Package 'bigD'

Title: Flexibly Format Dates and Times to a Given Locale
Description: Format dates and times flexibly and to whichever locales make sense. Parses dates, times, and date-times in various formats (including string-based ISO 8601 constructions). The formatting syntax gives the user many options for formatting the date and time output in a precise manner. Time zones in the input can be expressed in multiple ways and there are many options for formatting time zones in the output as well. Several of the provided helper functions allow for automatic generation of locale-aware formatting patterns based on date/time skeleton formats and standardized date/time formats with varying specificity.
Authors: Richard Iannone [aut, cre] , Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Richard Iannone <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2024-09-07 05:51:19 UTC

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Format a datetime with a formatting string


With fdt(), we can format datetime values with the greatest of ease, and, with great power. There is a lot of leniency in what types of input date/time/datetime values can be passed in. The formatting string allows for a huge array of possibilities when formatting. Not only that, we can set a locale value and get the formatted values localized in the language/region of choice. There's plenty of ways to represent time zone information, and this goes along with the option to enrich the input values with a precise time zone identifier (like "America/Los_Angeles"). The choices are ample here, with the goal being a comprehensiveness and ease-of-use in date/time formatting.


fdt(input, format = NULL, use_tz = NULL, locale = NULL)



A vector of date, time, or datetime values. Several representations are acceptable here including strings, Date objects, or POSIXct objects. Refer to the Valid Input Values section for more information.


The formatting string to apply to all input values. If not provided, the inputs will be formatted to ISO 8601 datetime strings. The Date/Time Format Syntax section has detailed information on how to create a formatting string.


A tzid (e.g., "America/New_York") time-zone designation for precise formatting of related outputs. This overrides any time zone information available in character-based input values and is applied to all vector components.


The output locale to use for formatting the input value according to the specified locale's rules. Example locale names include "en" for English (United States) and "es-EC" for Spanish (Ecuador). If a locale isn't provided the "en" locale will be used. The fdt_locales_vec vector contains the valid locales and fdt_locales_lst list provides an easy way to obtain a valid locale.


A character vector of formatted dates, times, or datetimes.

Valid Input Values

The input argument of the fdt() function allows for some flexibility on what can be passed in. This section describes the kinds of inputs that are understandable by fdt(). A vector of strings is allowed, as are vectors of Date or POSIXct values.

If using strings, a good option is to use those that adhere to the ISO 8601:2004 standard. For a datetime this can be of the form ⁠YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s<TZD>⁠. With this, YYYY-MM-DD corresponds to the date, the literal "T" is optional, hh:mm:ss is the time (where seconds, ss, is optional as are .s for fractional seconds), and ⁠<TZD>⁠ refers to an optional time-zone designation (more on time zones in the next paragraph). You can provide just the date part, and this assumes midnight as an implicit time. It's also possible to provide just the time part, and this internally assembles a datetime that uses the current date. When formatting standalone dates or times, you'll probably just format the explicit parts but fdt() won't error if you format the complementary parts.

The time zone designation on string-based datetimes is completely optional. If not provided then "UTC" is assumed. If you do want to supply time zone information, it can be given as an offset value with the following constructions:

  • ⁠<time>Z⁠

  • ⁠<time>(+/-)hh:mm⁠

  • ⁠<time>(+/-)hhmm⁠

  • ⁠<time>(+/-)hh⁠

The first, ⁠<time>Z⁠, is zone designator for the zero UTC offset; it's equivalent to "+00:00". The next two are formats for providing the time offsets from UTC with hours and minutes fields. Examples are "-05:00" (New York, standard time), "+0200" (Cairo), and "+05:30" (Mumbai). Note that the colon is optional but leading zeros to maintain two-digit widths are essential. The final format, ⁠<time>(+/-)hh⁠, omits the minutes field and as so many offsets have "00" minutes values, this can be convenient.

We can also supply an Olson/IANA-style time zone identifier (tzid) in parentheses within the string, or, as a value supplied to use_tz (should a tzid apply to all date/time/datetime values in the input vector). By extension, this would use the form: ⁠YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.s<TZD>(<tzid>)⁠. Both a ⁠<TZD>⁠ (UTC offset value) and a ⁠<tzid>⁠ shouldn't really be used together but if that occurs the ⁠<tzid>⁠ overrides the UTC offset. Here are some examples:

  • "2018-07-04T22:05 (America/Vancouver)" (preferable)

  • "2018-07-04T22:05-0800(America/Vancouver)" (redundant, but still okay)

A tzid contains much more information about the time zone than a UTC offset value since it is tied to some geographical location and the timing of Standard Time (STD) and Daylight Saving Time (DST) is known. In essence we can derive UTC offset values from a tzid and also a host of other identifiers (time zone names, their abbreviations, etc.). Here are some examples of valid tzid values that can be used:

  • "America/Jamaica" (the official time in Jamaica, or, "Jamaica Time")

  • "Australia/Perth" ("+08:00" year round in Western Australia)

  • "Europe/Dublin" (IST/GMT time: "+01:00"/"+00:00")

The tz database (a compilation of information about the world's time zones) consists of canonical zone names (those that are primary and preferred) and alternative names (less preferred in modern usage, and was either discarded or more commonly replaced by a canonical zone name). The fdt() function can handle both types and what occurs is that non-canonical tzid values are internally mapped onto canonical zone names. Here's a few examples:

  • "Africa/Luanda" (in Angola) maps to "Africa/Lagos"

  • "America/Indianapolis" maps to "America/Indiana/Indianapolis"

  • "Asia/Calcutta" maps to "Asia/Kolkata"

  • "Pacific/Midway" maps to "Pacific/Pago_Pago"

  • "Egypt" maps to "Africa/Cairo"

For the most part, the Olson-format tzid follows the form "{region}/{city}" where the region is usually a continent, the city is considered an 'exemplar city', and the exemplar city itself belongs in a country.

Date/Time Format Syntax

A formatting pattern as used in bigD consists of a string of characters, where certain strings are replaced with date and time data that are derived from the parsed input.

The characters used in patterns are tabulated below to show which specific strings produce which outputs (e.g., "y" for the year). A common pattern is characters that are used consecutively to produce variations on a date, time, or timezone output. Say that the year in the input is 2015. If using "yy" you'll get "15" but with "yyyy" the output becomes "1999". There's a whole lot of this, so the following subsections try to illustrate as best as possible what each string will produce. All of the examples will use this string-based datetime input unless otherwise indicated:



Calendar Year (little y)

This yields the calendar year, which is always numeric. In most cases the length of the "y" field specifies the minimum number of digits to display, zero-padded as necessary. More digits will be displayed if needed to show the full year. There is an exception: "yy" gives use just the two low-order digits of the year, zero-padded as necessary. For most use cases, "y" or "yy" should be good enough.

Field Patterns Output
"y" "2018"
"yy" "18"
"yyy" to "yyyyyyyyy" "2018" to "000002018"
Year in the Week in Year Calendar (big Y)

This is the year in 'Week of Year' based calendars in which the year transition occurs on a week boundary. This may differ from calendar year "y" near a year transition. This numeric year designation is used in conjunction with pattern character "w" in the ISO year-week calendar as defined by ISO 8601.

Field Patterns Output
"Y" "2018"
"YY" "18"
"YYY" to "YYYYYYYYY" "2018" to "000002018"


Quarter of the Year: formatting (big Q) and standalone (little q)

The quarter names are identified numerically, starting at 1 and ending at 4. Quarter names may vary along two axes: the width and the context. The context is either 'formatting' (taken as a default), which the form used within a complete date format string, or, 'standalone', the form for date elements used independently (such as in calendar headers). The standalone form may be used in any other date format that shares the same form of the name. Here, the formatting form for quarters of the year consists of some run of "Q" values whereas the standalone form uses "q".

Field Patterns Output Notes
"Q"/"q" "3" Numeric, one digit
"QQ"/"qq" "03" Numeric, two digits (zero padded)
"QQQ"/"qqq" "Q3" Abbreviated
"QQQQ"/"qqqq" "3rd quarter" Wide
"QQQQQ"/"qqqqq" "3" Narrow


Month: formatting (big M) and standalone (big L)

The month names are identified numerically, starting at 1 and ending at 12. Month names may vary along two axes: the width and the context. The context is either 'formatting' (taken as a default), which the form used within a complete date format string, or, 'standalone', the form for date elements used independently (such as in calendar headers). The standalone form may be used in any other date format that shares the same form of the name. Here, the formatting form for months consists of some run of "M" values whereas the standalone form uses "L".

Field Patterns Output Notes
"M"/"L" "7" Numeric, minimum digits
"MM"/"LL" "07" Numeric, two digits (zero padded)
"MMM"/"LLL" "Jul" Abbreviated
"MMMM"/"LLLL" "July" Wide
"MMMMM"/"LLLLL" "J" Narrow


Week of Year (little w)

Values calculated for the week of year range from 1 to 53. Week 1 for a year is the first week that contains at least the specified minimum number of days from that year. Weeks between week 1 of one year and week 1 of the following year are numbered sequentially from 2 to 52 or 53 (if needed).

There are two available field lengths. Both will display the week of year value but the "ww" width will always show two digits (where weeks 1 to 9 are zero padded).

Field Patterns Output Notes
"w" "27" Minimum digits
"ww" "27" Two digits (zero padded)
Week of Month (big W)

The week of a month can range from 1 to 5. The first day of every month always begins at week 1 and with every transition into the beginning of a week, the week of month value is incremented by 1.

Field Pattern Output
"W" "1"


Day of Month (little d)

The day of month value is always numeric and there are two available field length choices in its formatting. Both will display the day of month value but the "dd" formatting will always show two digits (where days 1 to 9 are zero padded).

Field Patterns Output Notes
"d" "4" Minimum digits
"dd" "04" Two digits, zero padded
Day of Year (big D)

The day of year value ranges from 1 (January 1) to either 365 or 366 (December 31), where the higher value of the range indicates that the year is a leap year (29 days in February, instead of 28). The field length specifies the minimum number of digits, with zero-padding as necessary.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"D" "185"
"DD" "185" Zero padded to minimum width of 2
"DDD" "185" Zero padded to minimum width of 3
Day of Week in Month (big F)

The day of week in month returns a numerical value indicating the number of times a given weekday had occurred in the month (e.g., '2nd Monday in March'). This conveniently resolves to predicable case structure where ranges of day of the month values return predictable day of week in month values:

  • days 1 - 7 -> 1

  • days 8 - 14 -> 2

  • days 15 - 21 -> 3

  • days 22 - 28 -> 4

  • days 29 - 31 -> 5

Field Pattern Output
"F" "1"
Modified Julian Date (little g)

The modified version of the Julian date is obtained by subtracting 2,400,000.5 days from the Julian date (the number of days since January 1, 4713 BC). This essentially results in the number of days since midnight November 17, 1858. There is a half day offset (unlike the Julian date, the modified Julian date is referenced to midnight instead of noon).

Field Patterns Output
"g" to "ggggggggg" "58303" -> "000058303"


Day of Week Name (big E)

The name of the day of week is offered in four different widths.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"E", "EE", or "EEE" "Wed" Abbreviated
"EEEE" "Wednesday" Wide
"EEEEE" "W" Narrow
"EEEEEE" "We" Short


AM/PM Period of Day (little a)

This denotes before noon and after noon time periods. May be upper or lowercase depending on the locale and other options. The wide form may be the same as the short form if the 'real' long form (e.g. 'ante meridiem') is not customarily used. The narrow form must be unique, unlike some other fields.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"a", "aa", or "aaa" "PM" Abbreviated
"aaaa" "PM" Wide
"aaaaa" "p" Narrow
AM/PM Period of Day Plus Noon and Midnight (little b)

Provide AM and PM as well as phrases for exactly noon and midnight. May be upper or lowercase depending on the locale and other options. If the locale doesn't have the notion of a unique 'noon' (i.e., 12:00), then the PM form may be substituted. A similar behavior can occur for 'midnight' (00:00) and the AM form. The narrow form must be unique, unlike some other fields.

(a) input_midnight: "2020-05-05T00:00:00" (b) input_noon: "2020-05-05T12:00:00"

Field Patterns Output Notes
"b", "bb", or "bbb" (a) "midnight" Abbreviated
(b) "noon"
"bbbb" (a) "midnight" Wide
(b) "noon"
"bbbbb" (a) "mi" Narrow
(b) "n"
Flexible Day Periods (big B)

Flexible day periods denotes things like 'in the afternoon', 'in the evening', etc., and the flexibility comes from a locale's language and script. Each locale has an associated rule set that specifies when the day periods start and end for that locale.

(a) input_morning: "2020-05-05T00:08:30" (b) input_afternoon: "2020-05-05T14:00:00"

Field Patterns Output Notes
"B", "BB", or "BBB" (a) "in the morning" Abbreviated
(b) "in the afternoon"
"BBBB" (a) "in the morning" Wide
(b) "in the afternoon"
"BBBBB" (a) "in the morning" Narrow
(b) "in the afternoon"

Hours, Minutes, and Seconds

Hour 0-23 (big H)

Hours from 0 to 23 are for a standard 24-hour clock cycle (midnight plus 1 minute is 00:01) when using "HH" (which is the more common width that indicates zero-padding to 2 digits).

Using "2015-08-01T08:35:09":

Field Patterns Output Notes
"H" "8" Numeric, minimum digits
"HH" "08" Numeric, 2 digits (zero padded)
Hour 1-12 (little h)

Hours from 1 to 12 are for a standard 12-hour clock cycle (midnight plus 1 minute is 12:01) when using "hh" (which is the more common width that indicates zero-padding to 2 digits).

Using "2015-08-01T08:35:09":

Field Patterns Output Notes
"h" "8" Numeric, minimum digits
"hh" "08" Numeric, 2 digits (zero padded)
Hour 1-24 (little k)

Using hours from 1 to 24 is a less common way to express a 24-hour clock cycle (midnight plus 1 minute is 24:01) when using "kk" (which is the more common width that indicates zero-padding to 2 digits).

Using "2015-08-01T08:35:09":

Field Patterns Output Notes
"k" "9" Numeric, minimum digits
"kk" "09" Numeric, 2 digits (zero padded)
Hour 0-11 (big K)

Using hours from 0 to 11 is a less common way to express a 12-hour clock cycle (midnight plus 1 minute is 00:01) when using "KK" (which is the more common width that indicates zero-padding to 2 digits).

Using "2015-08-01T08:35:09":

Field Patterns Output Notes
"K" "7" Numeric, minimum digits
"KK" "07" Numeric, 2 digits (zero padded)
Minute (little m)

The minute of the hour which can be any number from 0 to 59. Use "m" to show the minimum number of digits, or "mm" to always show two digits (zero-padding, if necessary).

Field Patterns Output Notes
"m" "5" Numeric, minimum digits
"mm" "06" Numeric, 2 digits (zero padded)
Seconds (little s)

The second of the minute which can be any number from 0 to 59. Use "s" to show the minimum number of digits, or "ss" to always show two digits (zero-padding, if necessary).

Field Patterns Output Notes
"s" "9" Numeric, minimum digits
"ss" "09" Numeric, 2 digits (zero padded)
Fractional Second (big S)

The fractional second truncates (like other time fields) to the width requested (i.e., count of letters). So using pattern "SSSS" will display four digits past the decimal (which, incidentally, needs to be added manually to the pattern).

Field Patterns Output
"S" to "SSSSSSSSS" "2" -> "235000000"
Milliseconds Elapsed in Day (big A)

There are 86,400,000 milliseconds in a day and the "A" pattern will provide the whole number. The width can go up to nine digits with "AAAAAAAAA" and these higher field widths will result in zero padding if necessary.

Using "2011-07-27T00:07:19.7223":

Field Patterns Output
"A" to "AAAAAAAAA" "439722" -> "000439722"


The Era Designator (big G)

This provides the era name for the given date. The Gregorian calendar has two eras: AD and BC. In the AD year numbering system, AD 1 is immediately preceded by 1 BC, with nothing in between them (there was no year zero).

Field Patterns Output Notes
"G", "GG", or "GGG" "AD" Abbreviated
"GGGG" "Anno Domini" Wide
"GGGGG" "A" Narrow

Time Zones

TZ // Short and Long Specific non-Location Format (little z)

The short and long specific non-location formats for time zones are suggested for displaying a time with a user friendly time zone name. Where the short specific format is unavailable, it will fall back to the short localized GMT format ("O"). Where the long specific format is unavailable, it will fall back to the long localized GMT format ("OOOO").

Field Patterns Output Notes
"z", "zz", or "zzz" "PDT" Short Specific
"zzzz" "Pacific Daylight Time" Long Specific
TZ // Common UTC Offset Formats (big Z)

The ISO8601 basic format with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields is represented by "Z", "ZZ", or "ZZZ". The format is equivalent to RFC 822 zone format (when the optional seconds field is absent). This is equivalent to the "xxxx" specifier. The field pattern "ZZZZ" represents the long localized GMT format. This is equivalent to the "OOOO" specifier. Finally, "ZZZZZ" pattern yields the ISO8601 extended format with hours, minutes and optional seconds fields. The ISO8601 UTC indicator Z is used when local time offset is 0. This is equivalent to the "XXXXX" specifier.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"Z", "ZZ", or "ZZZ" "-0700" ISO 8601 basic format
"ZZZZ" "GMT-7:00" Long localized GMT format
"ZZZZZ" "-07:00" ISO 8601 extended format
TZ // Short and Long Localized GMT Formats (big O)

The localized GMT formats come in two widths "O" (which removes the minutes field if it's 0) and "OOOO" (which always contains the minutes field). The use of the GMT indicator changes according to the locale.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"O" "GMT-7" Short localized GMT format
"OOOO" "GMT-07:00" Long localized GMT format
TZ // Short and Long Generic non-Location Formats (little v)

The generic non-location formats are useful for displaying a recurring wall time (e.g., events, meetings) or anywhere people do not want to be overly specific. Where either of these is unavailable, there is a fallback to the generic location format ("VVVV"), then the short localized GMT format as the final fallback.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"v" "PT" Short generic non-location format
"vvvv" "Pacific Time" Long generic non-location format
TZ // Short Time Zone IDs and Exemplar City Formats (big V)

These formats provide variations of the time zone ID and often include the exemplar city. The widest of these formats, "VVVV", is useful for populating a choice list for time zones, because it supports 1-to-1 name/zone ID mapping and is more uniform than other text formats.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"V" "cavan" Short time zone ID
"VV" "America/Vancouver" Long time zone ID
"VVV" "Vancouver" The tz exemplar city
"VVVV" "Vancouver Time" Generic location format
TZ // ISO 8601 Formats with Z for +0000 (big X)

The "X"-"XXX" field patterns represent valid ISO 8601 patterns for time zone offsets in datetimes. The final two widths, "XXXX" and "XXXXX" allow for optional seconds fields. The seconds field is not supported by the ISO 8601 specification. For all of these, the ISO 8601 UTC indicator Z is used when the local time offset is 0.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"X" "-07" ISO 8601 basic format (h, optional m)
"XX" "-0700" ISO 8601 basic format (h & m)
"XXX" "-07:00" ISO 8601 extended format (h & m)
"XXXX" "-0700" ISO 8601 basic format (h & m, optional s)
"XXXXX" "-07:00" ISO 8601 extended format (h & m, optional s)
TZ // ISO 8601 Formats (no use of Z for +0000) (little x)

The "x"-"xxxxx" field patterns represent valid ISO 8601 patterns for time zone offsets in datetimes. They are similar to the "X"-"XXXXX" field patterns except that the ISO 8601 UTC indicator Z will not be used when the local time offset is 0.

Field Patterns Output Notes
"x" "-07" ISO 8601 basic format (h, optional m)
"xx" "-0700" ISO 8601 basic format (h & m)
"xxx" "-07:00" ISO 8601 extended format (h & m)
"xxxx" "-0700" ISO 8601 basic format (h & m, optional s)
"xxxxx" "-07:00" ISO 8601 extended format (h & m, optional s)


Basics with input datetimes, formatting strings, and localization

With an input datetime of "2018-07-04 22:05" supplied as a string, we can format to get just a date with the full year first, the month abbreviation second, and the day of the month last (separated by hyphens):

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = "y-MMM-dd"
#> [1] "2018-Jul-04"

There are sometimes many options for each time part. Instead of using "y-MMM-dd", let's try a variation on that with "yy-MMMM-d":

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = "yy-MMMM-d"
#> [1] "18-July-4"

The output is localizable and so elements will be translated when supplying the appropriate locale code. Let's use locale = es to get the month written in Spanish:

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = "yy-MMMM-d",
  locale = "es"
#> [1] "18-julio-4"

POSIXct or POSIXlt datetimes can serve as an input to fdt(). Let's create a single datetime value where the timezone is set as "Asia/Tokyo".

  input = lubridate::ymd_hms("2020-03-15 19:09:12", tz = "Asia/Tokyo"),
  format = "EEEE, MMMM d, y 'at' h:mm:ss B (VVVV)"
#> [1] "Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 7:09:12 in the evening (Tokyo Time)"

If you're going minimal, it's possible to supply an input datetime string without a format directive. What this gives us is formatted datetime output that conforms to ISO 8601. Note that the implied time zone is UTC.

fdt(input = "2018-07-04 22:05")
#> [1] "2018-07-04T22:05:00Z"

Using locales stored in the fdt_locales_lst list

The fdt_locales_lst object is provided in bigD to make it easier to choose one of supported locales. You can avoid typing errors and every element of the list is meant to work. For example, we can use the "it" locale by accessing it from fdt_locales_lst (autocomplete makes this relatively simple).

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = "yy-MMMM-d",
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$it
#> [1] "18-luglio-4"

Omission of date or time in input

You don't have to supply a full datetime to input. Just supplying the date portion implies midnight (and is just fine if you're only going to present the date anyway).

fdt(input = "2018-07-04")
#> [1] "2018-07-04T00:00:00Z"

If you omit the date and just supply a time, fdt() will correctly parse this. The current date on the user system will be used because we need to create some sort of datetime value internally. Again, this is alright if you just intend to present a formatted time value.

fdt(input = "22:05")
#> [1] "2022-08-16T22:05:00Z"

To see all of the supported locales, we can look at the vector supplied by the fdt_locales_vec() function.

Using standardized forms with the ⁠standard_*()⁠ helper functions

With an input datetime of "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)", we can format the date and time in a standardized way with standard_date_time() providing the correct formatting string. This function is invoked in the format argument of fdt():

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "full")
#> [1] "Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 10:05:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time"

The locale can be changed and we don't have to worry about the particulars of the formatting string (they are standardized across locales).

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "full"),
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$nl
#> [1] "woensdag 4 juli 2018 om 22:05:00 Pacific-zomertijd"

We can use different type values to control the output datetime string. The default is "short".

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time()
#> [1] "7/4/18, 10:05 PM"

After that, it's "medium":

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "medium")
#> [1] "Jul 4, 2018, 10:05:00 PM"

The "short" and "medium" types don't display time zone information in the output. Beginning with "long", the tz is shown.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "long")
#> [1] "July 4, 2018 at 10:05:00 PM PDT"

If you don't include time zone information in the input, the "UTC" time zone will be assumed:

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "full")
#> [1] "Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 10:05:00 PM GMT+00:00"

Using flexible date and time (12- and 24-hour) formatting

The bigD package supplies a set of lists to allow for flexible date and time formatting (flex_d_lst, flex_t24_lst, and flex_t12_lst). These are useful when you need a particular format that works across all locales. Here's an example that uses the "yMMMEd" flexible date type by accessing it from the flex_d_lst object, yielding a formatted date.

  input = "2021-01-09 16:32(America/Toronto)",
  format = flex_d_lst$yMMMEd,
#> [1] "Sat, Jan 9, 2021"

If we wanted this in a different locale, the locale-specific format pattern behind the flexible date identifier would ensure consistency while moving to that locale.

  input = "2021-01-09 16:32(America/Toronto)",
  format = flex_d_lst$yMMMEd,
  locale = "fr_CA"
#> [1] "sam. 9 janv. 2021"

Formatting as a 12-hour time with the flex_t12_lst list and using the "hms" flexible type:

  input = "2021-01-09 16:32(America/Toronto)",
  format = flex_t12_lst$hms
#> [1] "4:32:00 PM"

The 24-hour variant, flex_t24_lst, has a similar "Hms" flexible type that will give us a 24-hour version of the same clock time:

  input = "2021-01-09 16:32(America/Toronto)",
  format = flex_t24_lst$Hms
#> [1] "16:32:00"

A flexible date and time can be used together by enveloping the two in a list (bigD will handle putting the date and time together in a sensible manner).

  input = "2021-01-09 16:32(America/Toronto)",
  format = list(flex_d_lst$yMMMEd, flex_t24_lst$Hmv)
#> "Sat, Jan 9, 2021, 16:32 ET"

A list of all supported locales


The fdt_locales_lst object is a list of all supported locales. This is useful when used with the fdt() function as the list can be auto-completed with a locale identifier and this generates valid input for the locale argument.




An object of class list of length 574.


A list where each element corresponds to a supported locale ID.


The fdt_locales_lst object can be incredibly useful when choosing one of supported locales. You can avoid typing errors and every element of the list is meant to work. In this example, we'll use the "da" locale through use of the list.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = "yy-MMMM-d",
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$da
#> [1] "18-juli-4"

Get a vector of all supported locales


The fdt_locales_vec() function produces a vector of all supported locale IDs in the bigD package.




A character vector of supported locale IDs.


# Let's get all the `ar` locales that exist
# in the vector produced by `fdt_locales_vec()`
fdt_locales_vec()[grep("^ar", fdt_locales_vec())]

# Let's get all the locales that pertain to the
# `CH` territory in the vector produced by
# `fdt_locales_vec()`
fdt_locales_vec()[grep("CH", fdt_locales_vec())]

Get a named vector of all first-day-of-the-week names for different regions


The names_months() function produces a vector of all short month names used by the bigD package.




A character vector of short month names.


# Let's get a vector of regions where the
# first day of the week is Saturday
names(first_day_of_week()[first_day_of_week() == "sat"])

A list of all flexible date types


The flex_d_lst object is a list of widely supported flexible date types. Flexible date types are classes of date formatting which can be translated across locales. There are 26 flexible date types in flex_d_lst.




An object of class list of length 26.


A list where each element corresponds to a classifier for a flexible date type.


The flex_d_lst object can be incredibly useful when you need to get a format for date formatting that works across all locales. You can avoid typing errors by using this list and every flexible date type from this list is guaranteed to work across all supported locales. In this example, we'll use the "yMMMEd" flexible date type by accessing it from the flex_d_lst object.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = flex_d_lst$yMMMEd,
  locale = "en"
#> [1] "Wed, Jul 4, 2018"

If we wanted this in a different locale, the locale-specific format pattern behind the flexible date identifier would ensure consistency while moving to that locale. Let's use the fdt_locales_lst object in the same spirit to specify the French (Canada) locale.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = flex_d_lst$yMMMEd,
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$fr_CA
#> [1] "mer. 4 juill. 2018"

Get a vector of all flexible date types


The flex_d_vec() function produces a vector of all supported flexible date types in the bigD package. These types are essentially identifiers for classes of cross-locale date formatting, so, none of these should be used directly in the format argument of the fdt() function (use the flex_d_lst object for that).




A character vector of supported flexible date types.

A list of all 12-hour flexible time types


The flex_t12_lst object is a list of the 12-hour flexible time types which are widely supported. Flexible time types are classes of time formatting which can be translated across locales. There are 12 flexible time types of the 12-hour variety in flex_t12_lst.




An object of class list of length 12.


A list where each element corresponds to a classifier for a 12-hour flexible time type.


The flex_t12_lst object can be incredibly useful when you need to get a format for 12-hour time formatting that works across all locales. You can avoid typing errors by using this list and every flexible time type from this list is guaranteed to work across all supported locales. In this example, we'll use the "Ehms" flexible time type by accessing it from the flex_t12_lst object.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = flex_t12_lst$Bhms,
  locale = "en"
#> [1] "10:05:00 at night"

If we wanted this in a different locale, the locale-specific format pattern behind the flexible date identifier would ensure consistency while moving to that locale. Let's use the fdt_locales_lst object in the same spirit to specify the German (Austria) locale.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = flex_t12_lst$Bhms,
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$de_AT
#> [1] "10:05:00 abends"

Get a vector of all 12-hour flexible time types


The flex_t12_vec() function produces a vector of all supported flexible 12-hour time types in the bigD package. These types are essentially identifiers for classes of cross-locale time formatting, so, none of these should be used directly in the format argument of the fdt() function (use the flex_t12_lst object for that).




A character vector of supported 12-hour flexible time types.

A list of all 24-hour flexible time types


The flex_t24_lst object is a list of the 24-hour flexible time types which are widely supported. Flexible time types are classes of time formatting which can be translated across locales. There are 8 flexible time types of the 24-hour variety in flex_t24_lst.




An object of class list of length 8.


A list where each element corresponds to a classifier for a 24-hour flexible time type.


The flex_t24_lst object can be incredibly useful when you need to get a format for 24-hour time formatting that works across all locales. You can avoid typing errors by using this list and every flexible time type from this list is guaranteed to work across all supported locales. In this example, we'll use the "EHms" flexible time type by accessing it from the flex_t24_lst object.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = flex_t24_lst$EHms,
  locale = "en"
#> [1] "Wed 22:05:00"

If we wanted this in a different locale, the locale-specific format pattern behind the flexible date identifier would ensure consistency while moving to that locale. Let's use the fdt_locales_lst object in the same spirit to specify the German locale.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = flex_t24_lst$EHms,
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$de
#> [1] "Mi, 22:05:00"

Get a vector of all 24-hour flexible time types


The flex_t24_vec() function produces a vector of all supported flexible 24-hour time types in the bigD package. These types are essentially identifiers for classes of cross-locale time formatting, so, none of these should be used directly in the format argument of the fdt() function (use the flex_t24_lst object for that).




A character vector of supported 24-hour flexible time types.

Get a vector of all the short month names


The names_months() function produces a vector of all short month names used by the bigD package.




A character vector of short month names.


# Let's get all the short month names with
# the `names_months()` function

Get a vector of all the short weekday names


The names_wkdays() function produces a vector of all short weekday names used by the bigD package.




A character vector of short weekday names.


# Let's get all the short weekday names with
# the `names_wkdays()` function

Obtain a standard date format that works across locales


The standard_date() function can be invoked in the format argument of the fdt() function to help generate a locale-specific formatting string of a certain 'type' of formatted date. The type value is a keyword that represents precision and verbosity; the available keywords are "short" (the default), "medium", "long", and "full".


standard_date(type = c("short", "medium", "long", "full"))



One of four standardized types for the resulting date that range in precision and verbosity. These are "short" (the default), "medium", "long", and "full".


A vector of class date_time_pattern.


With an input datetime of "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)", we can format as a date in a standardized way with standard_date() providing the correct formatting string. This function is invoked in the format argument of fdt():

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date(type = "full")
#> [1] "Wednesday, July 4, 2018"

The locale can be changed and we don't have to worry about the particulars of the formatting string (they are standardized across locales).

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date(type = "full"),
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$nl
#> [1] "woensdag 4 juli 2018"

We can use different type values to control the output date string. The default is "short".

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date()
#> [1] "7/4/18"

After that, it's "medium":

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date(type = "medium")
#> [1] "Jul 4, 2018"

Then, "long":

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date(type = "long")
#> [1] "July 4, 2018"

And finally up to "full", which was demonstrated in the first example.

Obtain a standard datetime format that works across locales


The standard_date_time() function can be invoked in the format argument of the fdt() function to help generate a locale-specific formatting string of a certain 'type' of formatted datetime. The type value is a keyword that represents precision and verbosity; the available keywords are "short" (the default), "medium", "long", and "full".


standard_date_time(type = c("short", "medium", "long", "full"))



One of four standardized types for the resulting datetime that range in precision and verbosity. These are "short" (the default), "medium", "long", and "full".


A vector of class date_time_pattern.


With an input datetime of "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)", we can format the date and time in a standardized way with standard_date_time() providing the correct formatting string. This function is invoked in the format argument of fdt():

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "full")
#> [1] "Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 10:05:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time"

The locale can be changed and we don't have to worry about the particulars of the formatting string (they are standardized across locales).

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "full"),
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$nl
#> [1] "woensdag 4 juli 2018 om 22:05:00 Pacific-zomertijd"

We can use different type values to control the output datetime string. The default is "short".

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time()
#> [1] "7/4/18, 10:05 PM"

After that, it's "medium":

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "medium")
#> [1] "Jul 4, 2018, 10:05:00 PM"

The "short" and "medium" types don't display time zone information in the output. Beginning with "long", the tz is shown.

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "long")
#> [1] "July 4, 2018 at 10:05:00 PM PDT"

If you don't include time zone information in the input, the "UTC" time zone will be assumed:

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05",
  format = standard_date_time(type = "full")
#> [1] "Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 10:05:00 PM GMT+00:00"

Obtain a standard time format that works across locales


The standard_time() function can be invoked in the format argument of the fdt() function to help generate a locale-specific formatting string of a certain 'type' of formatted time. The type value is a keyword that represents precision and verbosity; the available keywords are "short" (the default), "medium", "long", and "full".


standard_time(type = c("short", "medium", "long", "full"))



One of four standardized types for the resulting time that range in precision and verbosity. These are "short" (the default), "medium", "long", and "full".


A vector of class date_time_pattern.


With an input datetime of "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)", we can format as a time in a standardized way with standard_time() providing the correct formatting string. This function is invoked in the format argument of fdt():

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_time(type = "full")
#> [1] "10:05:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time"

The locale can be changed and we don't have to worry about the particulars of the formatting string (they are standardized across locales).

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_time(type = "full"),
  locale = fdt_locales_lst$nl
#> [1] "22:05:00 Pacific-zomertijd"

We can use different type values to control the output date string. The default is "short".

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_time()
#> [1] "10:05 PM"

After that, it's "medium":

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_time(type = "medium")
#> [1] "10:05:00 PM"

Then, "long":

  input = "2018-07-04 22:05(America/Vancouver)",
  format = standard_time(type = "long")
#> [1] "10:05:00 PM PDT"

And finally up to "full", which was demonstrated in the first example.