accordions are also featured on the bslib website:

See Also

accordion_panel_set(), accordion_panel_open() and accordion_panel_close() programmatically interact with the state of an accordion panel.

accordion_panel_insert(), accordion_panel_remove() and accordion_panel_update() add or remove accordion panels from an accordion.

Other Components: card(), popover(), tooltip(), value_box()


items <- lapply(LETTERS, function(x) {
  accordion_panel(paste("Section", x), paste("Some narrative for section", x))

# First shown by default
# Nothing shown by default
accordion(!!!items, open = FALSE)
# Everything shown by default
accordion(!!!items, open = TRUE)

# Show particular sections
accordion(!!!items, open = "Section B")
accordion(!!!items, open = c("Section A", "Section B"))

# Provide an id to create a shiny input binding

ui <- page_fluid(
  accordion(!!!items, id = "acc")

server <- function(input, output) {

shinyApp(ui, server)

Dynamically update accordions


Dynamically update/modify accordion()s in a Shiny app. To be updated programmatically, the accordion() must have an id. These functions require an active Shiny session and only work with a running Shiny app.


accordion_panel_set(id, values, session = get_current_session())

accordion_panel_open(id, values, session = get_current_session())

accordion_panel_close(id, values, session = get_current_session())

  target = NULL,
  position = c("after", "before"),
  session = get_current_session()

accordion_panel_remove(id, target, session = get_current_session())

  title = NULL,
  value = NULL,
  icon = NULL,
  session = get_current_session()



an character string that matches an existing accordion()'s id.


either a character string (used to identify particular accordion_panel()s by their value) or TRUE (i.e., all values).


a shiny session object (the default should almost always be used).


an accordion_panel().


The value of an existing panel to insert next to. If removing: the value of the accordion_panel() to remove.


Should panel be added before or after the target? When target is NULL (the default), "after" will append after the last panel and "before" will prepend before the first panel.


Elements that become the new content of the panel.


A title to appear in the accordion_panel()'s header.


A character string that uniquely identifies this panel.


A htmltools::tag child (e.g., bsicons::bs_icon()) which is positioned just before the title.


See Also

accordion() and accordion_panel() create the accordion component.

Test and/or coerce fill behavior


Filling layouts in bslib are built on the foundation of fillable containers and fill items (fill carriers are both fillable and fill). This is why most bslib components (e.g., card(), card_body(), layout_sidebar()) possess both fillable and fill arguments (to control their fill behavior). However, sometimes it's useful to add, remove, and/or test fillable/fill properties on arbitrary htmltools::tag(), which these functions are designed to do.


  min_height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  gap = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  style = NULL,
  css_selector = NULL

  min_height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  gap = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  style = NULL,
  css_selector = NULL

  min_height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  style = NULL,
  css_selector = NULL







An htmltools::tag().


Currently ignored.

min_height, max_height

Any valid CSS unit (e.g., 150).


Any valid CSS unit.


A character vector of class names to add to the tag.


A character vector of CSS properties to add to the tag.


A character string containing a CSS selector for targeting particular (inner) tag(s) of interest. For more details on what selector(s) are supported, see htmltools::tagAppendAttributes().


Although as_fill(), as_fillable(), and as_fill_carrier() can work with non-tag objects that have a htmltools::as.tags method (e.g., htmlwidgets), they return the "tagified" version of that object.


  • For as_fill(), as_fillable(), and as_fill_carrier(): the tagified version x, with relevant tags modified to possess the relevant fill properties.

  • For is_fill(), is_fillable(), and is_fill_carrier(): a logical vector, with length matching the number of top-level tags that possess the relevant fill properties.


The Filling Layouts article on the bslib website introduces the concept of fillable containers and fill items.

See Also

These functions provide a convenient interface to the underlying htmltools::bindFillRole() function.


    # without `as_fill_carrier()`, the plot won't fill the page because
    # `uiOutput()` is neither a fillable container nor a fill item by default.
  function(input, output) {
    output$ui <- renderUI({
        class = "bg-info text-white",
        "A fill item"

Bind input_task_button to ExtendedTask


Sets up a shiny::ExtendedTask to relay its state to an existing input_task_button(), so the task button stays in its "busy" state for as long as the extended task is running.

Note that bind_task_button does not automatically cause button presses to invoke the extended task; you still need to use shiny::bindEvent() (or shiny::observeEvent()) to cause the button press to trigger an invocation, as in the example below.

bind_task_button cannot be used to bind one task button to multiple ExtendedTask objects; if you attempt to do so, any bound ExtendedTask that completes will cause the button to return to "ready" state.


bind_task_button(target, task_button_id, ...)

## Default S3 method:
bind_task_button(target, task_button_id, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ExtendedTask'
bind_task_button(target, task_button_id, ..., session = get_current_session())



The target object (i.e. ExtendedTask).


A string matching the id argument passed to the corresponding input_task_button() call.


Further arguments passed to other methods.


A Shiny session object (the default should almost always be used).


The target object that was passed in.



ui <- page_sidebar(
  sidebar = sidebar(
    input_task_button("recalc", "Recalculate")

server <- function(input, output) {
  rand_task <- ExtendedTask$new(function() {
      # Slow operation goes here
    }, seed = TRUE)

  # Make button state reflect task.
  # If using R >=4.1, you can do this instead:
  # rand_task <- ExtendedTask$new(...) |> bind_task_button("recalc")
  bind_task_button(rand_task, "recalc")

  observeEvent(input$recalc, {

  output$outval <- renderText({

shinyApp(ui, server)

Obtain a list of all available bootswatch themes.


Obtain a list of all available bootswatch themes.


bootswatch_themes(version = version_default(), full_path = FALSE)



The major version of Bootswatch.


Whether to return a path to the installed theme.


Returns a character vector of Bootswatch themes.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme utility functions: bs_get_variables(), builtin_themes(), theme_bootswatch(), theme_version(), versions()

Define breakpoint values


A generic constructor for responsive breakpoints.


breakpoints(..., xs = NULL, sm = NULL, md = NULL, lg = NULL)



Other breakpoints (e.g., xl).


The default value to apply to the xs breakpoint. Note that this breakpoint is generally equivalent to "all sizes" and is typically treated as the base case or a value to apply by default across all breakpoints unless overridden by a larger breakpoint.


Values to apply at the sm breakpoint.


Values to apply at the md breakpoint.


Values to apply at the lg breakpoint.


Bootstrap's Breakpoints article provides more detail on breakpoints and how they are used and customized.

See Also

breakpoints() is used by layout_columns().


breakpoints(sm = c(4, 4, 4), md = c(3, 3, 6), lg = c(-2, 8, -2))

Add low-level theming customizations


These functions provide direct access to the layers of a bslib theme created with bs_theme(). Learn more about composable Sass layers on the sass website.


  .where = "defaults",
  .default_flag = identical(.where, "defaults")

bs_add_rules(theme, rules)

bs_add_functions(theme, functions)

bs_add_mixins(theme, mixins)

bs_bundle(theme, ...)



A bs_theme() object.

  • bs_add_variables(): Should be named Sass variables or values that can be passed in directly to the defaults argument of a sass::sass_layer().

  • bs_bundle(): Should be arguments that can be handled by sass::sass_bundle() to be appended to the theme


Whether to place the variable definitions before other Sass "defaults", after other Sass "declarations", or after other Sass "rules".


Whether or not to add a !default flag (if missing) to variable expressions. It's recommended to keep this as TRUE when .where = "defaults".


Sass rules. Anything understood by sass::as_sass() may be provided (e.g., a list, character vector, sass::sass_file(), etc)


A character vector or sass::sass_file() containing functions definitions.


A character vector or sass::sass_file() containing mixin definitions.


Compared to higher-level theme customization available in bs_theme(), these functions are a more direct interface to Bootstrap Sass, and therefore, do nothing to ensure theme customizations are portable between major Bootstrap versions.


Returns a modified bs_theme() object.



See Also

bs_theme() creates a Bootstrap theme object, and is the best place to start learning about bslib's theming capabilities.

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_current_theme(), bs_dependency(), bs_global_theme(), bs_remove(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_dependencies(), bs_theme_preview()


# Function to preview the styling a (primary) Bootstrap button
button <- tags$a(class = "btn btn-primary", href = "#", role = "button", "Hello")
preview_button <- function(theme) {
  browsable(tags$body(bs_theme_dependencies(theme), button))

# Here we start with a theme based on a Bootswatch theme,
# then override some variable defaults
theme <- bs_add_variables(
  bs_theme(bootswatch = "sketchy", primary = "orange"),
  "body-bg" = "#EEEEEE",
  "font-family-base" = "monospace",
  "font-size-base" = "1.4rem",
  "btn-padding-y" = ".16rem",
  "btn-padding-x" = "2rem"


# If you need to set a variable based on another Bootstrap variable
theme <- bs_add_variables(theme, "body-color" = "$success", .where = "declarations")

# Start a new global theme and add some custom rules that
# use Bootstrap variables to define a custom styling for a
# 'person card'
person_rules <- system.file("custom", "person.scss", package = "bslib")
theme <- bs_add_rules(bs_theme(), sass::sass_file(person_rules))

# Include custom CSS that leverages bootstrap Sass variables
person <- function(name, title, company) {
    class = "person",
    h3(class = "name", name),
    div(class = "title", title),
    div(class = "company", company)

  theme = theme,
  person("Andrew Carnegie", "Owner", "Carnegie Steel Company"),
  person("John D. Rockefeller", "Chairman", "Standard Oil")

Obtain the currently active theme at render time


Intended for advanced use by developers to obtain the currently active theme at render time and primarily for implementing themable widgets that can't otherwise be themed via bs_dependency_defer() .


bs_current_theme(session = get_current_session(FALSE))



The current Shiny session (if any).


This function should generally only be called at print/render time. For example:

Calling this function at print/render time is important because it does different things based on the context in which it's called:

  • If a reactive context is active, session$getCurrentTheme() is called (which is a reactive read).

  • If no reactive context is active, shiny::getCurrentTheme() is called (which returns the current app's theme, if relevant).

  • If shiny::getCurrentTheme() comes up empty, then bs_global_get() is called, which is relevant for rmarkdown::html_document(), and possibly other static rendering contexts.


Returns a bs_theme() object.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_add_variables(), bs_dependency(), bs_global_theme(), bs_remove(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_dependencies(), bs_theme_preview()

Themeable HTML components


Themeable HTML components use Sass to generate CSS rules from Bootstrap Sass variables, functions, and/or mixins (i.e., stuff inside of theme). bs_dependencies() makes it a bit easier to create themeable components by compiling sass::sass() (input) together with Bootstrap Sass inside of a theme, and packaging up the result into an htmltools::htmlDependency().

Themable components can also be dynamically themed inside of Shiny (i.e., they may be themed in 'real-time' via bs_themer(), and more generally, update their styles in response to shiny::session's setCurrentTheme() method). Dynamically themeable components provide a "recipe" (i.e., a function) to bs_dependency_defer(), describing how to generate new CSS stylesheet(s) from a new theme. This function is called when the HTML page is first rendered, and may be invoked again with a new theme whenever shiny::session's setCurrentTheme() is called.


  input = list(),
  cache_key_extra = NULL,
  .dep_args = list(),
  .sass_args = list()

bs_dependency_defer(func, memoise = TRUE)



Sass rules to compile, using theme.


A bs_theme() object.


Library name


Library version


Extra information to add to the sass cache key. It is useful to add the version of your package.


A list of additional arguments to pass to htmltools::htmlDependency(). Note that package has no effect and script must be absolute path(s).


A list of additional arguments to pass to sass::sass_partial().


a non-anonymous function, with a single argument. This function should accept a bs_theme() object and return a single htmltools::htmlDependency(), a list of them, or NULL.


whether or not to memoise (i.e., cache) func results for a short period of time. The default, TRUE, can have large performance benefits when many instances of the same themable widget are rendered. Note that you may want to avoid memoisation if func relies on side-effects (e.g., files on-disk) that need to change for each themable widget instance.


bs_dependency() returns an htmltools::htmlDependency() and bs_dependency_defer() returns an htmltools::tagFunction()


See Also

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_add_variables(), bs_current_theme(), bs_global_theme(), bs_remove(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_dependencies(), bs_theme_preview()


myWidgetVersion <- "1.2.3"

myWidgetDependency <- function() {
      name = "mywidget-js",
      version = myWidgetVersion,
      src = system.file(package = "mypackage", "js"),
      script = "mywidget.js"

myWidgetCSS <- function(theme) {
  if (!is_bs_theme(theme)) {
        name = "mywidget-css",
        version = myWidgetVersion,
        src = system.file(package = "mypackage", "css"),
        stylesheet = "mywidget.css"

  # Compile mywidget.scss using the variables and defaults from the theme
  # object.
  sass_input <- sass::sass_file(system.file(package = "mypackage", "scss/mywidget.scss"))

    input = sass_input,
    theme = theme,
    name = "mywidget",
    version = myWidgetVersion,
    cache_key_extra = utils::packageVersion("mypackage")

# Note that myWidgetDependency is not defined inside of myWidget. This is so
# that, if `myWidget()` is called multiple times, Shiny can tell that the
# function objects are identical and deduplicate them.
myWidget <- function(id) {
    id = id,

Retrieve Sass variable values from the current theme


Useful for retrieving a variable from the current theme and using the value to inform another R function.


bs_get_variables(theme, varnames)

bs_get_contrast(theme, varnames)



A bs_theme() object.


A character string referencing a Sass variable in the current theme.


Returns a character string containing a CSS/Sass value. If the variable(s) are not defined, their value is NA.


Theming: Bootstrap 5 variables provides a searchable reference of all theming variables available in Bootstrap 5.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme utility functions: bootswatch_themes(), builtin_themes(), theme_bootswatch(), theme_version(), versions()


vars <- c("body-bg", "body-color", "primary", "border-radius")
bs_get_variables(bs_theme(), varnames = vars)
bs_get_variables(bs_theme(bootswatch = "darkly"), varnames = vars)

bs_get_contrast(bs_theme(), c("primary", "dark", "light"))

  class = "bg-primary",
  style = css(
    color = bs_get_contrast(bs_theme(), "primary")

Global theming


bs_global_theme() creates and sets the global Bootstrap Sass theme. This theme is typically found by bs_theme_dependencies() in the app or document where the global theme is being used. You can obtain the current global theme with bs_global_get() or directly set the global theme with bs_global_set().


  version = version_default(),
  preset = NULL,
  bg = NULL,
  fg = NULL,
  primary = NULL,
  secondary = NULL,
  success = NULL,
  info = NULL,
  warning = NULL,
  danger = NULL,
  base_font = NULL,
  code_font = NULL,
  heading_font = NULL,
  bootswatch = NULL

bs_global_set(theme = bs_theme())



  .where = "defaults",
  .default_flag = identical(.where, "defaults")



  preset = NULL,
  bg = NULL,
  fg = NULL,
  primary = NULL,
  secondary = NULL,
  success = NULL,
  info = NULL,
  warning = NULL,
  danger = NULL,
  base_font = NULL,
  code_font = NULL,
  heading_font = NULL,
  bootswatch = NULL



The major version of Bootstrap to use (see versions() for possible values). Defaults to the currently recommended version for new projects (currently Bootstrap 5).


The name of a theme preset, either a built-in theme provided by bslib or a Bootswatch theme (see builtin_themes() and bootswatch_themes() for possible values). This argument takes precedence over the bootswatch argument and only one preset or bootswatch can be provided. When no bootswatch theme is specified, and version is 5 or higher, preset defaults to "shiny". To remove the "shiny" preset, provide a value of "bootstrap" (this value will also work in bs_theme_update() to remove a preset or bootswatch theme).


A color string for the background.


A color string for the foreground.


A color to be used for hyperlinks, to indicate primary/default actions, and to show active selection state in some Bootstrap components. Generally a bold, saturated color that contrasts with the theme's base colors.


A color for components and messages that don't need to stand out. (Not supported in Bootstrap 3.)


A color for messages that indicate an operation has succeeded. Typically green.


A color for messages that are informative but not critical. Typically a shade of blue-green.


A color for warning messages. Typically yellow.


A color for errors. Typically red.


The default typeface.


The typeface to be used for code. Be sure this is monospace!


The typeface to be used for heading elements.


arguments passed along to bs_add_variables().


The name of a bootswatch theme (see bootswatch_themes() for possible values). When provided to bs_theme_update(), any previous Bootswatch theme is first removed before the new one is applied (use bootswatch = "bootstrap" to effectively remove the Bootswatch theme).


A bs_theme() object.


Whether to place the variable definitions before other Sass "defaults", after other Sass "declarations", or after other Sass "rules".


Whether or not to add a !default flag (if missing) to variable expressions. It's recommended to keep this as TRUE when .where = "defaults".


Functions that modify the global theme (e.g., bs_global_set()) invisibly return the previously set theme. bs_global_get() returns the current global theme.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_add_variables(), bs_current_theme(), bs_dependency(), bs_remove(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_dependencies(), bs_theme_preview()


# Remember the global state now (so we can restore later)
theme <- bs_global_get()

# Use Bootstrap 3 (globally) with some theme customization
bs_global_theme(3, bg = "#444", fg = "#e4e4e4", primary = "#e39777")
if (rlang::is_interactive()) {
  bs_theme_preview(with_themer = FALSE)

# If no global theme is active, bs_global_get() returns NULL

# Restore the original state

Remove or retrieve Sass code from a theme


A Bootstrap theme created with bs_theme() is comprised of many Sass layers. bs_remove() and bs_retrieve() allow you to remove or retrieve an individual layer, either to reduce the size of the compiled CSS or to extract styles from a theme.


bs_remove(theme, ids = character(0))

bs_retrieve(theme, ids = character(0), include_unnamed = TRUE)



A bs_theme() object.


a character vector of ids


whether or not to include unnamed sass::sass_layer()s (e.g., Bootstrap Sass variables, functions, and mixins).


Returns a modified bs_theme() object.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_add_variables(), bs_current_theme(), bs_dependency(), bs_global_theme(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_dependencies(), bs_theme_preview()


bs4 <- bs_theme(version = 4)

# Retrieve sass bundle for print styles
bs_retrieve(bs4, "_print", include_unnamed = FALSE)

# Remove CSS rules for print and carousels
bs4_no_print <- bs_remove(bs4, c("_print", "_carousel"))
  bs_retrieve(bs4_no_print, "_print", include_unnamed = FALSE)

# Remove BS3 compatibility layer
bs4_no_compat <- bs_remove(bs4, "bs3compat")

Create a Bootstrap theme


Creates a Bootstrap theme object, where you can:

  • Choose a (major) Bootstrap version.

  • Choose a Bootswatch theme (optional).

  • Customize main colors and fonts via explicitly named arguments (e.g., bg, fg, primary, etc).

  • Customize other, lower-level, Bootstrap Sass variable defaults via ....

To learn more about how to implement custom themes, as well as how to use them inside Shiny and R Markdown, see here.


  version = version_default(),
  preset = NULL,
  brand = NULL,
  bg = NULL,
  fg = NULL,
  primary = NULL,
  secondary = NULL,
  success = NULL,
  info = NULL,
  warning = NULL,
  danger = NULL,
  base_font = NULL,
  code_font = NULL,
  heading_font = NULL,
  font_scale = NULL,
  bootswatch = NULL

  preset = NULL,
  bg = NULL,
  fg = NULL,
  primary = NULL,
  secondary = NULL,
  success = NULL,
  info = NULL,
  warning = NULL,
  danger = NULL,
  base_font = NULL,
  code_font = NULL,
  heading_font = NULL,
  font_scale = NULL,
  bootswatch = NULL




The major version of Bootstrap to use (see versions() for possible values). Defaults to the currently recommended version for new projects (currently Bootstrap 5).


The name of a theme preset, either a built-in theme provided by bslib or a Bootswatch theme (see builtin_themes() and bootswatch_themes() for possible values). This argument takes precedence over the bootswatch argument and only one preset or bootswatch can be provided. When no bootswatch theme is specified, and version is 5 or higher, preset defaults to "shiny". To remove the "shiny" preset, provide a value of "bootstrap" (this value will also work in bs_theme_update() to remove a preset or bootswatch theme).


arguments passed along to bs_add_variables().


Specifies how to apply branding to your theme using brand.yml, a simple YAML file that defines key brand elements like colors, fonts, and logos. Valid options:

  • NULL (default): Automatically looks for a ⁠_brand.yml⁠ file in the current directory or in ⁠_brand/⁠ or ⁠brand/⁠ in the current directory. If not found, it searches parent project directories for a ⁠_brand.yml⁠ file (also possibly in ⁠_brand/⁠ or ⁠brand/⁠). If a ⁠_brand.yml⁠ file is found, it is applied to the Bootstrap theme.

  • TRUE (default): Automatically looks for a ⁠_brand.yml⁠ file in the current or app directory as described above. If a ⁠_brand.yml⁠ file is not found, bs_theme() will throw an error.

  • FALSE: Disables any brand.yml usage, even if a ⁠_brand.yml⁠ file is present.

  • A file path that directly points to a specific brand.yml file (with any file name) that you want to use.

  • Use a list to directly provide brand settings directly in R, following the brand.yml structure.

Learn more about creating and using brand.yml files at the brand.yml homepage or run shiny::runExample("brand.yml", package = "bslib") to try brand.yml in a demo app.


A color string for the background.


A color string for the foreground.


A color to be used for hyperlinks, to indicate primary/default actions, and to show active selection state in some Bootstrap components. Generally a bold, saturated color that contrasts with the theme's base colors.


A color for components and messages that don't need to stand out. (Not supported in Bootstrap 3.)


A color for messages that indicate an operation has succeeded. Typically green.


A color for messages that are informative but not critical. Typically a shade of blue-green.


A color for warning messages. Typically yellow.


A color for errors. Typically red.


The default typeface.


The typeface to be used for code. Be sure this is monospace!


The typeface to be used for heading elements.


A scalar multiplier to apply to the base font size. For example, a value of 1.5 scales font sizes to 150% and a value of 0.8 scales to 80%. Must be a positive number.


The name of a bootswatch theme (see bootswatch_themes() for possible values). When provided to bs_theme_update(), any previous Bootswatch theme is first removed before the new one is applied (use bootswatch = "bootstrap" to effectively remove the Bootswatch theme).


A bs_theme() object.


an object.


Returns a sass::sass_bundle() (list-like) object.


Colors may be provided in any format that htmltools::parseCssColors() can understand. To control the vast majority of the ('grayscale') color defaults, specify both the fg (foreground) and bg (background) colors. The primary and secondary theme colors are also useful for accenting the main grayscale colors in things like hyperlinks, tabset panels, and buttons.


Use base_font, code_font, and heading_font to control the main typefaces. These arguments set new defaults for the relevant font-family CSS properties, but don't necessarily import the relevant font files. To both set CSS properties and import font files, consider using the various font_face() helpers.

Each ⁠*_font⁠ argument may be a single font or a font_collection(). A font can be created with font_google(), font_link(), or font_face(), or it can be a character vector of font names in the following format:

  • A single unquoted name (e.g., "Source Sans Pro").

  • A single quoted name (e.g., "'Source Sans Pro'").

  • A comma-separated list of names w/ individual names quoted as necessary. (e.g. c("Open Sans", "'Source Sans Pro'", "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif"))

font_google() sets local = TRUE by default, which ensures that the font files are downloaded from Google Fonts when your document or app is rendered. This guarantees that the client has access to the font family, making it relatively safe to specify just one font family:

bs_theme(base_font = font_google("Pacifico", local = TRUE))

That said, we recommend you specify multiple "fallback" font families, especially when relying on remote and/or system fonts being available. Fallback fonts are useful not only for handling missing fonts, but also ensure that your users don't experience a Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT) which can be quite noticeable with remote web fonts on a slow internet connection.

bs_theme(base_font = font_collection(font_google("Pacifico", local = FALSE), "Roboto", "sans-serif"))


See Also

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_add_variables(), bs_current_theme(), bs_dependency(), bs_global_theme(), bs_remove(), bs_theme_dependencies(), bs_theme_preview()


theme <- bs_theme(
  # Controls the default grayscale palette
  bg = "#202123", fg = "#B8BCC2",
  # Controls the accent (e.g., hyperlink, button, etc) colors
  primary = "#EA80FC", secondary = "#48DAC6",
  base_font = c("Grandstander", "sans-serif"),
  code_font = c("Courier", "monospace"),
  heading_font = "'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif",
  # Can also add lower-level customization
  "input-border-color" = "#EA80FC"


# Lower-level bs_add_*() functions allow you to work more
# directly with the underlying Sass code
theme <- bs_add_variables(theme, "my-class-color" = "red")
theme <- bs_add_rules(theme, ".my-class { color: $my-class-color }")

Compile Bootstrap Sass with (optional) theming


bs_theme_dependencies() compiles Bootstrap Sass into CSS and returns it, along with other HTML dependencies, as a list of htmltools::htmlDependency()s. Most users won't need to call this function directly as Shiny & R Markdown will perform this compilation automatically when handed a bs_theme(). If you're here looking to create a themeable component, see bs_dependency().


  sass_options = sass::sass_options_get(output_style = "compressed"),
  cache = sass::sass_cache_get(),
  jquery = jquerylib::jquery_core(3),
  precompiled = get_precompiled_option("bslib.precompiled", default = TRUE)



A bs_theme() object.


a sass::sass_options() object.


This can be a directory to use for the cache, a FileCache object created by sass_file_cache(), or FALSE or NULL for no caching.


a jquerylib::jquery_core() object.


Before compiling the theme object, first look for a precompiled CSS file for the theme_version(). If precompiled = TRUE and a precompiled CSS file exists for the theme object, it will be fetched immediately and not compiled. At the moment, we only provide precompiled CSS for "stock" builds of Bootstrap (i.e., no theming additions, Bootswatch themes, or non-default sass_options).


Returns a list of HTML dependencies containing Bootstrap CSS, Bootstrap JavaScript, and jquery. This list may contain additional HTML dependencies if bundled with the theme.

Sass caching and precompilation

If Shiny Developer Mode is enabled (by setting options(shiny.devmode = TRUE) or calling shiny::devmode(TRUE)), both sass caching and bslib precompilation are disabled by default; that is, a call to bs_theme_dependencies(theme) expands to bs_theme_dependencies(theme, cache = F, precompiled = F)). This is useful for local development as enabling caching/precompilation may produce incorrect results if local changes are made to bslib's source files.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_add_variables(), bs_current_theme(), bs_dependency(), bs_global_theme(), bs_remove(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_preview()


# Function to preview the styling a (primary) Bootstrap button
button <- tags$a(class = "btn btn-primary", href = "#", role = "button", "Hello")
preview_button <- function(theme) {
  browsable(tags$body(bs_theme_dependencies(theme), button))

# Latest Bootstrap
# Bootstrap 3
# Bootswatch 4 minty theme
preview_button(bs_theme(4, bootswatch = "minty"))
# Bootswatch 4 sketchy theme
preview_button(bs_theme(4, bootswatch = "sketchy"))

Preview a Bootstrap theme


Launches an example shiny app that can be used to get a quick preview of a bs_theme(), as well as an interactive GUI for tweaking some of the main theme settings. Calling bs_theme_preview() with no arguments starts the theme preview app with the default theme, which is a great way to see the available theme presets or to start creating your own theme.


bs_theme_preview(theme = bs_theme(), ..., with_themer = TRUE)



A bs_theme() object.


passed along to shiny::runApp().


whether or not to run the app with run_with_themer().


The app that this launches is subject to change as new features are developed in bslib and shiny.


nothing, this function is called for its side-effects (launching an application).

See Also

Use run_with_themer() or bs_themer() to add the theming UI to an existing shiny app.

Other Bootstrap theme functions: bs_add_variables(), bs_current_theme(), bs_dependency(), bs_global_theme(), bs_remove(), bs_theme(), bs_theme_dependencies()


theme <- bs_theme(bg = "#6c757d", fg = "white", primary = "orange")

Obtain a list of all available built-in bslib themes.


Obtain a list of all available built-in bslib themes.


builtin_themes(version = version_default(), full_path = FALSE)



the major version of Bootstrap.


whether to return a path to the installed theme.


Returns a character vector of built-in themes provided by bslib.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme utility functions: bootswatch_themes(), bs_get_variables(), theme_bootswatch(), theme_version(), versions()

A Bootstrap card component


A general purpose container for grouping related UI elements together with a border and optional padding. To learn more about card()s, see the Cards article or the other articles listed in the References section below.


  full_screen = FALSE,
  height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  min_height = NULL,
  fill = TRUE,
  class = NULL,
  wrapper = card_body,
  id = NULL



Unnamed arguments can be any valid child of an htmltools tag (which includes card items such as card_body(). Named arguments become HTML attributes on returned UI element.


If TRUE, an icon will appear when hovering over the card body. Clicking the icon expands the card to fit viewport size.


Any valid CSS unit (e.g., height="200px"). Doesn't apply when a card is made full_screen (in this case, consider setting a height in card_body()).

max_height, min_height

Any valid CSS unit (e.g., max_height="200px"). Doesn't apply when a card is made full_screen (in this case, consider setting a max_height in card_body()).


Whether or not to allow the card to grow/shrink to fit a fillable container with an opinionated height (e.g., page_fillable()).


Additional CSS classes for the returned UI element.


A function (which returns a UI element) to call on unnamed arguments in ... which are not already card item(s) (like card_header(), card_body(), etc.). Note that non-card items are grouped together into one wrapper call (e.g. given card("a", "b", card_body("c"), "d"), wrapper would be called twice, once with "a" and "b" and once with "d").


Provide a unique identifier for the card() or value_box() to report its full screen state to Shiny. For example, using id = "my_card", you can observe the card's full screen state with input$my_card_full_screen.


A htmltools::div() tag.


Several articles on the bslib website feature the card component:

See Also

Card item functions create the various parts of a card.

navset_card_tab(), navset_card_pill() and navset_card_underline() create cards with tabbed navigation.

layout_columns() and layout_column_wrap() help position multiple cards into columns and rows and can also be used inside a card.

layout_sidebar() adds a sidebar to a card when nested in card() or card_body().

value_box() uses card() to highlight a showcase a key piece of information.

Other Components: accordion(), popover(), tooltip(), value_box()



  full_screen = TRUE,
    "This is the header"
    p("This is the body."),
    p("This is still the body.")
    "This is the footer"

Card items


Components designed to be provided as direct children of a card(). For a general overview of the card() API, see the Cards article or the other articles listed in the References section of the card() documentation.


  fillable = TRUE,
  min_height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  max_height_full_screen = max_height,
  height = NULL,
  padding = NULL,
  gap = NULL,
  fill = TRUE,
  class = NULL

card_title(..., container = htmltools::h5)

card_header(..., class = NULL, container = htmltools::div)

card_footer(..., class = NULL)

  alt = "",
  src = NULL,
  href = NULL,
  border_radius = c("auto", "top", "bottom", "all", "none"),
  mime_type = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  fill = FALSE,
  width = NULL,
  container = NULL





Unnamed arguments can be any valid child of an htmltools tag. Named arguments become HTML attributes on returned UI element.


Whether or not the card item should be a fillable (i.e. flexbox) container.

min_height, max_height, max_height_full_screen

Any valid CSS length unit.


Any valid CSS unit (e.g., height="200px"). Doesn't apply when a card is made full_screen (in this case, consider setting a height in card_body()).


Padding to use for the body. This can be a numeric vector (which will be interpreted as pixels) or a character vector with valid CSS lengths. The length can be between one and four. If one, then that value will be used for all four sides. If two, then the first value will be used for the top and bottom, while the second value will be used for left and right. If three, then the first will be used for top, the second will be left and right, and the third will be bottom. If four, then the values will be interpreted as top, right, bottom, and left respectively.


A CSS length unit defining the gap (i.e., spacing) between elements provided to .... This argument is only applicable when fillable = TRUE


Whether to allow this element to grow/shrink to fit its card() container.


Additional CSS classes for the returned UI element.


A function to generate an HTML element to contain the image. Setting this value to card_body() places the image inside the card body area, otherwise the image will extend to the edges of the card.


A file path pointing an image. Local images (i.e. not a URI starting with ⁠https://⁠ or similar) will be base64 encoded and provided to the src attribute of the ⁠<img>⁠. Alternatively, you may directly set the image src, in which case file is ignored.


Alternate text for the image, used by screen readers and assistive devices. Provide alt text with a description of the image for any images with important content. If alt text is not provided, the image will be considered to be decorative and will not be read or announced by screen readers.

For more information, the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) has a helpful tutorial on alt text.


The src attribute of the ⁠<img>⁠ tag. If provided, file is ignored entirely. Use src to provide a relative path to a file that will be served by the Shiny application and should not be base64 encoded.


An optional URL to link to when a user clicks on the image.


Which side of the image should have rounded corners, useful when card_image() is used as an image cap at the top or bottom of the card.

The value of border_radius determines whether the card-img-top ("top"), card-img-bottom ("bottom"), or card-img ("all") Bootstrap classes are applied to the card. The default "auto" value will use the image's position within a card() to automatically choose the appropriate class.


The mime type of the file when it is base64 encoded. This argument is available for advanced use cases where mime::guess_type() is unable to automatically determine the file type.


Any valid CSS unit (e.g., width="100%").


an object to test (or coerce to) a card item.


An htmltools::div() tag.


  • card_body(): A general container for the "main content" of a card().

  • card_title(): Similar to card_header() but without the border and background color.

  • card_header(): A header (with border and background color) for the card(). Typically appears before a card_body().

  • card_footer(): A header (with border and background color) for the card(). Typically appears after a card_body().

  • card_image(): Include static images in a card, for example as an image cap at the top or bottom of the card.

  • as.card_item(): Mark an object as a card item. This will prevent the card() from putting the object inside a wrapper (i.e., a card_body()).

See Also

card() creates a card component.

navset_card_tab(), navset_card_pill() and navset_card_underline() create cards with tabbed navigation.

layout_columns() and layout_column_wrap() help position multiple cards into columns and rows and can also be used inside a card.

layout_sidebar() adds a sidebar to a card when nested in card() or card_body().

Helpers for importing web fonts


font_google(), font_link(), and font_face() are all re-exported from the sass package (see sass::font_face() for details). For a quick example of how to use these functions with bs_theme(), see the examples section below.


# If you have an internet connection, running the following code
# will download, cache, and import the relevant Google Font files
# for local use
theme <- bs_theme(
  base_font = font_google("Fira Sans"),
  code_font = font_google("Fira Code"),
  heading_font = font_google("Fredoka One")
if (interactive()) {

# Three different yet equivalent ways of importing a remotely-hosted Google Font
a <- font_google("Crimson Pro", wght = "200..900", local = FALSE)
b <- font_link(
  "Crimson Pro",
  href = "[email protected]"
url <- ""
c <- font_face(
  family = "Crimson Pro",
  style = "normal",
  weight = "200 900",
  src = paste0("url(", url, ") format('woff2')")
theme <- bs_theme(base_font = c)
if (interactive()) {

Dark mode input control


Creates a button that toggles between dark and light modes, specifically for toggling between light and dark Bootstrap color modes – a new feature added in Bootstrap 5.3.


input_dark_mode(..., id = NULL, mode = NULL)

toggle_dark_mode(mode = NULL, ..., session = get_current_session())



Additional attributes to be passed to the input control UI, such as class, style, etc.

In toggle_dark_mode(), the ... are included for future extensibility and are currently ignored.


An optional input id, required to reactively read the current color mode.


The initial mode of the dark mode switch. By default or when set to NULL, the user's system settings for preferred color scheme will be used. Otherwise, set to "light" or "dark" to force a particular initial mode.


A Shiny session object (the default should almost always be used).


Returns a UI element for a dark mode switch input control. The server value received for the input corresponding to id will be a string value with the current color mode ("light" or "dark").


  • input_dark_mode(): Create a dark mode switch input control

  • toggle_dark_mode(): Programmatically toggle or set the current light or dark color mode.

See Also

Other input controls: input_switch()

Switch input control


Create an on-off style switch control for specifying logical values.


input_switch(id, label, value = FALSE, width = NULL)

update_switch(id, label = NULL, value = NULL, session = get_current_session())

toggle_switch(id, value = NULL, session = get_current_session())



An input id.


A label for the switch.


Whether or not the switch should be checked by default.


Any valid CSS unit (e.g., width="200px").


a shiny session object (the default should almost always be used).


Returns a UI element for a switch input control. The server value received for the input corresponding to id will be a logical (TRUE/FALSE) value.

See Also

Other input controls: input_dark_mode()



ui <- page_fixed(
  title = "Keyboard Settings",
  h2("Keyboard Settings"),
  input_switch("auto_capitalization", "Auto-Capitalization", TRUE),
  input_switch("auto_correction", "Auto-Correction", TRUE),
  input_switch("check_spelling", "Check Spelling", TRUE),
  input_switch("smart_punctuation", "Smart Punctuation"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$preview <- renderPrint({
      auto_capitalization = input$auto_capitalization,
      auto_correction = input$auto_correction,
      check_spelling = input$check_spelling,
      smart_punctuation = input$smart_punctuation

shinyApp(ui, server)

Button for launching longer-running operations


input_task_button is a button that can be used in conjuction with shiny::bindEvent() (or the older shiny::eventReactive() and shiny::observeEvent() functions) to trigger actions or recomputation.

It is similar to shiny::actionButton(), except it prevents the user from clicking when its operation is already in progress.

Upon click, it automatically displays a customizable progress message and disables itself; and after the server has dealt with whatever reactivity is triggered from the click, the button automatically reverts to its original appearance and re-enables itself.


  icon = NULL,
  label_busy = "Processing...",
  icon_busy = rlang::missing_arg(),
  type = "primary",
  auto_reset = TRUE

update_task_button(id, ..., state = NULL, session = get_current_session())



The input slot that will be used to access the value.


The label of the button while it is in ready (clickable) state; usually a string.


Named arguments become attributes to include on the ⁠<button>⁠ element.


An optional icon to display next to the label while the button is in ready state. See fontawesome::fa_i().


The label of the button while it is busy.


The icon to display while the button is busy. By default, fontawesome::fa_i("refresh", class = "fa-spin", "aria-hidden" = "true") is used, which displays a spinning "chasing arrows" icon. You can create spinning icons out of other Font Awesome icons by using the same expression, but replacing "refresh" with a different icon name. See fontawesome::fa_i().


One of the Bootstrap theme colors ("primary", "default", "secondary", "success", "danger", "warning", "info", "light", "dark"), or NULL to leave off the Bootstrap-specific button CSS classes altogether.


If TRUE (the default), automatically put the button back in "ready" state after its click is handled by the server.


If "busy", put the button into busy/disabled state. If "ready", put the button into ready/enabled state.


The session object; using the default is recommended.

Manual button reset

In some advanced use cases, it may be necessary to keep a task button in its busy state even after the normal reactive processing has completed. Calling update_task_button(id, state = "busy") from the server will opt out of any currently pending reset for a specific task button. After doing so, the button can be re-enabled by calling update_task_button(id, state = "ready") after each click's work is complete.

You can also pass an explicit auto_reset = FALSE to input_task_button(), which means that button will never be automatically re-enabled and will require update_task_button(id, state = "ready") to be called each time.

Note that, as a general rule, Shiny's update family of functions do not take effect at the instant that they are called, but are held until the end of the current reactive cycle. So if you have many different reactive calculations and outputs, you don't have to be too careful about when you call update_task_button(id, state = "ready"), as the button on the client will not actually re-enable until the same moment that all of the updated outputs simultaneously sent to the client.

Server value

An integer of class "shinyActionButtonValue". This class differs from ordinary integers in that a value of 0 is considered "falsy". This implies two things:

See Also




ui <- page_sidebar(
  sidebar = sidebar(
    open = "always",
    input_task_button("resample", "Resample"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  sample <- eventReactive(input$resample, ignoreNULL=FALSE, {
    Sys.sleep(2)  # Make this artificially slow

  output$summary <- renderPrint({

shinyApp(ui, server)

Column-first uniform grid layouts


Wraps a 1d sequence of UI elements into a 2d grid. The number of columns (and rows) in the grid dependent on the column width as well as the size of the display. For more explanation and illustrative examples, see the References section below.


  width = "200px",
  fixed_width = FALSE,
  heights_equal = c("all", "row"),
  fill = TRUE,
  fillable = TRUE,
  height = NULL,
  height_mobile = NULL,
  min_height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  gap = NULL,
  class = NULL



Unnamed arguments should be UI elements (e.g., card()). Named arguments become attributes on the containing htmltools::tag element.


The desired width of each card, which can be any of the following:

  • A (unit-less) number between 0 and 1.

    • This should be specified as 1/num, where num represents the number of desired columns.

  • A CSS length unit

    • Either the minimum (when fixed_width=FALSE) or fixed width (fixed_width=TRUE).

  • NULL

    • Allows power users to set the grid-template-columns CSS property manually, either via a style attribute or a CSS stylesheet.


When width is greater than 1 or is a CSS length unit, e.g. "200px", fixed_width indicates whether that width value represents the absolute size of each column (fixed_width=TRUE) or the minimum size of a column (fixed_width=FALSE). When fixed_width=FALSE, new columns are added to a row when width space is available and columns will never exceed the container or viewport size. When fixed_width=TRUE, all columns will be exactly width wide, which may result in columns overflowing the parent container.


If "all" (the default), every card in every row of the grid will have the same height. If "row", then every card in each row of the grid will have the same height, but heights may vary between rows.


Whether or not to allow the layout to grow/shrink to fit a fillable container with an opinionated height (e.g., page_fillable()).


Whether or not each element is wrapped in a fillable container.


Any valid CSS unit (e.g., height="200px"). Doesn't apply when a card is made full_screen (in this case, consider setting a height in card_body()).


Any valid CSS unit to use for the height when on mobile devices (or narrow windows).

min_height, max_height

The maximum or minimum height of the layout container. Can be any valid CSS unit (e.g., max_height="200px"). Use these arguments in filling layouts to ensure that a layout container doesn't shrink below min_height or grow beyond max_height.


A CSS length unit defining the gap (i.e., spacing) between elements provided to .... This argument is only applicable when fillable = TRUE


Additional CSS classes for the returned UI element.


The bslib website features layout_column_wrap() in two places:

See Also

Other Column layouts: layout_columns()


x <- card("A simple card")

# Always has 2 columns (on non-mobile)
layout_column_wrap(width = 1/2, x, x, x)

# Automatically lays out three cards into columns
# such that each column is at least 200px wide:
layout_column_wrap(x, x, x)

# To use larger column widths by default, set `width`.
# This example has 3 columns when the screen is at least 900px wide:
layout_column_wrap(width = "300px", x, x, x)

# You can add a list of items, spliced with rlang's `!!!` operator
layout_column_wrap(!!!list(x, x, x))

Responsive 12-column grid layouts


Create responsive, column-based grid layouts, based on a 12-column grid.


  col_widths = NA,
  row_heights = NULL,
  fill = TRUE,
  fillable = TRUE,
  gap = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  min_height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL



Unnamed arguments should be UI elements (e.g., card()). Named arguments become attributes on the containing htmltools::tag element.


One of the following:

  • NA (the default): Automatically determines a sensible number of columns based on the number of children.

  • A numeric vector of integers between 1 and 12, where each element represents the number of columns for the relevant UI element. Elements that happen to go beyond 12 columns wrap onto the next row. For example, col_widths = c(4, 8, 12) allocates 4 columns to the first element, 8 columns to the second element, and 12 columns to the third element (which wraps to the next row). Negative values are also allowed, and are treated as empty columns. For example, col_widths = c(-2, 8, -2) would allocate 8 columns to an element (with 2 empty columns on either side).

  • A breakpoints() object, where each breakpoint may be either of the above.


One of the following:

  • A numeric vector, where each value represents the fractional unit (fr) height of the relevant row. If there are more rows than values provided, the pattern will repeat. For example, row_heights = c(1, 2) allows even rows to take up twice as much space as odd rows.

  • A list of numeric and CSS length units, where each value represents the height of the relevant row. If more rows are needed than values provided, the pattern will repeat. For example, row_heights = list("auto", 1) allows the height of odd rows to be driven my it's contents and even rows to be ⁠1fr⁠.

  • A character vector/string of CSS length units. In this case, the value is supplied directly to grid-auto-rows.

  • A breakpoints() object, where each breakpoint may be either of the above.


Whether or not to allow the layout to grow/shrink to fit a fillable container with an opinionated height (e.g., page_fillable()).


Whether or not each element is wrapped in a fillable container.


A CSS length unit defining the gap (i.e., spacing) between elements provided to .... This argument is only applicable when fillable = TRUE


Additional CSS classes for the returned UI element.


Any valid CSS unit (e.g., height="200px"). Doesn't apply when a card is made full_screen (in this case, consider setting a height in card_body()).

min_height, max_height

The maximum or minimum height of the layout container. Can be any valid CSS unit (e.g., max_height="200px"). Use these arguments in filling layouts to ensure that a layout container doesn't shrink below min_height or grow beyond max_height.


Column-based layouts on the bslib website.

See Also

breakpoints() for more information on specifying column widths at responsive breakpoints.

Other Column layouts: layout_column_wrap()


x <- card("A simple card")

  layout_columns(x, x, x, x)

# Or add a list of items, spliced with rlang's `!!!` operator
 layout_columns(!!!list(x, x, x))

    col_widths = c(6, 6, 12),
    x, x, x

    col_widths = c(6, 6, -2, 8),
    row_heights = c(1, 3),
    x, x, x

  fillable_mobile = TRUE,
    col_widths = breakpoints(
      sm = c(12, 12, 12),
      md = c(6, 6, 12),
      lg = c(4, 4, 4)
    x, x, x

Modern Bootstrap page layouts


These functions are small wrappers around shiny's page constructors (i.e., shiny::fluidPage(), shiny::navbarPage(), etc) that differ in two ways:

  • The theme parameter defaults bslib's recommended version of Bootstrap (for new projects).

  • The return value is rendered as an static HTML page when printed interactively at the console.


page(..., title = NULL, theme = bs_theme(), lang = NULL)

page_fluid(..., title = NULL, theme = bs_theme(), lang = NULL)

page_fixed(..., title = NULL, theme = bs_theme(), lang = NULL)



UI elements for the page. Named arguments become HTML attributes.


The browser window title (defaults to the host URL of the page)


A bs_theme() object.


ISO 639-1 language code for the HTML page, such as "en" or "ko". This will be used as the lang in the <html> tag, as in <html lang="en">. The default (NULL) results in an empty string.


  • page(): A bslib wrapper for shiny::bootstrapPage(), a basic Boostrap page where the content is added directly to the page body.

  • page_fluid(): A bslib wrapper for shiny::fluidPage(), a fluid Bootstrap-based page layout that extends to the full viewport width.

  • page_fixed(): A bslib wrapper for shiny::fixedPage(), a fixed Bootstrap-based page layout where the page content container is centered horizontally and its width is constrained.

See Also

Dashboard-style pages: page_sidebar(), page_navbar(), page_fillable().

A screen-filling page layout


A Bootstrap-based page layout whose contents fill the full height and width of the browser window.


  padding = NULL,
  gap = NULL,
  fillable_mobile = FALSE,
  title = NULL,
  theme = bs_theme(),
  lang = NULL



UI elements for the page. Named arguments become HTML attributes.


Padding to use for the body. This can be a numeric vector (which will be interpreted as pixels) or a character vector with valid CSS lengths. The length can be between one and four. If one, then that value will be used for all four sides. If two, then the first value will be used for the top and bottom, while the second value will be used for left and right. If three, then the first will be used for top, the second will be left and right, and the third will be bottom. If four, then the values will be interpreted as top, right, bottom, and left respectively.


A CSS length unit defining the gap (i.e., spacing) between elements provided to ....


Whether or not the page should fill the viewport's height on mobile devices (i.e., narrow windows).


The browser window title (defaults to the host URL of the page)


A bs_theme() object.


ISO 639-1 language code for the HTML page, such as "en" or "ko". This will be used as the lang in the <html> tag, as in <html lang="en">. The default (NULL) results in an empty string.


See Also

layout_columns() and layout_column_wrap() for laying out content into rows and columns.

layout_sidebar() for 'floating' sidebar layouts.

accordion() for grouping related input controls in the sidebar.

card() for wrapping outputs in the 'main' content area.

value_box() for highlighting values.

Other Dashboard page layouts: page_navbar(), page_sidebar()



ui <- page_fillable(
  h1("Example", code("mtcars"), "dashboard"),
      full_screen = TRUE,
      card_header("Number of forward gears"),
      full_screen = TRUE,
      card_header("Number of carburetors"),
    full_screen = TRUE,
    card_header("Weight vs. Quarter Mile Time"),
      sidebar = sidebar(
        varSelectInput("var_x", "Compare to qsec:", mtcars[-7], "wt"),
        varSelectInput("color", "Color by:", mtcars[-7], "cyl"),
        position = "right"

server <- function(input, output) {
  for (var in c("cyl", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb")) {
    mtcars[[var]] <- as.factor(mtcars[[var]])

  output$gear <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(mtcars, aes(gear)) + geom_bar()

  output$carb <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(mtcars, aes(carb)) + geom_bar()

  output$var_vs_qsec <- renderPlot({
    req(input$var_x, input$color)

    ggplot(mtcars) +
      aes(y = qsec, x = !!input$var_x, color = !!input$color) +

shinyApp(ui, server)

A sidebar page (i.e., dashboard)


Create a dashboard layout with a full-width header (title) and sidebar().


  sidebar = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  fillable = TRUE,
  fillable_mobile = FALSE,
  theme = bs_theme(),
  window_title = NA,
  lang = NULL



UI elements to display in the 'main' content area (i.e., next to the sidebar). These arguments are passed to layout_sidebar(), which has more details.


A sidebar() object.


A string, number, or htmltools::tag() child to display as the title (just above the sidebar).


Whether or not the main content area should be considered a fillable (i.e., flexbox) container.


Whether or not the page should fill the viewport's height on mobile devices (i.e., narrow windows).


A bs_theme() object.


the browser window title. The default value, NA, means to use any character strings that appear in title (if none are found, the host URL of the page is displayed by default).


ISO 639-1 language code for the HTML page, such as "en" or "ko". This will be used as the lang in the <html> tag, as in <html lang="en">. The default (NULL) results in an empty string.


Getting Started with Dashboards on the bslib website.

See Also

layout_columns() and layout_column_wrap() for laying out content into rows and columns.

accordion() for grouping related input controls in the sidebar.

card() for wrapping outputs in the 'main' content area.

value_box() for highlighting values.

Other Dashboard page layouts: page_fillable(), page_navbar()



ui <- page_sidebar(
  title = "Example dashboard",
  sidebar = sidebar(
    varSelectInput("var", "Select variable", mtcars)
    full_screen = TRUE,
    card_header("My plot"),

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$p <- renderPlot({
    ggplot(mtcars) + geom_histogram(aes(!!input$var))

shinyApp(ui, server)

Add a popover to a UI element


Display additional information when clicking on a UI element (typically a button).


  title = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  placement = c("auto", "top", "right", "bottom", "left"),
  options = list()

toggle_popover(id, show = NULL, session = get_current_session())

update_popover(id, ..., title = NULL, session = get_current_session())



The UI element to serve as the popover trigger (typically a shiny::actionButton() or similar). If trigger renders as multiple HTML elements (e.g., it's a tagList()), the last HTML element is used for the trigger. If the trigger should contain all of those elements, wrap the object in a htmltools::div() or htmltools::span().


UI elements for the popover's body. Character strings are automatically escaped unless marked as htmltools::HTML().


A title (header) for the popover. To remove a header with update_popover(), provide a either an empty string or character(0).


A character string. Required to re-actively respond to the visibility of the popover (via the input[[id]] value) and/or update the visibility/contents of the popover.


The placement of the popover relative to its trigger.


A list of additional options.


Whether to show (TRUE) or hide (FALSE) the popover. The default (NULL) will show if currently hidden and hide if currently shown. Note that a popover will not be shown if the trigger is not visible (e.g., it's hidden behind a tab).


A Shiny session object (the default should almost always be used).


  • popover(): Add a popover to a UI element

  • toggle_popover(): Programmatically show/hide a popover.

  • update_popover(): Update the contents of a popover.

Closing popovers

In addition to clicking the close_button, popovers can be closed by pressing the Esc/Space key when the popover (and/or its trigger) is focused.


Like other bslib components, popovers can be themed by supplying relevant theming variables to bs_theme(), which effects styling of every popover on the page. To style a specific popover differently from other popover, utilize the customClass option:

  "Trigger", "Popover message",
  options = list(customClass = "my-pop")

And then add relevant rules to bs_theme() via bs_add_rules():

bs_theme() |> bs_add_rules(".my-pop { max-width: none; }")

Accessibility of Popover Triggers

Because the user needs to interact with the trigger element to see the popover, it's best practice to use an element that is typically accessible via keyboard interactions, like a button or a link. If you use a non-interactive element, like a ⁠<span>⁠ or text, bslib will automatically add the tabindex="0" attribute to the trigger element to make sure that users can reach the element with the keyboard. This means that in most cases you can use any element you want as the trigger.

One place where it's important to consider the accessibility of the trigger is when using an icon without any accompanying text. In these cases, many R packages that provide icons will create an icon element with the assumption that the icon is decorative, which will make it inaccessible to users of assistive technologies.

When using an icon as the primary trigger, ensure that the icon does not have aria-hidden="true" or role="presentation" attributes. Icon packages typically provide a way to specify a title for the icon, as well as a way to specify that the icon is not decorative. The title should be a short description of the purpose of the trigger, rather than a description of the icon itself.

For example:

  bsicons::bs_icon("gear", title = "Settings"),
  title = "Settings",
  sliderInput("n", "Number of points", 1, 100, 50)
  fontawesome::fa("gear", a11y = "sem", title = "Settings"),
  title = "Settings",
  sliderInput("n", "Number of points", 1, 100, 50)


Popovers are based on Bootstrap's Popover component. See the bslib website for an interactive introduction to tooltips and popovers.

See Also

tooltip() provides an alternative way to display informational text on demand, typically when focusing or hovering over a trigger element.

Other Components: accordion(), card(), tooltip(), value_box()


  shiny::actionButton("btn", "A button"),
  "Popover body content...",
  title = "Popover title"


ui <- page_fixed(
  card(class = "mt-5",
        uiOutput("card_title", inline = TRUE),
        title = "Provide a new title",
        textInput("card_title", NULL, "An editable title")
    "The card body..."

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$card_title <- renderUI({
    list(input$card_title, bsicons::bs_icon("pencil-square"))

shinyApp(ui, server)

Theme customization UI


A 'real-time' theme customization UI that you can use to easily make common tweaks to Bootstrap variables and immediately see how they would affect your app's appearance. There are two ways you can launch the theming UI. For most Shiny apps, just use run_with_themer() in place of shiny::runApp(); they should take the same arguments and work the same way. Alternatively, you can call the bs_themer() function from inside your server function (or in an R Markdown app that is using runtime: shiny, you can call this from any code chunk). Note that this function is only intended to be used for development!


run_with_themer(appDir = getwd(), ..., gfonts = TRUE, gfonts_update = FALSE)

bs_themer(gfonts = TRUE, gfonts_update = FALSE)



The application to run. This can be a file or directory path, or a shiny::shinyApp() object. See shiny::runApp() for details.


Additional parameters to pass through to shiny::runApp().


whether or not to detect Google Fonts and wrap them in font_google() (so that their font files are automatically imported).


whether or not to update the internal database of Google Fonts.


To help you utilize the changes you see in the preview, this utility prints bs_theme() code to the R console.


nothing. These functions are called for their side-effects.


  • Doesn't work with Bootstrap 3.

  • Doesn't work with IE11.

  • Only works inside Shiny apps and runtime: shiny R Markdown documents.

    • Can't be used with static R Markdown documents.

    • Can be used to some extent with runtime: shiny_prerendered, but only UI rendered through a context="server" may update in real-time.

  • Doesn't work with '3rd party' custom widgets that don't make use of bs_dependency_defer() or bs_current_theme().



ui <- fluidPage(
  theme = bs_theme(bg = "black", fg = "white"),
  h1("Heading 1"),
  h2("Heading 2"),
    "Paragraph text;",
    tags$a(href = "", "a link")
    actionButton("cancel", "Cancel"),
    actionButton("continue", "Continue", class = "btn-primary")
    tabPanel("First tab",
      "The contents of the first tab"
    tabPanel("Second tab",
      "The contents of the second tab"

if (interactive()) {
  run_with_themer(shinyApp(ui, function(input, output) {}))

Obtain a theme's Bootswatch theme name


Obtain a theme's Bootswatch theme name





A bs_theme() object.


Returns the Bootswatch theme named used (if any) in the theme.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme utility functions: bootswatch_themes(), bs_get_variables(), builtin_themes(), theme_version(), versions()

Obtain a theme's Bootstrap version


Obtain a theme's Bootstrap version





A bs_theme() object.


Returns the major version of Bootstrap used in the theme.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme utility functions: bootswatch_themes(), bs_get_variables(), builtin_themes(), theme_bootswatch(), versions()

Add a tooltip to a UI element


Display additional information when focusing (or hovering over) a UI element.


  id = NULL,
  placement = c("auto", "top", "right", "bottom", "left"),
  options = list()

toggle_tooltip(id, show = NULL, session = get_current_session())

update_tooltip(id, ..., session = get_current_session())



A UI element (i.e., htmltools tag) to serve as the tooltip trigger. If trigger renders as multiple HTML elements (e.g., it's a tagList()), the last HTML element is used for the trigger. If the trigger should contain all of those elements, wrap the object in a htmltools::div() or htmltools::span().


UI elements for the tooltip. Character strings are automatically escaped unless marked as htmltools::HTML().


a character string that matches an existing tooltip id.


The placement of the tooltip relative to its trigger.


A list of additional options.


Whether to show (TRUE) or hide (FALSE) the tooltip. The default (NULL) will show if currently hidden and hide if currently shown. Note that a tooltip will not be shown if the trigger is not visible (e.g., it's hidden behind a tab).


A Shiny session object (the default should almost always be used).


  • tooltip(): Add a tooltip to a UI element

  • toggle_tooltip(): Programmatically show/hide a tooltip.

  • update_tooltip(): Update the contents of a tooltip.


Like other bslib components, tooltips can be themed by supplying relevant theming variables to bs_theme(), which effects styling of every tooltip on the page. To style a specific tooltip differently from other tooltip, utilize the customClass option:

  "Trigger", "Tooltip message",
  options = list(customClass = "my-tip")

And then add relevant rules to bs_theme() via bs_add_rules():

bs_theme() |> bs_add_rules(".my-tip { max-width: none; }")

Accessibility of Tooltip Triggers

Because the user needs to interact with the trigger element to see the tooltip, it's best practice to use an element that is typically accessible via keyboard interactions, like a button or a link. If you use a non-interactive element, like a ⁠<span>⁠ or text, bslib will automatically add the tabindex="0" attribute to the trigger element to make sure that users can reach the element with the keyboard. This means that in most cases you can use any element you want as the trigger.

One place where it's important to consider the accessibility of the trigger is when using an icon without any accompanying text. In these cases, many R packages that provide icons will create an icon element with the assumption that the icon is decorative, which will make it inaccessible to users of assistive technologies.

When using an icon as the primary trigger, ensure that the icon does not have aria-hidden="true" or role="presentation" attributes. Icon packages typically provide a way to specify a title for the icon, as well as a way to specify that the icon is not decorative. The title should be a short description of the purpose of the trigger, rather than a description of the icon itself.

For example:

  bsicons::bs_icon("info-circle", title = "About tooltips"),
  "Text shown in the tooltip."
  fontawesome::fa("info-circle", a11y = "sem", title = "About tooltips"),
  "Text shown in the tooltip."


Tooltips are based on Bootstrap's Tooltip component. See the bslib website for an interactive introduction to tooltips and popovers.

See Also

popover() provides a an alternative and more persistent container for additional elements, typically revealed by clicking on a target element.

Other Components: accordion(), card(), popover(), value_box()


  shiny::actionButton("btn", "A button"),
  "A message"

      span("Card title ", bsicons::bs_icon("question-circle-fill")),
      "Additional info",
      placement = "right"
  "Card body content..."

Value box


An opinionated (card()-powered) box, designed for displaying a value and title. Optionally, a showcase can provide for context for what the value represents (for example, it could hold a bsicons::bs_icon(), or even a shiny::plotOutput()). Find examples and template code you can use to create engaging value boxes on the bslib website.


  showcase = NULL,
  showcase_layout = c("left center", "top right", "bottom"),
  full_screen = FALSE,
  theme = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  max_height = NULL,
  min_height = NULL,
  fill = TRUE,
  class = NULL,
  id = NULL,
  theme_color = deprecated()

value_box_theme(name = NULL, bg = NULL, fg = NULL)

  width = 0.3,
  width_full_screen = "1fr",
  max_height = "100px",
  max_height_full_screen = 0.67

  width = 0.4,
  width_full_screen = "1fr",
  max_height = "75px",
  max_height_full_screen = 0.67

  width = "100%",
  width_full_screen = NULL,
  height = "auto",
  height_full_screen = "2fr",
  max_height = "100px",
  max_height_full_screen = NULL


title, value

A string, number, or htmltools::tag() child to display as the title or value of the value box. The title appears above the value.


Unnamed arguments may be any htmltools::tag() children to display below value. Named arguments become attributes on the containing element.


A htmltools::tag() child to showcase (e.g., a bsicons::bs_icon(), a plotly::plotlyOutput(), etc).


One of "left center" (default), "top right" or "bottom". Alternatively, you can customize the showcase layout options with the showcase_left_center(), showcase_top_right(), or showcase_bottom() functions. Use the options functions when you want to control the height or width of the showcase area.


If TRUE, an icon will appear when hovering over the card body. Clicking the icon expands the card to fit viewport size.


The name of a theme for the value box, or a theme constructed with value_box_theme(). The theme names provide a convenient way to use your app's Bootstrap theme colors as the foreground or background colors of the value box. See below for more details on the provided themes. For more control, you can create your own theme with value_box_theme() where you can pass foreground and background colors directly. See the Themes section for more details.


The maximum height of the value_box() or the showcase area when used in a ⁠showcase_layout_*()⁠ function. Can be any valid CSS unit (e.g., max_height="200px").


The minimum height of the values box. Can be any valid CSS unit (e.g., min_height="200px").


Whether to allow the value box to grow/shrink to fit a fillable container with an opinionated height (e.g., page_fillable()).


Utility classes for customizing the appearance of the summary card. Use ⁠bg-*⁠ and ⁠text-*⁠ classes (e.g, "bg-danger" and "text-light") to customize the background/foreground colors.


Provide a unique identifier for the card() or value_box() to report its full screen state to Shiny. For example, using id = "my_card", you can observe the card's full screen state with input$my_card_full_screen.


[Deprecated] Use theme instead.


The name of the theme, e.g. "primary", "danger", "purple".

bg, fg

The background and foreground colors for the theme. If only bg is provided, then the foreground color is automatically chosen from ⁠$black⁠ or ⁠$white⁠ to provide the best contrast with the background color.

width, width_full_screen, height, height_full_screen

one of the following:

  • A proportion (i.e., a number between 0 and 1) of available width or height to allocate to the showcase.

  • A valid CSS unit defining the width or height of the showcase column, or a valid value accepted by the grid-template-columns (width) or grid-template-rows (height) CSS property to define the width or height of the showcase column or row. Accepted values in the second category are "auto", "min-content", "max-content", a fractional unit (e.g. ⁠2fr⁠), or a minmax() function (e.g., ⁠minmax(100px, 1fr)⁠).


A proportion (i.e., a number between 0 and 1) or any valid CSS unit defining the showcase max_height in a full screen card.

Build-a-Box App

Explore all of the value_box() options and layouts interactively with the Build-a-Box app, available online thanks to Or, you can run the app locally with:

# shiny >= 1.8.1
shiny::runExample("build-a-box", package = "bslib")

# shiny < 1.8.1
shiny::runApp(system.file("examples-shiny", "build-a-box", package = "bslib"))


The appearance of a value_box() can be controlled via the theme argument in one of two ways:

  1. a character value describing the theme, such as theme = "primary" or theme = "blue"; or

  2. theme = value_box_theme() to create a custom theme.

We recommend using named themes for most value boxes (the first approach), because these themes will automatically match your Bootstrap theme.

Named themes

Bootstrap provides a list of theme colors, with semantic names like "primary", "secondary", "success", "danger", etc. You can set theme to one of these names to use the corresponding theme color as the background color of your value box.

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = "primary"

A value box using 'primary', a named Bootstrap theme color.

Bootstrap's theme colors are drawn from a second color list that includes variations on several main colors, named literally. These colors include "blue", "purple", "pink", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "teal", and "cyan".

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = "teal"

A value box using 'purple', a named Bootstrap main color.

Background colors

If the theme or color name is provided without any prefix, the color will be used for the background of the value box. You can also explicitly prefix the theme or color name with ⁠bg-⁠ to indicate that it should apply to the value box background. When the theme sets the background color, either black or white is chosen automatically for the text color using Bootstrap's color contrast algorithm.

As before, you can reference semantic theme color names or literal color names.

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = "bg-success"

A value box using 'bg-success', a named Bootstrap theme color.

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = "bg-purple"

A value box using 'bg-orange', a named Bootstrap main color.

Foreground colors

To set only the foreground colors of the value box, you can prefix the theme or color name with ⁠text-⁠. This changes the text color without affecting the background color.

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = "text-success"

A value box using 'text-success', a named Bootstrap theme color.

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = "text-purple"

A value box using 'text-orange', a named Bootstrap main color.

Occasionally you may want to adjust use both background and foreground themes on your value box. To achieve this, set theme to one of the theme names and use class for the complementary style. The example below uses theme = "purple" (which could also be "bg-purple") for a purple background, and class = "text-light" for light-colored text.

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = "purple",
  class = "text-light"

A value box using 'purple' for the background and 'text-light' for the text color.

Gradient backgrounds

For a vibrant and attention-grabbing effect, bslib provides an array of gradient background options. Provide theme with a theme name in the form bg-gradient-{from}-{to}, where {from} and {to} are named main colors, e.g. bg-gradient-indigo-blue.

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = "bg-gradient-indigo-blue"

A value box using 'bg-gradient-blue-purple', a gradient background between two named Bootstrap colors.

Custom colors

Finally, for complete customization, you can use value_box_theme() to create a custom theme. This function takes arguments bg and fg to set the background and foreground colors, respectively. Like with the ⁠bg-⁠ theme names, if only bg is provided, value_box_theme() will choose an appropriate light or dark color for the text color.

  title = "Customer lifetime value",
  value = "$5,000",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("bank2"),
  theme = value_box_theme(bg = "#e6f2fd", fg = "#0B538E"),
  class = "border"

A value box using 'value_box_theme()' for complete customization.

Note that value_box_theme() optionally takes a theme name, which can be helpful if you want to use a named theme and modify the default bg or fg colors of that theme.

value_box_theme(name = "orange", bg = "#FFFFFF")
value_box_theme(name = "text-danger", fg = "#FFB6C1")

Also note that bg/fg must be CSS colors, not Bootstrap theme or color names. This means that theme = "purple" will use your Bootstrap theme's purple color, and bg = "purple" will use the CSS color for purple, i.e. "#800080".

Showcase Layouts

Use the showcase argument to add a plot or icon to your value_box(). There are three layouts available: "left center", "top right", and "bottom". Set showcase to the name of the layout you'd like, or use the showcase_left_center(), showcase_top_right(), or showcase_bottom() helper functions to customize the showcase area's size.

If you're using a plot as your showcase, you may also want to set fullscreen = TRUE so that your users can expand the value box into a full screen card. See the value box article for more details.

Left-center showcase

The "left center" showcase layout is the default, and is perfect for an icon or a small plot. This layout works best for short value boxes.

  title = "Energy consumption",
  value = "345 kwh/month",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("ev-station-fill")

A value box using the left-center showcase option.

Top-right showcase

The "top right" showcase layout places the icon or plot in the upper right corner of the value box. This layout works best for medium-height to square value boxes.

  title = "Energy consumption",
  value = "345 kwh/month",
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("ev-station-fill"),
  showcase_layout = "top right"

A value box using the top-right showcase option.

Bottom showcase

Finally, the "bottom" showcase layout is perfect for full-bleed plots. This layout places the plot below the title and value, with the plot taking up the full width of the bottom half.

Try this layout with sparkline-style plots. These can be a little tricky to set up, so be sure to check out the Expandable sparklines section of the value boxes article on the bslib website. In this example, we've created a sparkline plot using base R graphics, which isn't generally recommended.

Code for a sparkline plot with base R

random_sparkline_plot <- function() {
timeseries <- cumsum(runif(100, -2, 2))
x_axis <- seq_along(timeseries)
x_lim <- c(1, length(timeseries))
y_lim <- range(timeseries) + c(-2, 0)

par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))

# Set up the plot area
timeseries, type = "n",
axes = FALSE, frame.plot = FALSE,
ylim = y_lim, xlim = x_lim,
ylab = "", xlab = "",
yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i",

# Add the sparkline line
lines(timeseries, type = "l", pch = NA, col = "#0B538E", lwd = 3)

# Create polygon coordinates for shading
polygon_x <- c(1, x_axis, length(timeseries))
polygon_y <- c(min(y_lim), timeseries, min(y_lim))

# Add shading under the line
polygon(polygon_x, polygon_y, col = "#e6f2fd", border = NA)

sparkline_plot <- function() {
width = 500,
height = 125,
suppressSize = "xy",
alt = paste(
"A sparkline plot with a randomly-generated timeseries.",
"The timeseries starts high and ends low, with lots of variation."
  title = "Energy consumption",
  value = "345 kwh/month",
  showcase = sparkline_plot(),
  showcase_layout = "bottom"

A value box using the top-right showcase option.


Value boxes are featured on the bslib website in a few articles:

See Also

Value boxes are a specialized form of a card() component.

layout_columns() and layout_column_wrap() help position multiple value boxes into columns and rows.

Other Components: accordion(), card(), popover(), tooltip()



  "KPI Title",
  h1(HTML("$1 <i>Billion</i> Dollars")),
    " 30% VS PREVIOUS 30 DAYS"
  showcase = bsicons::bs_icon("piggy-bank"),
  theme = "success"

Available Bootstrap versions


Available Bootstrap versions





Returns a list of the Bootstrap versions available.

See Also

Other Bootstrap theme utility functions: bootswatch_themes(), bs_get_variables(), builtin_themes(), theme_bootswatch(), theme_version()